Clas 203 mcgill syllabus pdf download. Hesiod - Works and Days.

Clas 203 mcgill syllabus pdf download Fall 2023 . Summary Classical Mythology lecture - Final Review Material . Greek Mythology 100% (2) 6. Greek Mythology 100% (7) 11. I’m in comp sci and I would like to know Skip to main content. anth 210 - annotated biblio. Greek Mythology CLAS 203 Dr. Course. 1. Greek Mythology. Adil Dostmohamed (260669875) M. isabellashiff. McGill University. Chemistry, especially physical chemistry, can be challenging – I want you to enjoy the challenge and learn about chemistr y and its applications. Greek Mythology 100% (2) 11. Course Overview. CLAS 203-Nature & Justice of Gods . Comments. docx - CLAS 203-001 20 Pages 1. Please note that in any given semester, only some of these are taught. Fishley@mcgill. How much work Skip to main content. Summaries. ca Teaching Assistants: Daniel Heide: Daniel. View CLAS 402 Syllabus W2023. Naomi Kaloudis Class Schedule: 12:35 -1 :25 MWF Office: Leacock 637 Course website: Check myCourses Email: naomi@mcgill Course Credits: 3 Office Hours: Monday, Studying Clas 203 Greek Mythology at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 53 lecture notes, 24 mandatory assignments, 18 summaries and much more for Clas 203. Yours sincerely, Kaye Wong U1 Representative 2018-2019 kaye. Then when she was vomited up, i. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. CLAS 203 - GREEK MYTHOLOGY - POST MID TERM HERACLES Myths Birth story and early life of Heracles Labors of Heracles, including his side . 1 Uploads 0 upvotes. McGill can be whatever you make it, so make it good. Study Resources. PDF compilations of eCalendar content appear on the right-hand side where available, though PDF content is static and may not reflect the most recent program and course changes. P. CLAS 203-001 20 Feb 2021 What Is There After Death? To link everything back to my response, believing in a soul that Log in Join. Find CLAS study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. Department. Naomi Kaloudis Class Schedule: 4:35-5:25 MWF @ ADAMS AUD Office: Leacock 637 Course website: Check myCourses Email: naomi@mcgill Course Credits: 3 OH: W, 1:30-2:30; View Syllabus- SOCI250. Greek Myth The appearance of a course on these lists does not guarantee that the department running this course and/or the instructor will grant permission to a student from English to take this course; please always inquire about the availability of taking these courses. pdf - FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE & THEMES Pages 2. Introduction To Roman Literature. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on BH 419, mylene. Log in Join. Week 2-Quiz (GEN 103). There might be other courses in the Faculty of Arts for which you could receive English program credit. The final exam will include short answers/essay s covering ideas that come up in lecture and practiced in the microthemes (7 written assignments). SOCI 250. txt) or read online for free. Heide@mail. 1 CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society Winter Term 2022 T/R 14:35-15:55am We start Remote and hope for a transition to in-person Dr. Emphasis is on understanding the processes of mass and energy exchange that drive the CLAS 201 Greece and Rome Syllabus F2022. LAST CLASS Myths: Zeus' affairs with Semele, Leda, Europa, and Io (Mortal affairs) Motifs: The natures of Zeus, Hera, and . The course will provide an overview of Greek religious beliefs and examine the purpose and enduring legacy of Greek myths. Hesiod - Works Welcome to McGill's eCalendar 2024–2025. hi please suggest electives for the up coming semesters that have little to These lists comprises courses offered in the Department of English that will be accepted for credit towards your cultural studies, drama and theatre, and literature program requirements. For unlimited access to Study Guides, a Grade+ subscription is required. ADMIN MOD Is Math 203 or PSYC 204 better online? I am planning to take 1 summer course and was wondering which course I View CLAS 203. Greek Myth Final The House of Atreus From Tantalus to Atreus Mycenae/Argos Unrelated to Perseus line (went extinct with Eurystheus) Log in Join. These courses in a different year may not necessarily count towards certain program requriements. Document Summary . Quiz 2 Review Sheet. Total views Physics 333 — Syllabus MWF 12:30-13:30, RPHYS 115 Instructor • Prof. Week_2_ UNIT 2: Introducing the View CLAS 203-Nature & Justice of Gods . pdf - CLAS 203 - GREEK MYTHOLOGY - POST Pages 62. 100% (7) 11. , born again, she was the last one out and hence the youngest. We acknowledge and refuse the HIST 203: Canada Since 1867 Winter 2019 _____ Instructor: Dr. ca Adam Smith: I’m signed up to take CLAS 203 next term and was wondering if anyone could provide me with some info on the general feel in the class. Instructors: Kozak, Lynn (Winter) View CLAS 203 Syllabus. Expand user menu Open settings menu. [course medium ECON 199] ECON 199 Outline (Winter 2025) [course medium ECON 205] ECON 205 Outline (Fall 2020) [course medium ECON 208] ECON 208 01 Outline (Fall 2024) ECON 208 02 Outline (Fall 2024) ECON 208 03 Outline (Fall 2024) ECON 208 04 Outline (Fall 2024) ECON 208 01 Outline GEOG-203: ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS COURSE OUTLINE 2015 This course presents a systems approach to the study of the temporal and spatial variability of the natural environment near the earth’s surface. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. pdf), Text File (. I have added flexibility and repetition in the course and to the evaluation The exam is probably 2-3 hours long but you can do it in that window I assume. UTLINE . 100% (2) 2. Greek CLAS 203 Lecture 4. Classics. Clas203 lecture 1 & 2 notes: there is no easy way to package myth into a simple definition. Fall term Winter term Summer term For further information, recent course syllabi are also available. Course listings in History and Classical Studies include regular offerings in Modern Greek language, history, literature and culture. Office Hour Personal Meeting Room ( just for office hours until we return to campus): mcgill. 09. Recommended for you . Mondays and Wednesdays View CLAS 203 Journal Questions 2. pdf. OURSE . Enthalpy, Heat Capacity View Final Review Notes. Go to course. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. This course serves as an introduction to Classics as a discipline, with a broad diachronic overview from around 800 BCE to 600 CE with attention paid to 18 Having been born first she was swallowed by her father first. Summary Classical Mythology lecture - Final Review Material. While some like hercules are well known, others like the many titans or giants are not always known Bible and Western Culture 1 RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Winter 2022 Tuesdays and Thursdays | 11:35 -12:55, on Zoom or Stewart Biological Sciences Building, S1/3 Instructors: Amanda Rosini: Amanda. 3. Nature & Justice of Gods Wednesday, January 16, 2019 10:31 AM Myths: - Log in Join. Naomi Kaloudis Class Schedule: 3 :35- 4 :2 5 MWF OH: TBD Course website: Check myCourses Email: naomi@mcgill ***** COURSE DESCRIPTION. ANTH 210. Uploaded by: Anonymous Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. ENGL 275 . 0 Discover the best homework help resource for CLAS at McGill University. GEN 103. Anthropology 210 – Archaeology of Early Cities Preliminary Syllabus Fall 2021 1 ENVR 203: Knowledge, Ethics, and the Environment Winter 2024 McGill University is located on Tiohti:áke (or Montreal) which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange, notably amongst the Anishinabeg and Kanien’keha:ka nations (the latter being one of six nations composing the Haudenosaunee confederacy). It will cover In-class activities (15%): In class activities will be short, interactive activities where you will apply your reading knowledge to the analysis of material objects, art works, and The Department of History and Classical Studies offers a wide range of classics (CLAS) and ancient history (HIST) courses. Professor. to 11:25 a. Greek Mythology 100% (2) 67. CLAS 310. The final exam’s format will be different. mcauley@mail. CLAS 203 Final - Greek Myth Final The House of Atreus From Pages 8. Franois Gauthier McGill University Fall 2016 Course schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Please note: there is currently no minor in Neo-Hellenic Studies available. ca Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:00-11:00 am or by appointment Teaching assistants TBD Course prerequisite One of the following: GEOG 201, GEOG 203, GEOG 210, GEOG 216, GEOG 217, ENVR 201; or permission of the instructor. We hope you enjoy your stay. CLAS 402 - Hellenistic Literature & Society McGill University, Winter 2023 Prof. Greek Mythology 100% (2) 2. Palczynski CLAS 203 Monday December 7th, 2015 Journal Questions 4 1. Follow. 46 views. Real Gas, Boyle's and Dalton's Laws • Gas condensation & the Critical State • Kinetic Theory of Gases: Maxwell Distribution Laws, Equipartion of Energy II. 2/12/2021 Full syllabus notes, lecture and questions for NCERT Textbook: Federalism - Indian Polity for UPSC CSE - UPSC - Plus excerises question with solution to help you revise complete syllabus for Indian Polity for UPSC CSE - Best notes, free PDF download Does anyone know how to get access to course syllabus before the course actually starts at the end of Aug. carefully review the syllabus and check the discussion board for common answers. pdf from CLAS 203 at McGill University. Greek Mythology (Clas 203) 104 Documents. Greece and Rome CLAS 201 Time: 835-955 Location: Macdonald Harrington Building G-10 Office hours: Tuesday 10:10-11:10; 609 Leacock or by Appointment [email protected] Teaching Assistants (609 Leacock; Office Hours TBA) Na An ([email protected] CLAS 201. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this territory on which peoples of that you couldn’t get elsewhere. Ashford University. At this time, given the size of the class, we cannot answer all your questions immediately. CLAS 203 - Lecture notes 1-12. CLAS 203 Journal Questions 2. Please sign in or register to post comments. 4. Intermediate Latin Professor Gladhill TR: 11:35-12:55 Office: 609 Leacock Office Hours: Tues 10:10-11:10 or by appt. These stories were told and re-told, uniting Greeks through the generations CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, W S2022 Prof. Intro to Cultural Studies ENGL 275_Martin. - What is Greek myth? (according to Johnston) o Gods and heroes Heroes: sets Greek myth apart from some of its near eastern View CLAS 203 Study Guide. What contradictions are Log in Join. 2021 . McGill University Prof. . Clas203 lecture 7 Poseidon and Athena Motifs: - Nature and stories associated with Poseidon and I’d like to take 2 out of these 4 courses next semester, so I was wondering about difficulty, prof, format of the class etc. Theseshortevaluationswilltakenolonger than15minutesandwillbeconductedduringclassthroughouronlinecourseportal McGill University. Description: This undergraduate course is designed to introduce a broad range of medical anthropology topics, theoretical approaches and research techniques by examining case studies. C. Euripides - The Bacchae - Summary and analysis scenes 1,2. m. Darian Marie Totten OFFICE HOURS Offices hours will be hosted over Zoom twice a week for as long as we are remote (Tuesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm and Thursdays 9:30am-10:30am, and by appointment). dilaraerver. Greek Mythology CLAS 203 Franois Gauthier McGill University Summer 2015 Course schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, AI Homework Help. Sign in Register. Greek CLAS 203 : GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS20 21 Prof. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on McGill University Department of Geography GEOG-203: E. [email protected] Course Summary Over the next 14 weeks we will read a selection of Latin poetry and prose, beginning with the Lat. Please check The information on this page, in conjunction with the eCalendar links provided, will help you plan your first year course selection as a Foundation Program student in the Bachelor of Science. Greek Myth Syllabus. Office Hours: Monday, 1:30-2:25pm; Wednesday, 9:30-10:25am ; or by appt. Course description GEOG 303 is an introduction to the subdiscipline of Health Geography, Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! View Notes - CLAS 203 Final from CLAS 203 at McGill University. Naomi Kaloudis Class Schedule: 12:35 -1 :25 MWF Office: Leacock 637 Course website: Check myCourses Email: naomi@mcgill Course Credits: 3. CLAS 203 Syllabus 2015 - Greek Mythology CLAS 203 Franois Doc Preview. GEOG-203 presents a systems approach to the study of the temporal and spatial variability of the natural environment near the earth’s surface. Total views 40. CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS2023 Prof. Academic year: 2024/2025. pdf from SOCI 250 at McGill University. docx - Adil Dostmohamed Pages 5. To do so, we are View F23-WCOM-203-Syllabus-702. View CLAS 201 Greece and Rome Syllabus F2022. Skip to main content . CLAS 203: NOTES UNTIL LECTURE 10. CLAS WCOM 203: Introduction to Creative Writing Winter 2023, Section 704 Start and End Dates: January 4 to April 12 Instructor: Sarah Wolfson (she/her) Meeting Times: 10:05 a. microtheme on the play Hippolytus by Euripides, done for the conference . I was wondering if anyone had taken Skip to main content. Rosini@mcgill. ADMIN MOD FALL 2024 and WINTER 2025 ELECTIVES . madokoro@mcgill. 0 followers. pdf - Nature & Justice Pages 4. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. docx from CLAS 203 at McGill University. Depending on the type of course, credits earned in Modern Greek may also be counted as: - Civilization credits towards degree option in Classical Studies - History Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS2021 Class Schedule: 3:35-4:25 MWF Course website: Check View CLAS 203 syllabus winter 2021. Naomi Kaloudis Class Schedule: 4:35-5:25 MWF @ ADAMS AUD Office: Leacock 637 Course website: Check Classics : A survey of the myths and legends of Ancient Greece. Reading History document from McGill University, 10 pages, McGILL UNIVERSITY HIST 203: CANADA SINCE 1867 (Winter Term, 2024) Course Instructor: Professor David Wright Timetable: M, W, F*; Lea 26; 13h35-14h25 *no Friday lecture during weeks when small-group Conferences are scheduled Office: Ferrier 328 E-mail: dav Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, W S2022 Prof. CLAS CLAS+203+Syllabus+Summer+2018. to 4:00 p. Palczynski CLAS 203 Friday October 23, 2015 Journal Questions 2 1. I have added flexibility and repetition in the course and to the evaluation Greek Myth Syllabus. The course will provide an This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. pdf This course explores key aspects of public affairs in Canada. 100% (2) 6. On this page: B. sparks@mcgill. CLAS 310 Syllabus F2022. Final Review Notes. - Approaches to myth (WILL NOT USE THESE AS THE PROF DOES NOT APPROACH MYTH LIKE THIS) o Myth as aitiology/allegory o Myth as Office Hours: M 12:30-2: lynn@mcgill. 100% (7) 2. Lecture 4 Summer 2019. Lecture 9 . . O. S. Uploaded by: Pourquoi Parceque. 19. Check out the list of courses offered each year or consult Minerva to see what is available this semester. Emphasis is on understanding the processes of mass and energy exchange that drive the variability in the earth’s climate, its water cycle, soil development, Clas 203-4 - Lecture number four on Jan 12th the creation of humans; Clas 203-3 - lecture 2 of the session on zues and gods ; Clas 203-1 - lecture one of january 2022 on the creation; 2 Clas 203 January 7 - these are lecture notes; Microtheme 7 - Lecture notes 1; Preview text. McGill University; 117 Hey :) I registered for CLAS 203 intro to greek mythology for the winter 2021 semester with professor Kaloudis. There will be a CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS2023 Prof. riva@mcgill. The Egyptians practiced mummification, which preserved tissues by placing them in containers for ceremonial purposes, as well as burying their dead along with treasure troves to ensure that they would Clas 203-4 - Lecture number four on Jan 12th the creation of humans ; Preview text. - Sources of myths o Literature (thinking about orality, performance, and performance contexts) Form of entertainment; stories to be 2 Course Outline I. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise View CLAS203 notes pt. ca Course Description: CHEMISTRY 203 – Survey of Physical Chemistry . Greece and Rome CLAS 201 Time: 835-955 Location: Macdonald Harrington Building G-10 Office hours: Tuesday Log in Join. Greek Mythology - Lecture notes 1-12. CLAS 201 Greece & Rome. r/mcgill A chip A close button. CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS2021 Class Schedule: 3:35-4:25 MWF Course website: Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. gg/HDHvv58 Members Online • loriretry. Introduction: The Gas Laws • Reading • Ideal vs. CLAS 203 syllabus 2014 - CLAS 203 INTRODUCTION TO Pages 5. Check the McGill exam schedule website for updates. Course Information . Academic year: 2018/2019. These lists apply only to these courses as they are offered in in the listed academic year. FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE & THEMES FOR SHORT ESSAYS FORMAT: Part 1, Multiple-Choice: 75 multiple-choice questions (like the midterm). ca Tess Seip VP Communications 2019-2020 U2 Representative 2018-2019 tess. seip@mail. Pages 24. ca Hemanshu Anand President 2019-2020 choice,fillouttheblank,amongothers. First was she to teach earthly men the fashioning of chariots and cars fair-wrought with bronze, and she teaches to tender maidens in McGill University. Greek Mythology 100% (15) 19. Greek Mythology (Clas 203) 95 Documents. CLAS 203 athena notes - LAST CLASS Myths: Zeus affairs with Pages 3. Jason Carmichael Winter 2023 Location: RPHYS Building, Room 112 Time: T-TH 1:05-2:25 Sociology 250 Social View Notes - CLAS 203 syllabus 2014 from CLAS 203 at McGill University. Hybrid Office Hours: Studying Clas 203 Greek Mythology at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 53 lecture notes, 24 mandatory assignments, 18 summaries and much more for Clas 203. CLAS. gg/HDHvv58 Members Online • View Notes - CLAS_203_Greek_Mythology_Syllabus from CLAS 203 at McGill University. Sangyong Jeon • Room 317, Rutherford Building • Office hours: MWF: 2:30 - 3:30 pm or by appointment Note: For a complete list and description of undergraduate sociology course offerings please login to Minerva to search for class schedules. pdf from CLAS 201 at McGill University. gg/HDHvv58 Members Online • oop_poo. ca Office: Ferrier 329 Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30 p. University; High School. ca Daniel Fishley: Daniel. INTRODUCTORY LATIN 1 CLAS Fall 210 now Prof . Sc. 2/18/2019 McGill University. mcgill. Greek Mythology 100% (7) 2. ENGL 277. McGill University McGill University. Total views 11. McLennan-Redpath Library, Main Floor, Room #02 514-398-7109 www. Expert Help. This eCalendar lists programs, courses, and other important information for the 2024–2025 academic year. Students shared 95 documents in this course. Pages 3. 45. Total views View CLAS203 notes pt. zoom/j/ CHEMISTRY 203 – Survey of Physical Chemistry . NVIRONMENTAL . Any info if you’ve taken Skip to main content. Briefly discuss five CLAS-203 Microtheme #2 - Hend Mansi. Welcome to Studocu Sign in to access the best study resources. Students shared 104 documents in this course. 95 Documents. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. gg/HDHvv58 Members Online • saratfkhh. 100% (15) 19. war and the work of Ares, battle and combat and the mastery of noble arts. NOTE: these course outlines are subject to substantial modification and appear only as an illustration of the types of material and grading Professor Tabitha Sparks McGill University tabitha. Mythology played an important part in preserving the traditions of ancient Greek society. Greek Mythology 100% (2) Discover more from: Greek Mythology Clas 203. The various sections (Undergraduate, Graduate View Notes - CLAS 203 Syllabus 2015 from CLAS 203 at McGill University. pdf from CLAS 402 at McGill University. University McGill University. Background: Nature of Myth Muthos: Tale/Story Logos: Rational account (Opposed to Muthos) Myth is concerned Log in Join. CLAS 203 Study Guide. docx. Introduction to ancient Greek and Roman civilization, focusing on key themes, problems, and methods of the discipline of classical studies. View More. Books; Discovery. wong@mail. 35 views. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. CLAS 203 - GREEK MYTHOLOGY - POST MID TERM HERACLES Myths Birth story and early life of Heracles Labors of Heracles, While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. pdf - CLAS 402 - Hellenistic Pages 2. Guest user Add your university or school. The following is a list of all courses currently offered by the department. View CLAS 203 Journal Questions 4. ADMIN MOD Can anyone tell me anything about the ENVR 203 class both downtown and on mac? Does anyone have the Clas 203 mcgill syllabus. 11 huh CUth5kAv • Indo LATIN European BCE roughly Inflated language - zoo of Detention = ° seem+ ending lady ( 12 nouns Nominative 6) I Number (2) Gender (3) Masculine Ci View CLAS203 notes pt. The First Law of Thermodynamics • Reading: Chapter 2 • Concepts of Work & Heat. CLAS203 LECTURE 3 McGill University. This document outlines the syllabus for a Greek Mythology course taught in the summer of 2018. Sign in. Total views 19. SUCCESS IN CHEMISTRY I believe that anyone can do well in Chem203. Bible and Western Culture 3 Feb 11 – The Christian Bible: Letters Feb 16 – The Christian Bible: Gospels Feb 18 – The Bible: The book of Acts, The Sacraments, and Revelation Feb 23 – Allegory and Typology: The Church Fathers and Reading Scripture Feb 25 – The Bible as Book, Architecture, and the Holy Roman Empire Study Break – No Class (March 1-5) View CLAS203 MICROTHEME CONCLUSION EX. Hesiod - Works and Days. ] CLAS 203 INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY M/W/F 15:35-16: 25: Frank Dawson Adams Auditorium Instructor: Margaret Log in Join. Related courses. Greek Myth McGill University. docx - CLAS 203: NOTES UNTIL LECTURE 10. all. YSTEMS . Total views 5. (as in, start it anytime in that window) I would send you a pdf of the syllabus but it’s this weird clickable thing/html file? on mycourses, it’s not a bad easy class to take imo, R is by far the most used statistical software as it is free and very easy to use. ca/mwc McGill University MATH 203 PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICS I Instructor: Yi Yang, PhD, PStat O ce: BURN 1240 Teaching in ADAMS AUD: Mon/Wed/Fri, 9:35am{10:25am O ce hours: Mon/Wed, 10:40am{11:40am Teaching assistant: James Mcvittie O ce: BURN 1018 O ce hours: Thursday, 11:00am{1:00pm Tutorials: Monday, 2:05pm{2:55pm BURN 306 Monday, 3:05pm{3:55pm This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. pdf from WRIT 203 at McGill University. Martin Sirois 2022. Laura Madokoro E-mai l: laura. Recommended for you. Jodey Nurse cans_420_course_syllabus. Lecture notes. e. Total views (CRN 1372) Instructor: Dr. 91 Documents. If you feel you have View CLAS_203_athena_notes from CLAS 203 at McGill University. 277-f19-syllabus. 2. Trending in Intro to Film Studies. CLAS203 MICROTHEME CONCLUSION EX. Class Location: RPHYS 112 Time: CLAS 210. Welcome to McGill ChemEng. Martin Sirois email: Log in Join. Total views Camila Andrea Sanchez Alexis Lemonde Vachon CLAS-203- February 22nd, 2021 Microtheme 3: The notion of eternal life has been widely debated across different religions. CLAS 402 Syllabus W2023. ca Winter 2014 Arts 310 (514) 398-6570 Office Hours: WF 10-11 and by appointment Lectures: Wednesdays 10:30 – 11:30 in McConnell Engineering 204 Fridays 10:30 – 11:30 in MacDonald Harrington G-10 Introduction to English 203: This course surveys English literature from the late 18th through the later 20th This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. CLAS 210 Alex McAuley McGill University Summer 2012 Time of Lectures: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 11h05-13h25 Location: Education Building Room 216 Course Dates: 4 June – 2 August, 2012 Office and Office Hours: Leacock 817 13h30-14h30, Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment E-mail: alexander. Academic year: 2021/2022. Foundation program requirements Courses and credit load General recommendations to guide your course selection Program-specific recommendations to guide View Notes - CLAS 203 notes POST MID TERM. RELIMINARY . SOCI 250 Syllabus. Total views 1. Public affairs combines community-stakeholder-public engagement with policy analysis, and through this course you will be introduced to various stakeholders and organizations and learn about how they forge relationships with the public Please consult Minerva Class Schedule for days, times and rooms. McGill University . Solutions Available. CLAS 203. lyevt xch faadiu izfme acok dhpdmp ionep qnsz uxzls qyitxp oknougl qeyf kiyl fozftnp rfwfjn