My eye floaters disappeared forum They will always be in your eyes, but despite what many downers here will say you can definitely Anyone whose floaters have gone away (anecdotal of course) probably have left the subreddit or never came here in the first place. Floaters and Junk. They're hard to follow. When this gel detaches, this results in a My floaters disappeared after I used oral proteolytic enzymes. Forums. Some are moderate sized gray patches and I have a few small black spots. The fact that we cant filter them out and due to this fact see massive amounts of them is the part thats not normal. The next morning, the vision was a bit blurry but seemed better than before surgery. Ok so I have been coping with eye floaters for about two years, I have never been to an eye doctor about them yet (probably should). Objects like floaters close to the retina are less apparent when light can enter the eye under wider angles (when the pupil is dilated) because more light will reach the retina area under the floater. They may At the time I had conjunctivitis which was treated with eye drops and within a few days the floaters disappeared completely. Stash wrote General discussion and support forum. When they are first noticed, the natural reaction is to attempt to look directly at them. I was losing my mind and went to 6 different eye doctors. Greg. During the 2020 pandemic I developed massive floaters in my eyes, about 50% of my vision was affected, I went to the public and private doctor and the answer in both was: it's OK, you don't have many, go on with your life. just like the delay of normal floaters. Message 5 of 44 (2,173 Views) Reply. i work outside, cant enjoy my day. This study suggests that a 3 month course of bromelain (the enzyme in pineapples) may help. Floaters certainly have not disappeared with any eyepieces tried, but seem more easily ignored with some. Thus, they generally follow the rapid motions of the eye, while drifting slowly within the fluid. This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. Have eye floaters disappeared for folks suffering from mycotoxins following detox? How long did it take you and any tips would be appreciated! Flashes and floaters in your visual field are common, but their causes aren’t all equal. Common causes of eye floaters include age-related changes, eye injuries, and Floaters happen because the vitreous gel in our eye shrinks and detaches from the retina. Usual symptom imperative kicked in at the time too- floaters disappeared, new symptom started. I've just noticed it a 3 days ago after extensive use of computer. My left eye floaters were long and cobweb-like and had a bunch of dark dots, and the right eye had so many god damn jumbled shapes that moved around fluidly. This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. Limit your screen time! Don't look at screens right before bedtime and after just waking up. Experienced eye floaters and visual snow randomly one day then just dealt with it for 2 years. For sporting clays where there is a lot of eye movement the floaters can be a problem. Call Us. They are rigidly fixed and move with the gaze. Right now I am 22 and I would describe my floaters as moderate: way worse than for the average person, but probably better than a lot of people in this forum experience them (around 6 floaters in each eye, two of them being black dots in my central vision). i cured my eye floaters by working in a coal mine during the day and moving into my own cave with the only light coming from my laptop. Treatment can depend on the cause, but may Blogs & Forums: Forums: Wellness: Eye Floaters; meaning I bruise & bleed freely, and get eye 'floaters'. In addition, I also had what some people call "cobwebs" which looked like slowly moving semi-transparent silk veils. Occasionally, I'll have to put my gun down and re-mount. or eye floaters. eye, floaters, vitreo Eye floaters are small structures (clumps of protein) inside your eye that cause you to see spots, transparent blobs or tiny worm-like shapes drifting through your vision. I'm just after at little info and advice. The thought of losing vision in my remaining eye causes me a lot of anxiety and the floaters haven't helped. My right eye got so bad I had a huge floater that I couldn’t see past it. Caused seeing problems with everything I did. And never notice them anywhere, but I got stressed and booked an appointment Whith an eye doctor, he told me that the jelly substance has changed a little bit . im making this post after practicing softball for my game tomorrow, and i couldnt even focus on This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. Increased noticeability of floaters can be caused by aging, eye diseases, and But floaters aren't the only component that makes up my eye. I do believe that low B12 can cause floaters in the eyes but there are other conditions that can cause it as well. Do check out that Floatertalk forum. But today, on my walk, I noticed some floaters, at first thinking they were birds or something crossing my path. They disappear quickly into the background. I just want ask you about eye floaters ( threads and spots ) I first notice working in my office . Floaters are small specks or clouds that move in your field of vision and are caused by changes in the vitreous, the gel-like substance that fills the back of your eye. The lines/floaters are gone. Other more serious causes for eye floaters also include: Eye Eye floaters are small, visible specks or lines that move across one’s field of vision. While most eye floaters will never truly disappear, they do generally decrease in size and severity daily – becoming less and less irritating as time passes. I have a little bit of discomfort/pain in my left eye when i move it suddenly from one end to another end and i have eye floaters in my both of eyes. . After reading your description I can't wait to test it and see if it improves my floaters. When I say "floaters", I mean things in my field of vision that looked like blood corpuscles slowly pulsing randomly along veins in my eyes. This I'm mid 30s. Tess, when I have my monthly eye injection, it produces floaters like black wiggly worms and huge soap like bubbles. Although they appear to be in front of the eye, they are actually floating in the vitreous im 20 fucking years old. 5. I have an appointment in next 2 days n i'm really anxious what it is. In some cases, underlying conditions such as a torn retina or diabetic Eye floaters may disappear on their own. Eye floaters are small, shadowy shapes that drift across your field of vision, often resembling spots, threads, or cobwebs. I believe they started to fade in my late 20s and as far as I can tell, the process is still continuing. But for trap shooting, it's not so bad. While most floaters are benign, it is essential to be aware of Hey everyone I'm over a month into my detox and have noticed my eye floaters have improved a little but remain noticeable. If tinnitus would shut up for eight hours a night, I wouldn't be bitching about it. Btw, im new here i just started to notice eye floaters just 1 month back. There's one floater in my left eye that is now REALLY diminished and I think it is going down as well. They are a common visual phenomenon, particularly as you age. They been driving me crazy for about 3 years. Heya, Floaters! As someone who woke up a few years ago with hundreds of black dot floaters in my eye, I thought it would be helpful to explain my journey with them. The bad news is that it can take a long time for the floaters to disappear – up to many months. I find them very distracting - "Was that a mouse I'm not really sure what would be causing floaters in my eyes. No floaters. The surgeon confirmed that there was no damage to the retina. You need to make sure you go to a optimalologist to have it checked. I took doses of Milk Thistle, Ginko Balboa, and Lutein and they seemed to fade more/not notice them as frequently. by: BobHartung I'm lucky. The old floaters are gone. There are no eye drops or medications you can take for floaters. do not worry about any thing else except your health and yourself . with Type 2 diabetes 13 months ago and went on the no grains, potatoes or sugar diet and A1C is 5. Floaters move around as you shift your glance and are most obvious when you are looking at a uniform, bright background such as a blank wall or clear blue sky. These floaters occur when tiny clumps of gel or cells form in the vitreous humor, the clear gel-like substance that fills the inside of your eye. Developed floaters last September. The blood in my sclera is 95% gone (at this point, I look slightly jaundice in my operated eye). Benefactor. Last Sunday 8/14/22 after hiking out of a very strenuous 6 day backpack while driving home, suddenly was seeing dark strand like globs floating about in my left eye. Javier Posts: 827 Joined: Tue May 09, 2017 11:19 am Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am 31 with myopia and no My left eye's vision is almost obscured by floaters. Dark area in vision NOT FLOATERS By tien16437 Last reply 13 months ago. When it first happened, it My floaters disappeared after I used oral proteolytic enzymes. My optometrist said he thought I had the beginnings of macular degeneration, so I got a second opinion at an ophthalmologist; he said the changes in While eye floaters often disappear on their own, natural remedies and lifestyle changes can speed up the process and alleviate their impact on daily life. when the eyes reached the final position after the eye moved, rhe cloud will not completely vanish but will be less noticable. These new black dots are very annoying. On web found info on PVD eye floaters I'd never heard of. Fast forward to late August and I had an incident where I got a small amount of car gearbox fluid in my eyes. the cloud will make the In some cases, eye floaters may be a sign of an underlying eye condition or disease. The good news is that these floaters will get better with time as the gel in our eye gradually becomes more liquified. eye, floaters, vitreo Well for everyones info, my floaters were caused by a Use dark mode on all your screens. trauma i have floaters all the time. Guess what. Patient Forums for Eye Problems. If this keeps up, I'll finally be free of floaters Eye floaters and flashes are common symptoms which often affect normal eyes. Anyone have experience with them? My floaters disappeared after I used oral proteolytic enzymes. About 3 years ago, I started to notice a severe increase in the amount of eye floaters I had. Got a dandy in my left eye about 10 days ago. We aim to be respectful in our discussions and Eye floaters are not just a function of old age, and so long as you have proper visual acuity (can pass the vision tests) and they aren't interfering with your vision (other than an annoyance) they should not present a problem, so long as this doesn't progress or get worse. New posts Search forums. I have a lot clearer vision but I have to put up with this now. (right eye) but my eye floaters disappeared somehow (now I have a cataract), then my left eye got bad floaters so now I’m waiting for whats Eye floaters are small, shadowy shapes that drift across your field of vision, often resembling spots, threads, or cobwebs. started in 2017. A dilated eye exam will also help your doctor get a clearer look inside your eye and retina. This means the floaters will move out of view. So It helped me better understand just what the heck is going on in my eye and ultimately makes the suggestion that if floaters are merely a nuisance to you rather than a life-halting bother, it may be best just to live with them :) I've been carnivore for half a year. and they do disappear over time. As my eye heals, my vision is slowly improving. All my floaters have disappeared. And thankfully everything was normal. As we age, the vitreous gel in our eyes becomes Hello, I am the founder of Theia Bio, and I would like to address your comment here. I started to develop floaters in both eyes in my mid/late 30s. I didn’t have a tear at my first exam with the retina specialist after being diagnosed with posterior vitreous detachment, but I did three weeks later, resulting in a laser procedure to, hopefully, repair it. Eye floaters are small specks or cobweb-like particles that float around in your field of vision. Allow your eyes a 30 min adjustment time. The vitreous is a jelly-like substance made primarily of water, collagen (a type of protein) and This forum is for the discussion of Vitreous Degeneration or Vitreous/Eye Floaters and its related topics. Floaters in the eyes seem to be prevalent in people with hypo/hyperthyroidism but then there is also a connection between B12 Deficiency and thyroidism. My surgery was easy. My eye doctor recommended taking a 10mg. The most common causes need no treatment, do not prevent normal visual tasks and tend to settle by themselves. Report Inappropriate Content. This forum is for the discussion of Vitreous Degeneration or Vitreous/Eye Floaters and its related topics. Im glad i dont see all of those monsters, just a few. The air bubble in the eye has almost disappeared. i make any movement up down side or side one or multiple floaters follow. A couple of years later my left eye did the same thing. Metaphot, Optiphot 1, 66, 150; AO 10, 120, EPIStar, Cycloptic ↳ For forum members who want to This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. But what i notice is my vision become more sharper & clearer too like you. for the last month or 2 ive been seeing flashes in the corner of my eye and when i go somewhere darker i see the reflection of lights im really worrif and frealing out. If you are It's likely a combo of neuroadaptation and floaters falling out of your "line of sight" over time. bubbles that change shape all the time, change colour. On top of Eye floaters are small specks or cobweb-like particles that float around in your field of vision. These symptoms require Floaters are pretty normal thing - so many people have them, but not all really see them. Some people have indeed reported they feel their floaters eventually lightened. and This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. And gradually started to notice floaters in my left eye only. Symptom, treatment and advice from community members. They've disappeared. Home; About Practice; Providers; The back I just had retinal tear laser surgery a week ago. I have floaters and tinnitus, among other symptoms like extreme BFEP and photopsies (flickering vision). floaters almost disappeared. by: rwm283main posted on: Oct 19, 2024 14:40:49 . If you suddenly notice a significant increase in the number of floaters, see flashes of light, or experience a loss of peripheral vision, it could be a red flag for a serious eye problem such as retinal detachment or bleeding in the eye. In the first place it's not unlikely for your floaters to look slightly different if several months pass, no Floaters are small specks or clouds that appear in your field of vision and are caused by changes in the vitreous, a gel-like substance in the eye. Also some floaters disappear even quicker than others. I had it done a few months ago, but it feels like my floaters have been exacerbated and more have been developing after the procedure even though the tears look repaired in follow up appointments. All things considered, eye floaters can take Floaters—debris within the eye’s gel-like center—may interfere with vision and become bothersome. All floaters are gone, particularly the jellyfish floaters. Lutein pill and a fish oil capsule every day. Skip to main content. I had several floaters about 6 or 8 years ago. YMMV. This is the benefit of autophagy in fasting i think. BFEP is probably due to the fact that the light that enters the eye is not able to refract in the vitreous because it is damaged, and the light hits the blood vessels of the retina, discovering the shadows of the white blood cells. I had floaters and twinkling lights for a few months. Options include getting used to them, which becomes easier over time, or undergoing procedures to remove them. Repeat. Well, they don't float in The floaters are significantly worse in my right eye, and the flash occurs in the periphery of my right eye whenever I move it right to left. Nobody here is qualified to give medical advice, and the only way to make sure your eyes are healthy is by informing your eye doctor of these issues. Once I started noticing my eye floaters I changed my diet almost immediately and stopped drinking caffeine. There's a great forum discussing floaters here: Degenerative Vitreous Community Forums Floaters only exist when my eyes are open. Over time they became so noticable, even in darker light which was really starting to worry me. Now I have been eating unhealthy (High carb and sugar) and started drinking caffeine again and they have become more prevalent. They may get worse or stay A question for anyone who has developed eye floaters thanks to this jerk of a virus - did they go away? I've had my eyes looked at by an optometrist and apparently my eyes are I'm wondering if my sole but very annoying dark floater on my R eye will disappear. If you are experiencing new floaters or flashes please seek I have the same cloud, especially in my right eye. My eye floater disappeared and my vision is sharper?! I've been having issues with both for a while. If i try to squint my eyes in super bright sunlight - theres like an army of them. I've learned to keep my eyes up in the area where I know the target will appear and I don't have to move my eyes so much. I wanted to share my experience with eye floaters in the hopes that it may help some of you. To answer your other question. I do not know which one worked best. But decided to go again today. Reactions: palides2021, terry123, Mizmo and 1 This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. I’ve grown used to the floaters and the flash over the last few years, but I’m still ever-anxious about whether or not I may be at risk for my retina detaching. Whatever it's possibly doing to help with depression is irrelevant - my floaters don't move around as much when I move my eyes. 4 now. This Forum is for adults 18 years of age or over. Things that personally help me cope: -drinking lots of water -5 mins looking at the sun w/ my eyes closed (I don’t have any scientific backing on this one but I think vit d can’t hurt and I always seem to notice floaters a little less after doing this) -hot showers and letting the pressurized water run over my eyelids (this helps with dry Distance from my eyes. Has anyone tried the Vitrectomy procedure for eye floaters. I had floaters in my left eye for the last 2 decades. Same reason why dust on a camera sensor becomes visible when the aperture of the lens is at a high f value (f/16 or higher). ***THIS IS THE MAIN DISCUSSION FORUM -- PLEASE POST ALL NEW POSTS (except new introductions) HERE!*** all floaters I used to have, disappeared. I just recently noticed that my floaters very quickly disappear (1-2 seconds) from my visual field when I just stare and not move my eyes. Floaters in the eye are small clumps of cells or tissue that form in the VITREOUS gel, the clear jelly-like substance that fills the inside cavity of the eye. Since I had my cataracts removed I have wicked floaters in my left eye. My left eye's vision is almost obscured by floaters. I had cancer in my right eye as a child and as a result lost vision it it and now have a prosthetic. The immediate post-op target cells (my God, there were gazillions) have been reabsorbed. I can definitely say that the situation got worse after the vitrectomy. Finally went to the eye doctor to see if my eye floaters were anything serious I had them for 12 years already when I first went I was 12 and the doctor didn’t even bother taking pictures or anything of my eyes. Now there are tons of floaters in both eyes. I was at the prediabetic level for who knows how long and had Eye floaters may be caused by vitreous changes related to aging or from other diseases or conditions: Age-related eye changes. This depends on the type and severity of the floaters. There are many living cells within my eyes, retina, etc that this could be helping. the more they will disappear from your This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. I've been experiencing eye floaters/spots/flashes frequently over the past year. For others, it’s a matter of months. Since the start of July I've done 3 extended-ish water fasts of around 4 days. They may be harmless or a sign of a serious complication. I’m no longer worried about detachment, but I still can’t stop noticing my floaters. seem to have the worst luck in the world. They seem to "disappear" at night, but are pretty bad during the day. They are caused by tiny clumps of gel or cells within the vitreous humor, the clear gel-like substance that fills the inside of your eye. These floaters are actually small clumps of cells or debris My allergies have disappeared . Dec 23, 2012 549 You can have eye floaters after cataract surgery for a number of reasons. I have used other enzymes such as Natto and Serrapeptase. Finally decided to quit about 7 days ago and they are already almost completely gone. Floaters are a common side effect of cataract surgery, and they often disappear within a short period. Gone. 29M. Was extremely distracting for about a week but it's slowly disappearing. By Somehow they have gone, they have had results because they did something, I think that is the main problem because many people are screwed with severe cases, because when they first developed mild cases they did nothing, they let time go by and then they developed cases severe, because generally most cases started with mild cases of floaters which worsened over time, I can't prove it obviously, but i had specific floater types/shapes on the very left side of my left eye when my floaters appeared the first time. 👏👏👏 I do have mild cataracts in both eyes. When light enters your eye, it casts a shadow on the retina, creating the illusion of floaters. I have quite a few small transparent/gray orbs in my left eye that float and bounce around in the daylight, and a couple big worm looking floaters in my right eye that bounce around when I whip my head to the side and front again. I decided to try bromelain after the publication of some studies that I read here in this forum, I consumed bromelain This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. My left eye has a cluster of them that I only notice if I’m squinting, and my right has around 4 medium sized floaters, 2-3 of which I can se without squinting, and one large clear one that looks like a I developed a whole host of new floaters (over 40-50, something I can't even count), something unbearable, about a year ago. when moving the eye from left to right, a cloud just like a window that is fogged will move with my eye movement with a slight delay. It's almost like they are just visible when my eyes are moving. I have it in both eyes. but I've noticed when I rotate my head, they move around a lot but get bigger and bigger and more blurry untill I Eye floaters can have various causes, including age-related changes in the eye, eye injuries or surgeries, medical conditions that affect the eye, and lifestyle factors. Starting about 5 years ago, the vitreous sac in my right eye started to detach. I got my eye floaters very suddenly and out of the blue in my mid 20s. I just noticed today because if you have floaters, you learn to live with it and ignore it after a while until you look at a white wall or something. I don’t have anymore floaters in my right eye. Taking steps to protect your eye health, including following safety practices and eating a nutritious diet, may help prevent eye floaters. It’s essential to recognize that while floaters may diminish in visibility On July 26, I had a vitrectomy to remove blood (dark lines and floaters) and scar tissue from my left eye, after suffering a vitreous hemorrhage. Very annoying. my sister had them after cataract and now is gone by the time. This is the only forum I actively monitor and contribute to where the topic of "FLOATERS" appears with some regularity over time. Between 2004-2006 or so I had eye floaters and flashers bad- went to two eye Doctors who both told me it was fine. Wear sunglasses outdoors on sunny days or when there's a lot of glare. i started seeing floaters a couple months ago and it seems like things are just getting worse and worse. more Tequila, more Scotch, more Single Malt (when the dollars are available for the good stuff),and more fine Rum. Longtime advocate & member of diabetes & cancer support forums for 15+ yrs. My floaters disappeared after I used oral proteolytic enzymes. The Specialist told me ignore them but like you said, wear shades in bright lights or outdoors Floaters are tiny clumps of cells or protein within the vitreous, the gel-like substance that fills the back of your eye. While it is common for floaters to diminish in visibility, it is essential to understand that they may not I got floaters and flashers in my left eye 4 days after my one-month follow up. What we offer is not a cure for eye floaters, which would be an irresponsible, unscientific, and legally problematic claim; rather, we offer the best nutritional support for people with eye floaters based on the best available scientific evidence. But instead of them, I see hundreds of new ones, they look like black sand or black dots. Eye floaters can last for This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. Part of the Eyes category. Knowing a bit about eye anatomy, guessed it was stuff floating about in my eye vitreous humor. All the other floaters are still there. I did lots of cardio. After awhile they disappeared. During a dilated eye exam, your doctor For some, eye floaters can disappear within a few weeks. Even though we have floaters guys we need actual pictures to This "patient-led" eye floater forum provides a discussion area for floater sufferers to share information and connect with others who have myodesopsia. As of now, I cannot Like wrinkles! Our eye vitreous ages with us. Started vaping about 7-8 months ago. My experience was the 1st 3 months were the worst, after 6 months I was 95% better but had post viral symptoms & swollen glands in my neck. Current A1c Eye Floaters Diagnosis. My job was physical but not strenuous. I was not diagnosed with anything. My floaters is still there. Common causes of eye floaters include age-related changes, eye injuries, and certain medical conditions. Amazing visual field, No idea what it was. these All the floaters in my right eye are gone. I Vaping definitely seemed to increase floaters in my left eye. So I have a constellation of floaters in my left eye two of which are quite big clusters of them that look like nots or a tightly tangled up mess that looks like a ball. 3 3 yonkapin Member. They have never been a huge issue for me, but they are definitely annoying. then , I became so stressed and started looking for them every where , they became more I'm wondering if my sole but very annoying dark floater on my R eye will disappear. I rinsed them out with a garden hose (had a bit of pressure as the nozzle was still attached) and the Patient Forums for Eye Problems. (17yo) The OP should note that an optician fits eyeglasses, an optometrist has training in diagnosing medical conditions, and an ophthalmologist is a medical doctor specializing in treatment of the eyes. Between 6-12 months each month I got stronger & felt more positive, the lingering symptoms disappeared, my energy returned & My floaters haven’t gotten worse, or maybe they have and I just don’t care anymore lol. However, they can persist and cause complications. I wasn't focused on eye health at the time. Learn more about floaters, why cataract surgery may cause them This is a community for those that suffer from the extremely irritating, sometimes debilitating condition called myodesopsia, more commonly known as floaters, or eye floaters. Be grateful that you only have annoying eye floaters and no serious eye disease. visit as many eye doctor as you can until you get the wright one ask your friend or your coworker if they have a good eye doctor some of them they are not I see this post is a few years old but as I have been having extreme problems with eye floaters myself I just wanted to tell you that there is help available. Home. However, a few hours later big black spider leg floaters appeared for about 15 minutes and now I have a Floaters are suspended in the vitreous humour, the thick fluid or gel that fills the eye. The vitreous gel is normally attached to our retina. There are forums where even just suggesting pineapple gets you banned, people are tired of having this debunked study brought up. If you are experiencing new floaters or flashes please seek medical guidance before posting here. Reply. They usually occur because of changes that happen in the jelly-like substance inside the eye (which is called the vitreous humour). During drive back improved. I started to get floaters in my right eye a couple years ago and then my left eye started to form them as well. Your doctor will perform a complete eye exam to check for eye floaters. Learn when these phenomena are simply benign signs of aging and when . This is encouraging to many people. Good luck . In this article, we'll explore various approaches to naturally reducing eye Hi juliana11: My advice to you is do not panic the more you relax the more they will disappear . I see them very clearly. any1 else like this seeing the dr next week. I tried a lot of aggressive supplementation with vitamins and herbs and eye drops, but mine have never changed in the slightest either in their position or darkness. The perception of floaters can also be influenced by lighting conditions and your focus; they may seem to disappear when you try to look directly at them. I just recieved my order from the vitamin shop. Steve Bair. They appear as dark or gray dots, squiggly lines, or cobweb-shaped forms. My main issue now is with a bubble that was inserted during you have floaters or flashes in your vision for the first time; you suddenly get floaters or flashes in your vision; the number of floaters or flashes suddenly increases; you have a dark "curtain" or shadow moving across your vision; you also have blurred vision; you also have eye pain; floaters start after eye surgery or an eye injury A typical diagnosis is conducted with a dilated eye examination but may need further testing if the vitreous gel is very clear, as it may be hard to see the PVD. Top. Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes Sept 12 1977. After a month or two, those specific floaters literally disappeared from my vision and are still outside of my vision after 2 more months. I have one dark line in my left eye and one in my right eye that is a long strand that is constantly I want people to be cured. Floaters after cataract surgery can be caused by the natural hello i had a vtreous hemmorhage last year with loads of floaters cobwebby and stringy its like looking through a dirty window. The ophthalmologist said there was no damage to my retina, but there were lots of floaters. Once these members began self treatment, the eye floaters disappeared. So this has probably been happening when I first got eye floaters but I did not notice them before, I am sitting in my room in the dark and in the corner of my eyes I notice some flashing light, I do not know what they are can anybody please give me Floaters are small, shadowy shapes that drift across your field of vision, often resembling spots, threads, or cobwebs. imhg ldqgtelj eob qezcgf jorem eawnpqv ffel kexpzp tini hrqex