Odoo context default value. Enjoying the discussion? .
Odoo context default value def default_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Maybe some one of you could help me. When creating a new order line, in the Ship field in order line by default show the Ship information of the SO. message. Use the live chat to ask your questions. 0 it may be something like: def _set_my_field(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, field_value, arg, context=None): pass 'my_field': fields. Hello my friends; I have an action type ir. on_click_new_message: function Hello, When you are on a partner form and click on the sales button, you arrive on a list of his sales. Enjoying the discussion? Odoo's unique value proposition is to be I have added a domain of filtering customer_category = "main customer" in res partner many2one field in Sales App partner_id = fields. It is a floating popup window and I can not click the little bug icon. I know that you can send parent values through context from XML and whenever a new form is opened, "default_get 'context': {'default_name': self. Example, I want to pass the "self. default_get(cr, uid, fields_list, context=None). expene module with id that of current user. When an action is executed, the context is updated with some values that can be used by wizards: Hello everyone, I created a simple project model, and linked it to res. Rather than setting the default value as Supplier ticked, it will be better to pass supplier as True in the context of the Many2one field. You redefine method _get_type_common and select correct ids with "if" based on context value. 1. rdv' by default . py file. list : 1. Hi, I'm looking for a way to add default field values as a URL parameter. product and res. ids[0] Odoo's unique value proposition is to be hi thank you in advance for any help or comments i need to create one2one relation in openerp7 i read many articles about this idea and i could to type the following code problem is : that openerp7 doesnot send value from parent view (calculation)to child (container) this my code testproject. context-- optional context dictionary - it may contains keys for specifying certain options like context_lang (language) or context_tz (timezone) to alter the results of the call. Empiro suggested to use the [ default_ ] in the action's context, to set the defaults value, but you can add a new value to the context. Just thinking, does this which does not work make sense You may use the default_FIELDNAME in the context on the one2many field x_comment_ids. def action_start_wizard(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} Passing default value in context: Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Passing default value to form view using context (Odoo 13) 1. model def _get_default_country(self): The default value is assigned when a new record is created, and can be a static value, a dynamic value based on the current date or time, or a value based on the value of another field in the same record. Steps to create module in @Sehrish Thank you for your comment. Can someone advise? planned_qty = fields. Best regards. field1 is a char, field2 is a many2one relation with class. ['context'] = { 'default_res_model': self. This works and sets the default values. id or False}) 1. It is noteworthy that nearly every method in Odoo incorporates a context argument for data transmission. If it is what you want, then it is ok :)-----If you want to be able to change after the default value in car. move" define it. def fields_get(self,cr,user,all fields=None,context=None,write_access=True,attributes=None): I'm trying to get a field "planned_qty" to the same value as "product_qty" when its created but I'm not having any luck. To transmit default values to the sale. users' ]. Website made with . In ODOO Admin can also set the default value of fields from Setting->Technical->Actions->User defined Defaults . In Odoo, we can set a default value for a field during the creation of a record for a model. carrier_id. Is there way to preserve the context set by 3. To pass default values for fields: For defining default values for new records, use In this blog, we will be discussing how to set default values to fields in odoo15. The wizard is opening, but the field is empty. No, no another action. def _get_default_currency(self, cr, obj ,context=None): Hello. Hi, I need to send a value from one form to another form via field to set a default value in a record that I am creating using a many2one field. However, my issue is to link them to the parent, since the parent record itself isn't yet created in the default method. I am trying to load default values on the wizard, but it's not working. many2many domain_filter operations. To see the list of filters that available in the current list view action, on the insect icon click the Edit Control Panel View menu if you use odoo 13 or above, or click the Edit Search View menu if you use odoo below 13, then search for xml code with the filter tag. Download; Compare Editions; Releases; Collaborate This worked like a charm. if the new view is linked with a particular menu, you can pass default value using context from the menu action and keep the field readonly in the view. function(_compute_my_field, fnct_inv=_set_my_field, method=True, string="My Field", Using related fields will not only set the default value but it will force the value to be the one of the related field. _name, 'default_res_id': self. E. context (Preferred) 2. Custom Field Id Vendor Journal Following is the code how I passing default values in the context and it set default values successfully to account. Here's my example: class ProjectReport(models. SO i have tried this but nothing appears in odoo. 2) On the python, you can pass the default value on context. context= "{'default_x_name': name}" 4. But I want to set type of model. order responsible for transmitting values to the order_line. Then *Wizard_2 starts from this window by click on some row in the list ( action is bound to: tree_but_open). Both When passing a default value for a field via context , you need to consider that this value can be passed on to models initially not planned for. The farthest I get a warning popup with a None value. As on your default value set from the form itself on wizard view, you can do with by changing the approach this way, 1) Calling your wizard action from the python. Example: I want to open the form view to create a new helpdesk ticket, and automatically fill in for example the partner (assuming I know the ID beforehand), or the phone number. res ['mynewkey'] = 'mynewvalue'. osv import osv, fields class jbbookmark_jbbookmark(osv. Incognito. For that you need to begin to pass the contexts values from the main form. partner' _defaults = { # Not quite sure how to set When passing a default value for a field via context , you need to consider that this value can be passed on to models initially not planned for. I have tried this but it is not working. partner model I have added a page to res. multi def show_insurance_invoices(self): return { 'name': _('Insurance Bills'), 'domain': [('shipment_id', You can check the other reference on odoo for default value set from act_window. Its like its not finding the key name that Im giving it on the xml form. update ({'default_manager_id': self. default_get 3. invoice when clicking create button. For example, let's say we have a model called Customer with a field called date_joined. Sehrish. get_precision( 'Product Unit of Measure' ) ) Debug in compute to check if you have context value there and if yes, the change values accordingly. line i also add field on it w/c is m2o to sale. if I do this (in fields_view_get): context['test_field'] = 'new_default_value' test_data = self. Ex: This will set the default value when wizard will open. In the above example, the default payment type is set as ‘inbound’ using context. An example of context in window actions is given below. sh, version odoo 15. partner and set default value. 4. pool. let imagine that you have a record in you data base with xmlid = "record_id", so in xml file to define a value of a many2one field to this record : If you are using a button to open the wizard, you can control the default values of the wizard fields using context variables in the format default_FieldName. partner_id', store=True, string='client name') I have a one2many field represented as a tree in a form. For all user the when the user set nom_rubrique that come the value of many2one filled will be set by default class A(models. partner', domain="[('category_id', '=', 'Main Customer')]",string='Customer') Therefore i would like it to be passed too when someone creates a new customer from Sales Application it should add that domain too as default value, how This is how I solved my problem, I couldn´t find another easier solution. For set-up default value of tags for customer you need to inherit res. Model): rubrique_id = fields. ids" and "application_ids" from hr. b is having two fields (say fb1, fb2 both are char). 6. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. com Skype: kalpeshmaheshwari Hi all, In python file, I call act_window on stock. partner, and listed the partner's projects there. When "Add an item" button is clicked, it opens a form, and I'd like to be able to import some field information of the parent and show as default, but default_get doesn't have the parent ID anywhere, so I don't know how to access. . In this example the default type is set as opportunity. jbbookmark" _description = "Bookmark" Hello, Can you please tell of which "type" the fields are you have created? In the model you can define the field type, make sure this is set correctly for the fields you created: i have created a model with a Date and a Datetime field, want to know to set default values: 1) how i can add Day(s) / Week(s) / Month(s) in Date and Datetime field in model to assign a default value?. I have situation where visitor can click a product link that redirects to contact form. osv): _name='container' I'm working with Odoo 10. This button is defined in another class. account) to the calendar event: I didn't use a related field (task_id. branch', string='Head/Branch', index=True, Hi, I use odoo. So directly you cannot store the "value" to that, but by setting the id of the record will set the value. For company user the file_type field will be "Company Registeration" and it should be read only. a form, I have two fields (say field1, field2). Anybody helping me? I try adding _defaults when adding extra field as in: /class new_sale_order_line(osv. We have many methods in odoo for setting a default value Friends, I have a filed file_type(Its a many2one field) I have to set default value for it for different users. class The default_get method is the way Odoo collect the default values for all the fields when creating a new record to be able to edit for example in a Form view. answered Jul How to add context and default value in Action Odoo 16 | Odoo 16 technical course | How to pass context in Odoo action | How to set default value in Odoo act Hello, I am trying to pass in values from some fields in a wizard that I created. !!? <xpath expr="//field[@name='order_line']" position="attributes In Python, a context refers to a dictionary that aids in conveying essential information to an Odoo function. I want to set the default tax in action record, I can set other values through context field, but I have no idea what to fill for the taxes_id since it is a many2many field. We want to assign a default value to date_joined that Assuming that you code it as Sudhir had mentioned, you can pass 'default_XXXX' key-value in the context where XXXX is the field name and the value is the value that you wish to be displayed by default in the called view. id, 'default_abc': ' ' }, 0. view_expenses_form view where groups_ref fields are set by context. *If I want to set up default value for field inside wizard I have to add only 'context': {'default_fieldname': 'value'} and thats all. Miku Laitinen. default_get(fields_list) The value in "x" is the record that you have selected. A parking space has one owner and one car (for the sake of this example). How do I populate a field in a wizard with a value from context? I tried using the default_get () methon in my wizard but couldn't get it working. act_window. I One neat little trick actually is to use the context to pass in default values for fields. MVARELA - Function to set datetime independent of timezone # set today´s date and hour/minute specified in the parameter horas with format 'hh:mm' def x_calcular_fecha(self, cr, uid, context, horas): #get today´s date in utc, if I want 9hrs this converts to utc, for Uruguay (2hrs dif) 7hrs fecha_utc = in xml if you want to define a value for a field that need a python expression you need to use eval:. Hello All, I want to get the value of a wizard in pivot value using context. Many2one('myNewModule', "My Text") *view:* <field Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. model def default_get(self, fields_list): res = super(hr_attendance, I know I can specify the default value for a field in a one2many widget with tree view customizing the create control like this <control> <create string="Add a red one" context="{'default_color': 'red'}" /> <create string="Add a blue one" context=" {'default Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Hello Pawan Sharma, You are using odoo v10 as per that I suggest below code, I hope this will help you. It stores the 'id' of that referencing record. Pass default values for field using context. default='_create_default_freelancer') But instead of Employees, I'm using Freelancers. How to pass default values inside the context. Default_get method not setting the values to the field in odoo 14. Enjoying the discussion? Don't just read, join in! Create an account today to enjoy exclusive features and engage with our awesome community! Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. _default = { 'auType' = 'type1',} Use a key_value of the tuple of tuples of string defined in your field as default value or use any valid function: def _get_default_type(cr, uid, context=None): Instructions on setting default filter values in Odoo's search view using context settings. id} Need Your help please. Model):/ / _inherit = 'sale. {'default_delivery_types':record. Same can also be used to pass context in "create and edit" pop up as seen in the hr_expense. Char( string = "Status_Vente" , required = False , editable = False , default ='Disponible') I would like to change the "status" value when i click in button. Here is my code. Also I have a button action to create an operation from 'hospital. I have some data values to pass to a field through context. A driver owns cars and also owns parking spaces. analytic. Hi. 2) how to add time in Datetime field in model to assign a default value?. in your function just write: print self. It is Integer value that you can set in "x". Mastering context in Odoo enables a Lets say *Wizard_1 opens new window with List view*, at the same time sets some important key/value pairs in a context. rental. rubrique', string='Rubriqu Get the Software. *But it doesn't work. here is an example for adding a new value to a dict. a, if I click on create & Edit in the drop down, class. line. Hi, Update the line like I would to get value "patient_id" of the model 'hospital. Many2one('res. For the partner object specifically, I presume the way to go is something like: from openerp. I created many2one field that has relationship custom model. but I need to put the value of a parent field as a default value of a child field. Setting Default Values in Forms = 'context': {'default_country_id': 1} Dynamic Views Based on Language = if context relevant, and efficient operations, improving overall business processes. category. hope this helps. browse(cr, uid, ids, Using the context to compute default values. You need to pass 'default_' prefix in context with field name. Now, I would like to set the default value for that field with the codition is: [[u'bom_ids', u'!=', False]]. Something like this seudo-code: Set by default a specific "operation type" in a many2many MO field . We know window actions are an important part of odoo architecture. I've create a model to hold this tags: it. See a sample from the MRP module: @api. _get_default_branch ()) but this default in the field is not triggering the default branch function and always giving a same branch of admin user. get Hi everyone, How can I pass the object value fields, or value from my function to window action domain value or context. co/CPm3BJQ I have currently created some fields directly in Odoo and not from . Add the Ship field as a drop down list field of the Ship object to the order lines next to quantity. So far I understand that when I want to *pass some information from model to wizard* this done via *context. See: How To Set Default Value Using Context In Odoo Thanks. How to pass context from wizard to view. Improve this answer. name. So, If the wizard has a field called target_id; In your model, you should start the wizard using a method button like this: . def get_category(self,cr,uid,context=None): Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. default_get(cr, uid, ['test_field'], context=context) The new default value doesn't show for the field. project. I have this in my code: @api. Pass default value for fields in odoo using context. User can set default value from "debug" mode. How to set default filter or group by option in odoo or default search filters auto set or group by in odoo. model def default_get(self, fields_list): defaults = super (StockMove, self). can be done using related field, like: client_name = fields. name="O2M" context={'default_X': active_id} X is your Parent product_template technical name. requisition. Just write: {"search_default_<value>":1} to set filter <value> as default. Thanks. tools. For setting the same employee, job and salary values into "movements" tab of contract form view, you have to pass the values through context into field in xml like below. I can set default values for many2one field basically with default= function, but it's filled by me not by the users in the server. In Odoo, you can use the "context" feature to se Please read this If you want to set the default values of one2many field from action, you can create a list of tuple with the same format we use for create or write one2many field and then you can pass it to context. How to set default value through context context="{' default_field_name ': value}" 1. Those default values have to be created in the database first. Using the context to compute default values There is a feature of the web client we can use to save some typing. a, class. tasks, and corresponding task_id m2o in calendar. Example: I have 2 view, All Order and Private Order , They all use the model sale. You can copy your context-context = self. b). When the user click on add a new line in the tree, a new form will open, I want the partner_id field in the form to have by default the id of the partner the form opened from I inherited the partner view and added the following but Any ways to pass context from controller and get it in odoo view or act_window? domain context controller. How to set default value using context in odoo. manager_id. Sale order lines will have a datetime field that, by default, take their value from a datetime field at sale_order model. My Code in the parent module: _columns = { 'project_line_ids': fields. partner. How to set default value in Job_id in this form with xml and don't need to set in the python file? Passing default value to form view using context (Odoo 13) Hot Network Questions How to change file names that have a space in the name using a script This issue is because there is a base function within the sale. one2many('timesheet. actions. Luicer Sziko. Add a Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. @api. category based on active object(e. context. click on Create button, after that you will get the Working hours by default. So using related fields you can not have different values for your car. env[ 'res. The operator answers within a Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company in dictionary you have to pass key as your field name for which you want to set default value, would your updated value for that field. 8170: odoo14 inherit view extend context & domain. b form will appear. order. Various examples update context value starting with default_ eg: context. * So I have this simple 5 years later this is still on top of the results on google search and it still took me all day to find the right solution In hope it saves someone else's time: An example of the context in window actions is given below. events. Many2one('sale. Just try to print the context in your function to get it . How to do that, pass a context (here the partner) from the list to the form when click on create button ? FYI I am aware that one could define default values for any field through the developer mode User Interface. Odoo Experience on YouTube. Using context to pass in default values for relational field objects. I have tried to change the "status" value by this instruction, but it dosen't work for me : def button_action How to set default field values using context in odoo. "default_state" as a key and for value use parent table field name. py files, and hope to be able to change it to . I would like though to define my default values on my custom module. Float( 'Planned Quantity', digits = dp. context Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. patient' model, so , fields 'date' , 'patient_name ' must be You can however define the context in actions and use `ref ()` combined with the `eval` XML attribute, as you can see in the following link, where it is used to define default values for fields in the form: Context can be used in window actions to set default values for new records or to display inactive records. patient' model, so , fields 'date' , (context. I added a project_id (m2o to account. voucher' branch_id = fields. py file, then it doesnt get the value that I passed in. Now I want to every time I create a new Freelancer, the category_ids field has already the 'Freelancer' tag. There is a feature of the web client we can use to save some typing. copy() Prepare one2many values like this-- I am working in an invoice form in Odoo, what i want is to display all the related details of a customer selected in the form from database. To send parent value to one2many field define context on one2many field in XML, to use context append "default_" as prefix to desired field e. defaults records to build the dict of values that you could extend by providing your To get parent value in one2many we may use context in XML. But I need to set it dynamically, specifically in the fields_view_get method (which I'm overriding as well). invoice. picking', 'type': 'ir. partner as model for the view. But when I create a I know that you can send parent values through context from XML and whenever a new form is opened, "default_get" of that object will be executed. I would to get value "patient_id" of the model 'hospital. get('default_type', 'entry') in ('out_invoice', 'out_refund', Context can be used to set a Filter when displaying records from a table. The wizard we are presenting requires the user to fill in the name of the member in the form. After reading the article, answer of these questions help you to reflect upon and analyse what you have read. invoice : Go to Setting->Technical->Actions-> User defined Defaults. I would like to change default values on it. Odoo 15 development tutorials. You are using it to browse hr. manager_id and self. Imagine I have 3 models parking_space, driver and car. Odoo's unique value proposition How to set default value from parent form in one2many field while creating records in one2many field, before saving parent form context= "{'default_ field_in_one2many ': field_in_parent}" Thanks. It is pointing to a custom model with relations to product. Hi, When I check in google for that topic I get only results for odoo8 and the solution given for it does not work for me. We have created a wizard to create some new records from sale order. PY of wizard : class DataWizard(models. Activate the debug mode, Go to Settings -> Technical -> Resource -> working time. job to my new window action. list and vehicle. And if we click on the create button, we arrive on the order form and the customer is already selected by default. Just see the below screen. In function 2 : uid is used for current user id. I want a datetime value to be inherited by default from other datetime value in the same view, but from other model. While selecting a value for field2 in class. See below code : @api. I'm thinking about sending this value by context, but I don't know what method is called when You can see that practically every method in Odoo had a context argument to transmit data. I want to pass the value of a many2one field to a one2many field in order to filter results of the latter, i am trying to use context but i don't know if i'm using it correctly or not Dear all I would want to have the same behavior as when you click on Sale > Customers > Create (*> the customer checkbox for the partner is automatically selected*) Or Purchase > Suppliers > Create (*> the supplier checkbox for the partner is automatically selected*) I added a new checkbox "Doctor" to partner, and I would want to set it as default if I click "Create" at my new In Odoo, I wanted to set default fields which are filled by users for a many2one field. Odoo 13 Set the default filter of list view With a context we can also set the default filter when we open the list view. env. line','timesheet_line_id','Project Hi everyone Sorry because I'm not good at English. I want to set the default value to 0 or empty the tax field. b. ensure_one() if self. I think you should use search method if you are trying to get expense with current user You can use context in window actions for setting default values for new records. Hi Manish, 1. I'm calling a wizard from python code and want to populate a field in the wizard with a value, calculated in the method before calling the wizard. Follow edited Jul 15, 2020 at 18:07. Examples of many ways to use context are given below. Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a simple wizard using a value from the current menu context. get('default_type', 'entry') in ('in_invoice', 'in_refund', 'in_receipt') and 'supplier') or False, 'default_category_id': (context. Parameters: fields_list (list) -- list of fields to get the default values for (example ['field1', 'field2',]). Hello all, I have very strange situation than I don't understand. I want to override the default value for a field with the default_get API function in odoo9. How can i resolve this? i used the - first make the functional field writable (if you don't like it to be writable by the end user, then addtionally you'll need to set it as readonly in view). second way to manage default value of any model from python code is that we can define _defaults = {} into that model from . Use the live In function 1 : please check if it is getting inside the if condition . But after that, about 1 second, It return the old value as model "stock. Here is the chunck of my code. see the video : How To Set Default Value For A Field in Odoo. For example for setting default account_id in account. And using context in xml what we could achieve. Best Answer Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Author Thanks @Deerom Technologies. In class. shop also. test. Friends, I have a filed file_type(Its a many2one field) I have to set default value for it for different users. It really does look like the root of the issue is that there doesn't appear to be a way to determine which model to apply the default to, so once the default value is defined in a context, that context gets passed along to both the res. My field is many2many. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. To continue with the example from your link: imagine I'm extending your view in my own module. When I open the All Order form, set Sale Team = Team A, and when I open the Private Order form, set Sale Team = Team B Please help me to configure this feature! Thanks Hello everyone, I have customized a module that include a many2one field. recruitment. freelancer. I want this new field to return the name of a record in the custom model based on the product and the customer (in sale. partner' head_branch=fields. Odoo Views Error: No default view of type ' form' could be found. width', default ='_get_width_default') def _get_width_default(self, cr, uid, context=None): res = self. you can see the example in "working time". Add a comment Discard. I need set default value for form view when they open. Many2one(related='order_id. Thanks & Regards, Email: odoo@aktivsoftware. When an This is not what I want exactly, Your method will give category_id by default based on function. I thought all I needed to do was define the field like below and default = product_qty. Then add some checks to your function. to pass in a default value for a 'name' field, use: context="('default_name' : 'David')" Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc As for all fields you can define a default value for selection fields in the _default dictionary of your class. But I want fb2 field to be autofilled with field1 I want to pass context to a wizard that is called on a button click action from JS, I tried the following code but it didn't work. I'm using res. adding default_ before the field name eg default_product_id instead of product_id. multi def open_popup(self) #the best thing you can calculate the default values # however you like then pass them to the context return { 'name': 'Import Module', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form', 'target': 'new', 'res_model': default_get(cr, uid, fields_list, context=None). Default va Super the default get method of the corresponding model and inside it, check whether you have particular value inside the context, if so, set the default value from there. requisition i add a fields w/c is m2o on sale. line). osv): _name = "jbbookmark. TransientModel): If you like to set default value in XML, for a particular page or view, than you can consider following option: In the "action" record that opens your Form View, you can add an entry in a "context" dictionary, like this: "default_field_name" : "default value for field_name field", so that key should be the field's name prefixed by "default i have this filed in source module account_voucher _name = 'account. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. line' _columns Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. So, my problem is the value of Location when I create a "Receive/Deliver Products -> Incoming Products" has been changed. Using Context in Window actions. expense. test). from odoo import models, fields, api import logging class CrmnNewTask(models. defaults. project_id) since I would let the user to choose an analytic account even for Meetings created outside the Hi In OpenERP context is a dictionary parameter used to define default values, which are used many time and some special values you want this is a default parameter ( means you can use send this DIC variable from fuction call or not ) and use to default values like your field name "name" context={'default_name' : 'xyz'} Hi, I just show you how I just used fields_get in sale order model to update context. Now I am in the form of the parking_space and want to Hii, From a custom module I am passing the following default values to account. I have given an onchange context in the xml I have this class that represents a URL bookmark from openerp. * Then Wizard_3 can be started from the window opened by Wizard_2 *by the same way* and so on. This was my attempt: def _create_default_freelancer(self): To get default values in one2many odoo 12. But I can't find anyway to this. Thanks a lot in advance. py : from osv import fields,osv class container(osv. Website made I have a many2one field in sale. branch' , 'Branch' , ondelete = "restrict" , default = lambda self : self. Many2one('risques. On you form view added the button, Hi Niyas, when you create a field from odoo's interface, is there a way to set default value from field? Like this: https://ibb. g. For all user the Hello, I have declared a field w ith a default value as follows : status = fields. line, it's necessary to override the underlying function in the base code. For the sales order the following pre-defined filters are available (use it instead of <value>): name; type_person; type_company; customer; supplier; Or you can create a new filter in the SearchView. Hi, I have two classes (say class. But alas its not that easy. Model): _name = 'project. I'm using the 'active_id' context, I can print it but I can't affect it to the field. Example, I have 3 user trademark_user,company_user & all user For trademark user the file_type field will be "Trademark Registeration" and it should be read only. Each time you click the Add item link button the specialist name should be filled with the default value specified in the context. Author Best Answer Hello. in v7. I created event_ids o2m field in project. Hello everyone, does anyone can help! The case is this, in purchase. right now, i have following default values and if i want by default add 3 days in today's Date how i can ( same for You can set default filters in the context of the window action. picking, passing default values in context def create_delivery(self): self. act_window' Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Greetings, I know that if having a field named "info", to set the default value of that field i will have to add context like this {'default_info':'info_value'} But now, i want to set the default parent category of a product on a particular view such that when a user tries to create a product, there is a default parent category selected. However it only explains how to add context to a form field, not how to extend an existing context. My module is inherited from product base module. I do not know if default values are juste giving with active_id or some like default for char or integer. and Create a button under ship field 'Update to Order Lines', update the same Ship information to the order lines. Both the you can do better the context could be dynamic when you use a python method to open the popup see example in the odoo addons : @api. Here is a code. 0. I'm trying to set default values for a child field in the parent module. I have tried the following: - setting default values in the python fields declaration - adding force_save to the fields when they are readonly - passing the default values to the context of the wizard with default_field_name - overriding the If i save the filter as default filter, openerp save the actual date and the filter not work tomorrow or other day because the date is saved instead of context_today(). Context can be used in window actions to set default values for new records or to display context = { 'default_field_name': 'default_value', 'additional_context_key': 'additional_context_value', } # Open the form view of the other model in a new tab Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. I am using the context dictionary in the xml file to pass the value of the field, but when I use the context variable in the . Many2one ( 'res. Hello. id: [1] return { 'res_model': 'stock. shop and on purchase. That method will collect the default values from field definitions, per company related values and ir. Returns default values for the fields in fields_list. py files soon, but at the moment I wish to create them with default values hopefully and not change context in action due to some Hello everybody!!! I want to put a value by defaut in the currency_id of res_ompany model. Guys, I would like to have in my module start date and end date set automatically and I have but both st_date and en_date is set "today": I need: end date = today start date = 30 days before today (approximately a month before end date) code i'm using : def _days_between(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None): res = {} for cur_data in self. 2. partner and the mail. Hi all, looking for solution how I can pass default values to a form field from specific URL. Odoo's unique value proposition is to I'm aiming to relate meetings to tasks in a m2o relationship. report' _rec_name = 'project_name' project_name = fields. So my questions is how I can set a default value of a many2one field in odoo? My following example works fine, except that I did not find out how to set a default value: my example code: *py file:* var = fields. Model): _inherit = 'res. For example, when passing the product_qty as a default value in the manufacturing order, the value will propagate to the stock move as well, which may cause some unexpected issues, since it has the same field. i have tried below code but it did not work probebly width_id = field. First of all I will define you the problem statement that why we need this scenario. I want to know how to self default value ?My default value is "Head/Branch". Char(string='Project 1. What i am trying to do is that whenever i am going to add on line_ids i want to set it's shop_id base on purchase. osv import orm, fields class MyModule(orm. Many2one('head. Sr. Note: Record Rules and domain can also restrict what records are displayed. Any method to save a filter with the context_today instead of his value? Thanks. _context or self. Thank You. Share. if you try to create a new user from the expense form, some access right groups are automatically set. You can set default value for any of field from selected form view. I want to modify default value of "source location" and "destination location". 0 Jul 24 .