Iframe not working in mobile view. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 9 months ago.
Iframe not working in mobile view I have created a Rails app. Only after the My "About. I have tested it on my Galaxy S3. I simply need the iframe to appear correctly on both devices, but for now, I can only get it to display on mobile, not desktop. It even works on Android. 1. I have an iframe (yes, I have to use an iframe on this occasion) that works fine on PC, but won't load on mobile or tablet at all. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 5 months ago. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. activeElement === document. It's been a day searching for the right solution for iframe pdf in mobile safari browser and this is the quickest nice little fix. For the last few days, the code of Page Plugin's IFrame is not working. iframe not loading after upgrade to Cordova iOS 4. length; i++) { var htmlStr = '< jQuery Mobile inside IFRAME. scroll and window. resizeIframe(this); is not being called. 15. But, iframe is not showing anything in iOS device and simulator although it works very well in Android and browser. no autoplay in iframe HTML5 player on mobile (Android Chrome and Firefox)? 17. Teams. 5. html : iframe not showing content in html. have width: 100%; – This works correct, and inside the iframe the document is opened and it works: But, when i click on download button, it does not work. I used Embed, Iframe tags, it worked in Mozilla but did not work in IE and Mobile browser. Click "Toggle Device Toolbar" icon on the top menu on inspect window toolbar. PDF inside iFrame not working on iOS. bring out stack view in Chrome for Android. October 26 at Using an iframe to "render" a PDF will not work on all browsers; it depends on how the browser handles PDF files. html was rendering my actual index. Works fine on all major desktop browsers but doesn't seem to be working on mobile devices. I have this screenshot displaying a PDF in an iframe on Chrome for Android. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 months ago. This works now fine in most browsers, but not in iOS 10 (tested with iPhone 7), where nothing is Hi, I've embedded a map on my site with iframe. The content will show if I'm on desktop view and also when I'm adjusting the size of the browser window (Not using Chrome dev tools). Try a simpler version of the iframe with just the href and a width and height and see if it appears. 4. Net? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 1 month ago. I must confess I don't understand any html and have been attempting to copy bits of code I've found from around the web. but it doesn’t work is I simply need the iframe to appear correctly on both devices, but for now, I can only get it to display on mobile, not desktop. Android phone, iPad. Please help me anybody on this problem Please Help. YouTube Autoplay does not work with iFrame. Please help me! Mobile Development Collective Join the discussion. Steps to reproduce bug: Create a LWC or an aura lightning component. Hi, I’m facing a problem with viewer on android mobile view, the viewer works perfectly with the desktop mode (windows, android and IOS), but the pdf is not loading when using android mobile ( i havn’t test with ios mobile since i don’t have an iphone right now). – Dipen Patel. BUT, when i put the same iframe on a PLAIN HTML file, its completely responsive. Commented Mar 9, 2019 at 18:52 Bootstrap 4 modal not working on mobile - unable to close modal or view it correctly. Have you tried to test it on mobile chrome or firefox browser? Worst case scenario use this component instead. 74. Iframe on Blogger javascript not working. Modified 11 years, 4 months ago. 6 Android WebView with iframe embeds doesn't show on 4. So, it extends the iframe horizontally. Tom. documentElement. Thanks! iFrame not working - turns up blank. 7 iFrame and Mobile Safari (iPad/iPhone) Turns out the video actually plays - but it's weird how that happens! First of all, I'm testing on Android 5. addEventListener('touchstart', {}); // in iframe It seems Safari on IOS denies touch listeners to window unless other DOM objects also have listeners. ruenel February 3, 2019, 12:56am #14. My iframe is not showing for some reason. Those are the magic parameters that make it work. On the computer it works at any size, even when shrinking down the browser, but on mobile, I am having issues playing the video in all browsers I have tried (Brave, Firefox Focus, Red Browser, Neeva and Safari) Instead of playing the video, the browser stays on the first When I adjust browser windows it's working perfectly for mobile phone but when I check it on my real mobile phone: Samsung Galaxy S2 it's not responsive to the mobile view. Add component to a pagelayout. It plays well on desktop, but on mobile browsers, the video doesn't play. In Firefox for Not able to login to a website which is embedded inside an iframe and also many ajax post requests are not working inside iframe issue only in chrome [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 3 years, 6 months ago. Stack Overflow. There is some Javascript on the page but I’ve embedded a Google form in an iframe element on a project I’m working on and it shows up fine on a desktop. Something like Firefox's responsive design view is designed for exactly what you are talking about too: It turns out that the physical size of the smartphone is wierd. Please fix this asap. It works fine on the PC but if you view it on mobile you’ll see that the height isn’t working (I specified [ad_1] I am trying to create an iframe with [THIS]). Since object tag cannot load on mobile view, therefore on mobile devices, embed tag will become active. explained with an example, how to solve the problem of HTML embed Tag not displaying PDF file in Mobile Browsers. 1, and trying to set the contents of an iframe using a generated blob: url, but the result is an empty iframe not working in Ionic app on Android. It works great on the desktop but seems to try and download random objects on the mobile browser that has the same name as the video url and shows no iframes. Although I have not yet tried Sharon's solution it does seem like a good solution. A Solution to Touch and Click in jQuery (without jQuery Mobile) Let the jQuery Mobile site build your download and add it to your page. it behaves like i never set a width for it. A viewport controls how a webpage is displayed on a mobile device. Social Plugins. In which I have included an iframe tag which loads an embed link from Box. For a quick test, you can also use the script provided below. Without a viewport, mobile devices will render the page at a typical desktop screen width, scaled to fit the screen. Modified 12 years, 3 months ago. I also tried it with the Googleexample you posted and still not working :( my iframe is enclosed in a bootstrap col Overview, I have an <iframe> embed on a content, inside has it's own GA library and track pageview and events defined. Trouble displaying Google map in jquery mobile. check here. ) Finally an Embed (Object is a method to be avoided as now depreciating / not good) See your Embed in an Object Above Left This works fine on my windows desktop but does not work on any mobile devices e. Modified 8 years, 1 month ago. One thing to note is that a feature specified within the allow attribute is by default only allowed for the origin in the iframe's src attribute. And this iframe is not scrollable on mobile. Since the loaded form from the iframe is responsive and looks good in the desktop view, but it looks bad in the mobile view. 64. What you propose should work, assuming you don't have anything else screwy like the child intentionally grabbing CSS from the parent etc. – user3198259. The width goes out the window on an ipad/iphone. For some reason the listings are not displaying on mobile devices anymore. It's most of two years since the question was asked but it was true even then. 0 iFrame doesn't work in Chrome (works fine in FF, IE and Safari) 2 iFrame is not fixing correctly in android device. iframe not working properly with ionic/angular js. Safari mobile - youtube iframe api - autoplay. It works fine on the PC but if you view it on mobile you'll see that the height isn't working (I specified height) and it is skipping the pop up filter thing Hey there, I have integrated an iFrame into a customers real estate website. The table scrolls, but I The modal not working both android and ios devices and tablets. Hot Network Questions Prove Sum Equals Catalan's Constant Do all collected coins count to the overall statistic in Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? If it is not null than try use GetAttribute before assign its value to IFrame src. October 5 at 7:54 PM. Can I use multiple versions of jQuery on the same page? Hot Network Questions I have an iframe with which I am bringing PDF or JPEG documents, when I do the mobile or tablet type view, the iframe does not show the document. 6. Google Maps and Jquery Mobile not working together. As of 2014, the option &output=embed does not work anymore. They look completely fine in chrome inspect element when testing on the different mobile devices, the media queries kick in when they should etc, and on a safari browser they look correct also, but on an ACTUAL iphone, they don't display correctly at all. Scroll event listener not working on iOS in iFrame. Modified 11 years, 6 months ago. I have made sure security protocols are the same and everything displays correctly on desktops. can't scroll in Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company This is working perfectly fine on all desktop browsers. I'm having real problems embedding an iframe into my blogger site. 7. iFrame not Loading some URL's but loading others. Things like scrolling="no" or scrolling="false" and css hacks do not work. 5. Make sure the video is muted and the playsinline parameter is on. I've a question about tag. I want show this webpage within my PhoneGap div that way i can keep my header and navigation. 465. Modified 6 years, 9 months ago. Net Web form application project. 0 This is within an iframe also, and looks fine outside of the iframe on a mobile device. frameElement (2) <'iframe'>: The Inline Frame element My client asked me to create a page which contains PDF. When I run the app it doesn't show the webpage because something has blocked it or something like that. 0. Is it possible to do something? Here is the page with such . It s It seems that someone prevents the default action of the normal touch events flow: touchstart - touchmove - click. By not working, I mean: the video doesn't start playing when it is touched and if it's double touched, the page zooms in. Facebook's security settings are preventing this. function renderList() { for (var i = 0; i < List. . If you have your cursor on the form it won't scroll. Its working fine on default browser in Android but breaks on Chrome in Android which is important because these are mobile features and should work on mobile device on every browser. When I click on the mail icon in Chrome on Android, it says Iframe does not work correctly in ASP. But the iframe should not be scrolling only resizing itself based on the container element i. I had a problem. When i click on Video Thumbnail a pop appears and Video plays in that,I need to start play the video (without clicking the play button) when popup opened. 4 internet browser. 12. So MS Edge will not have any effect of that attribute. NET sessions, it's possible to encounter a race condition that will prevent that iframe from loading. IFrame not working in Safari. Is it possible to let the iframe go fullscreen in chrome and safari on mobile devices? Here is, how I set the iframe: But when I switch it to mobile view, it DOESNT work. The Problem: You're trying to embed the Facebook mobile site within an iframe on your own website. Here is a Quick Start. Video autoplay does not work on mobile (React) Related. Video autoplay not working - Google maps not working in an iFrame. Some browsers will always open that file inside an external application (or in another browser window). Another thing you need to notice that srcdoc attribute is not supported in MS Edge. Embedding a Google map. NET doesn't care; "it's a Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Solution 1: Inside the iframe, add a dummy listener to the document object: document. When i put the iframe on the site it doesn't work on mobile - meaning the responsiveness is lost and its not scaling according please check here. I am trying to create an iframe with THIS. But I’ve tried on several different iPhone models, two iPad models, and a Droid device and it simply doesn’t Squarespace displays the map OK in the design portal when you toggle the mobile or tablet display mode. – When a desktop user enters the page, the ArcGIS WebApp loading inside the iframe and everything works fine. 7 iFrame not loading on page load (jQuery Mobile) 5 IFrame not working in Safari. E. Bootstrap 4 Modal Background not responsive on mobile. Web. click() using the following snippet: cordova iframe not working with 2 errors. non existant within that iframe. scrollBy, etc. Hello Leanna, Please turn ON again the inner container option in your row settings so that on smaller screens you will have some space on the left and right of the calendar. Ctrl + Shift + Del Open the "Clear Browsing Data" in chrome; select "Cookies and Other Site Data". Google Maps - Not displaying but loaded in HTML. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 9 months ago. iframe is not working in blogger blog. I'm using Mobirise v4. 6 (blank page on Chrome, Safari, Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company so i'm trying to load a PDF from external source into an iframe, it works fine on desktop and mobile view but when it comes to cordova android application it doesn't load, the iframe just goes/shows . I'm putting this into a Mobirise The error "Refused to display 'https://m. Why ? I need to iframe the pdf and show it in mobile app in web view. When a user clicks on the video to play it, the document. That's not the case on mobile devices (but a great method to hide it altogether on a long hamburger sidebar that shows content being cut off in landscape but still needs to scroll without wasting valuable space. It works fine in web applications but not working in iOS devices. js pdf lookalike image/html viewers as used in Firefox may work if external to Chrome or web side embedded as a service. While testing on computer it works just fine, but on actual devices, the video in iframe doesn't work. Any ideas on why this is happening or how to fix it? Thank you! Putting mobile Google into an iframe does not work. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company JQuery click event not working for iframe, in mobile browser. Kane. Please help on this. iFrame not showing inline HTML content. On mobile devices it doesn't work at all. The keypress in mobile not working? 0. html in an iframe. Autoplay of YouTube Iframe Player is not working on chrome and firefox. I use scrollIntoView. I use Google iframe but it does not work. I just misread before. I'm working on a website made with bootstrap 4. Hi i am using iframe full height in my blogger blog. Since the mobile site he has already has flexible widths, it should fit nicely. 0 jQuery Mobile inside IFRAME I liked the sloppy yet working solution of increasing the iframe height to something like 400%. So, I think either something with iOS or maybe Squarespace? To recap: Desktop (macOS) - works OK Mobile (iPhone 13 Pro iOS 15. That was the point, the iframe was not supposed to be scrolling only parts of it's content i. On Safari, it works perfectly fine in the safari developer tools and desktop Good morning to all. I tested the below code in mobile Android Chrome and Samsung Internet and it works fine, but in mobile IOS Chrome and Safari it doesn't When I press any of the navigation links in the horizontal scrolling menu, the scroller moves all the way to the end towards the 'Help' link and it highlights it as well. I added it and have tried overflow:scroll and overflow:auto but to no avail. 1 iframe on Android browser issue. Viewed 722 times -1 I have a ASP. This is a pretty specific issue I'm having, but I'm out of ideas on how to debug this, or even find out if it will work at all on mobile browsers. I tested using an iframe with real content, so it will be fully scrollable. You can see with the gif that the viewer works when using desktop view, and that on mobile, only There is an html page that works correctly on any Windows and Android (shows content of iframe). Here is what i currently have: W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. So when the video starts playing, we periodically check to see if the active There is a responsive scheduling website that renders a mobile view when on a phone. Been digging through the support forum but couldn't find any solution that worked. The files are downloaded instead any sol Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I am trying to display a full screen website in Iframe, although vertical scrolling is not working on iOS mobile (tested on safari, chrome). Its ONLY when I go to a site that has an iframe to my Angular app on a mobile device where it doesn Javascript not working on mobile but works on desktop. 2. iFrame not working in jQuery Mobile (Phone Gap) 5. This question is in a collective: a subcommunity defined by tags with relevant content and experts. Even with overflow set to scroll, can't get the google forms iframe in an overlay to scroll, instead the background underneath keeps scrolling on mobile. The Facebook page is not visible in the mobile view. Basically, the new iframe link is: Google maps not working in an iFrame. the div#ScrolledArea (in green) in my example. It does if I remove the tables from the page. 0 iframe for Android apps using Phonegap not working. Once we refresh it, we can NO LONGER SEE pdf. Viewed 2k times 2 So I have a site that uses iFrames for a similar purpose as StumbleUpon and the site works (or is supposed to work) on mobile as well as desktop. Solutions (none are guaranteed to work, as Facebook could change its policy): Don't use an iframe for Facebook: This is the most reliable solution. I have a youtube iframe video on my site that will not play, but only on mobile (i'm using iOS7 on iPhone5). I want to scroll when all content has been rendered. Embed cross domain Magento website into a Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog The developer used divi to build the site and set up Iframe’s to pull in heavy equipment listings from machinerytrader. Safari and Chrome on Desktop will show the iFrame if you resize the window to a mobile display. Have fun guys! Share. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. This is what it happens when the file explorer is opened: I do not know why is this happening. 3 IFRAMES on mobile devices problematic. Solution 2: Inside the top window, add a dummy listener to any object (including window): However, when I view my website on ios/ android (android almost all browser not working) (ios Safari can show the pdf but without any function (e. I run into an issue on mobile when the iFrame contains Mobile Considerations Autoplay and Scripted Playback. When I click on the open button, nothing happens. Dynamically injecting Javascript into an iframe with JQuery. If you modify webview configurations and use loadData function to load iframe, some iframes will not work in webview. scrollTo (its alias) don't seem to work on an <iframe> embedded in the Android 4. This is the code I have: Use a container element, like <div>, and add the iframe inside of it: Add a percentage value for padding-top to maintain the aspect ratio of the container DIV. IFRAME won't load content from page. Since you haven't created I developed an app with ionic framework for both iOS and Android. The HTML5 element, in certain mobile browsers (such as Chrome and Safari), only allows playback to take place if it's initiated by a user interaction (such as tapping on the player). On mobile however, the iframe src doesn't change but remains to be "page3. Solution. find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. But only in blogger it's not working in only IE browser. 3 iFrame in JQuery Mobile not showing. For third-party sites, though, as others have said, ASP. You can see how it looks in the picture I attached. I'm using <style> iframe { border: 0; I have a problem with scroll to element on mobile Safari in iframe (it works on other browsers, including Safari on mac). View in Salesforce mobile app. Hello everyone, I've been struggling to get an iframe to display correctly on both mobile and desktop and have searched the forum for help, and not finding an answer - although lots of helpful hints. I had given up on the video thing, but when I was navigating the site and at some point decided I wanted to go back Home, I navigated to the Homepage Problem: My Google form is cut off on mobile phones. The original code supplied did not have an overflow style set. but, when a mobile user enters the page, the iframe just doesn't stop to try and load itself again and again. It was working perfect in web but not in mobile devices like iPhone ,iPad This snippet works on a computer browser properly, but when I open the same page using IP on my mobile Chrome browser, I got an error, but it works in the incognito mode and other browsers too. com) has We have a custom application embedded in an iframe and the content inside the iframe is not loading only in Iphone after the ios is upgraded to ios15. I'm running an iframe tag in visual studio 2017 that uses cordava apache. This is working fine when I'm testing the app on my localhost as well as on my server, but on Android it doesn't seem to work. HTML embed Tag does work in Desktop browsers but it does not work in Mobile browsers and hence using PDF. What could be the wrong? mobile; responsive-design; Share. code i script inside iframe not working. Currently the tracking is working in WEB and mobile web view but unfortunately when the embed is called in mobile app as a webview it is not tracking the pageview and events. This works fine in all the major desktop browsers with the width of the PDF scaling to fit inside the confines of the iFrame and a vertical scroll bar to view all the pages within the document. It looks like muted does not work properly when using React. I am using Iframe to view the PDF in my web and mobile applications. I'm trying to place PDF in <iframe> for my web application. I inserted an iframe onto another site and the application is working fine on desktop, and also on the Chrome debugger mobile menu. To see those headers, open the Network pane in your browser devtools and reload the document and examine the response there — or else use Postman or curl or some other command-line tool that lets you examine the HTTP headers for I have an iFrame that contains a div that should be scrollable (just the div, not the whole iFrame). I'm basically trying to embed an iframe into one of my sites. keyup, keydown and keypress events not working on mobile. The same application is working fine I have an iframe with which I am bringing PDF or JPEG documents, when I do the mobile or tablet type view, the iframe does not show the document. I don't know why it is behaving like this, It would be really helpful if anyone can rid of this. html", the content doesn't change accordingly on click with different thumbnails. 2. 12. Hot Network Questions "Da" vs "a" in a sentence Replacement for M355 Shimano hydraulic brake Is there a word or a name for a linguistic construct where saying you can do a thing implies you can do it well? Which regression model to use when response variable is 'day of the When I load the page in a desktop browser (tested Chrome, Safari, and Firefox), even when I keep the width of the screen small, it loads and resizes just fine, so I would think mobile devices would respond the same. Hot Network Questions This will only work on authorized sub domains or the same domain, not if the iframe refers do a diffrent domain – Willem D'Haeseleer Commented May 28, 2013 at 13:25 Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company This is the second answer What I mean is that if you have an aspx file that inherits from System. jquery - . But they don't. Google docs iframe not working on mobile devices. I do not want to scroll inside the iframe. Asked about 3 months ago. This is the popup which causes the problems: They look great on desktop but are not working at all on mobile devices. Randall. I had to use something called dangerouslySetInnerHTML in order for muted to show up in the component. I know that all browsers will read . Iframe content not showing. html didn Try this solution, follow these steps: remove max-height from #loginalign so that password field and remember me sections will not overlap in small devices. Help and suggestions are much appreciated! changing the src of iframe not working. If I set the iframe tag width directly to 700 it looks good on the desktop but doesn't fit on the mobile view. And the production's index. Commented Jun 25, For those who are attempting to use autoplay property on mobile view: Autoplay function for mobile devices is a serious thing and it is disabled for most cases. Autoplay of YouTube using iframe not working in android and iphones. Such that the click event is never called. Modified 5 years, But the content of this div is not rendered if the iFrame is out of view on page load. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company In my Ionic project I want to add in an iframe for a Vimeo video. zoom) ) . ) I'm trying to load pdf file inside of iFrame in REACT, the code looks like this: render(){ return( <iframe sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms" tit When scroll-into-view is used within an iframe in mobile safari, it doesn't scroll to the specified element. Ok, so - at first - I thought it was being hidden by the parent element. Hot Network Questions SQL Server does CU+GDR also install the CU as well as the GDR I have responsive site which have an issue of scrolling because of iFrame. Probably some other script does this by calling preventDefault() on the event object of touchstart or touchend events or by returning false from event listeners of these events. To overcome this issue you can intercept To be clear: I want to scroll the entire page while touching the iframe. This example should work. hey everyone i try for PDF viewing in mobile application but it not working mobile device used some plugin such as File Viewer Plugin ,Open PDF Sample Mobile etc 0 If the iFrame content is not yours then the solution below will not work. End users are having a difficult time understanding the iframe is scrollable. 5 Jquery Iframe onload event is not executing on Google chrome. html" uses Bootstrap in order to achieve responsiveness, this responsiveness works in the iframe if the page is accessed through my desktop's browser, I can resize the window and the content of the iframe will be resized as well, meaning that if I resize the window to 400px or something similar the frame will appear in 'mobile mode'. 1, but no on 14. Nor do any of the other functions (it seems) like window. Hosting by Github Pages. iframe not working in cordova (android) tried cordova whitelist. The iFrame comes from Flowfact, which is their real estate software. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. It's kind of hacky but not really. It works fine in the desktop browsers that I have tested it on, so Im not sure why it won't play, only on my mobile device. I'm using iframe for Facebook Embed Post. Now we can still see the pdf in mobile view. com. Google suggests you to switch to Google Maps Embed API. Viewed 2k times 0 . When the user clicks the "done" button, the document. Chrome Desktop uses a bundled Foxit collaborative true PDF Viewer plug-in. facebook. So in your first case where you have a form targetting the iframe where there is no src attribute you would need to add either the all (*) flag or rather more restrictively the source origin. iFrame don't want to display. this is just an info why is it not working October 16 at 11:41 PM. It also works on mobile devices when going to the website. I tried with code below. It is a phonegap plugin used to show new browser window. I need fixed toolbars (header and footer), but when I include the iframe-popup in the content, then the toolsbars are scrolling and jumping back on the right position. im adding a screenshot both for mobile & desktop with devTools console open. js JavaScript plugin is used. JavaScript within <script> tags are not being executed in an iframe. Some browsers (such as Firefox and Chrome) have a built-in PDF rendered which allows them to display the PDF inline where as some older browsers (perhaps older versions of IE attempt to download the file instead). In Chrome's Web Inspector, if you switch it to mobile view, it also shows the iFrame. g: Dont use iFrame with JQM on mobile phones. Modified 3 years, 6 months ago. g. So I played around with the iframe API a bit and found a solution. I imported a youtube video using `iframe, but it doesn't work on mobile, but runs perfectly on desktop. iFrame is not going to work with some built-in android browsers. With Android all you need to do is to surround the iframe with a DIV and set the height on the div to document. Bootstrap 4 modal not displaying. where as other lighter external viewers or lighter . aspx), that kind of file should be placed outside of Views folder, that way you can call it by the "normal" url If you're trying to load a page from your own site in an iframe, and if you're using ASP. Can someone give me a hint on how to get this working like in the screenshot below. Add iframe to component. Problems displaying PDF in iFrame on Mobile Safari. Mobile Embedded Youtube Iframe not playing. 1. e. It works fine on the PC but if you view it on mobile you’ll see that the height isn’t working (I specified height) and it is skipping the pop up I'm working with video. Learn how to troubleshoot and fix issues with iframes not displaying content in HTML. 2 and below Mobile Development Collective Join the discussion. The iFrame shows the properties available. My production index. I tried height: 1000px and height: 100% both with no luck. iframe not displaying properly. If the cursor is off the iframe, near the scrollbar then it works. Related. It scrolls inside the iframe just fine on desktop chrome/safari, even when I change the device to Part of Mobile Development Collective -6 I'm using Cordova 7. # Problem > Open site in iPhone in any browser > list of images and video display > Try to scroll down then it's work while images but when video then scrolling not worked because of video display in iFrame and iOS device not allow to scroll on `iFrame`. I suspect it's one of the other attributes that may be causing an issue. I have 2 pages (both on the SAME domain Mobile browsers have been making it harder for videos to autoplay on mobile, to prevent involuntary data use. iFrame Not Working with Mobile Version of Website. Using the same code as in you example, Safari iOS showed the iframe with full height of the contained html content event Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; Inside this iframe I have a player, which can go into fullscreen. Steps: Open Chrome Inspect Window. I am trying to use the iframe for IOS as well. My device is Samsung Galaxy S9+. It works well in desktop browsers but not on iPhone 5. In my case, the plugin works on Android Chrome when viewing my Google Site directly but not via the custom domain. com/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'" means that the Facebook mobile site (m. Next, we can rewire all calls to $(). 3. 3. Unfortunately in the mobile view the iFrame is floating and does not react responsive. Please help me. window. Whole pdf-file is not displayed through iframe in Mobile Safari on iPad 1/2. You can not scroll the page down when you touch this iframe. I know scroll attribute can cause the iframe to not appear. Modified 8 years, 5 months ago. Android webview containing hyperlinks inside IFRAME not working. At the moment however I can't get the PDF to display correctly in Mobile Safari. But it wasn't. iframe issue with mobile. Viewed 6k times 5 . I copied the google maps example out of the jquerymobile-docs. I tried different container heights and The main problem with Safari iOS is that the iframe tag is treated as some sort of responsive element, and will act strange to its size, and contained element (loaded HTML) sizes. The mobile preview on desktops even work. UI. Page (WebForm1. Viewed 4k times 0 . see that blog here: You're not rendering the captcha. The following example will Page Plugin with iFrame does not work in mobile view. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 3 months ago. 2) - Does not work Everything is working fine but when I am opening a page which has iframe, the iframe is not getting visible. Is it possible or not ? Android browser supports iframe. Embedding Google Maps - "View on Google Maps" Link Broken on Mobile. body. There is no problem in Android. Best and most compatible way I found is a little bit tricky but works on all browsers I tried (even pretty outdated): The iframe is not scrolling. Q) but this site has some rubbish rules about code and won't let me share them so I'll leave you to Google how object and iframe tags work by viewing better sites that actually wants the help from developers. Viewed 6k Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; Basically, in a web view, my page loads fine, but the iframes in it never load, they just stay white or don't appear at all, this happens in both htmlstrings and NSURL sessions please help. Everything works fine on desktop browsers, but it does not works in chrome on a tablet nor in mobile safari on an iPhone, but it works in mozilla firefox on a tablet. You can also see on my desktop it works as expected, just not on an iPhone. My code: The iframe is working fine on every browser, except on Safari on both: macOS and iOS. Use loadHtml(URL) method with this webview and you can pass URL in parameter and you will be able to view The code below was tested on iPhone, iPad (iOS13), Safari (Catalina). Alright, here's the situation: On load, the video doesn't play but instead displays the fallback poster image. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 9 months ago. clientHeight. When I view the page in an iPhone, the width is not modified to fit properly. September 27 at 8:45 AM. add class mb-0 to the password field so that it will remove It works great on desktop, but just shows blank on mobile and even in chrome developer tools in device view it shows up blank as well. I have an AngularJS application with a Django backend. If using Normal Chrome iframe, NOT working! If using Incognito Mode in Chrome, it works! If using Edge, it works! If I use my friend's PC chrome, it Works! ** Problem is the chrome cache issue. Oz. js onkeyup does not work on mobile devices. You have to scroll within the iFrame to see the offers. 0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> If it still doesn Works fine on desktop/desktop view but not on mobile. With Chrome, this works on desktop/PC. Hot Network Questions Youtube autoplay not working on mobile devices with embedded HTML5 player. It works on iOS version 12. I tried different container I mean iframes outer boundry fits perfectly but while watching inner video i have to scroll on mobile devices, I have tried css properties like scale, zoom etc. 0. Problem is that, On the iphone(4s/3gs) and IPAD, the contents of the iframe dont work properly, if at all. 1 and I need to insert some responsive videos, but I've tested video load on desktop and iPad devices, but in mobile not works and it show me like as a "broken frame". can you tell me what's wrong here please? Had this same problem believe me any style won't do anything to make the scrollbar visible always on mobile what I did was use simplebar library very easy to use just link the CSS and JS files and add data-simplebar attr in the parent remove the overflow scroll and just make sure that the parent is actually overflowing all check here enter image description here Putting mobile Google into an iframe does not work. It is blacked out However, it works on UC browser. The onload event is working in Chrome, but not working in Safari. It was able to autoplay the YouTube video on all devices. The weird thing is that if you try to hit refresh a couple of times, after a while it starts working, and it's showing the iframe, but after Iframe not working. Some extra information: Solution doesn't need to be elegant, it Safari Mobil iFrame content out of view not rendered. Ask Question Asked 12 years ago. Safari and Chrome on Desktop will show the iFrame if you resize the Unfortunately in the mobile view the iFrame is floating and does not react responsive. Below is the actual URL, click on search for a player and you wills see the page. Skip to main content. The submit button is trying to verify the response of the captcha once the user completes the captcha by sending a callback to the function specified on data-callback. I've noticed that the iframe I used within a pop up modal I made does not show in Google Chrome's mobile view from the developer tools. On some devices it works, while on others it doesn't show (tested with different browsers as well). Regular iframe code seems not to work for me. mouseover function doesn't always work on mobile device. What I have tried: I have been searching online for ideas. I created a jsfiddle that has an iframe with the scroll-into-view example url as the source, but clicking the button doesn't scr Currently on any mobile I view it on, the right columns are cut off. <iframe> is not best way to display a PDF (do not forget compatibility with mobile browsers, for example Safari). 2nd best is one iFrame on a page Below on Right (more than one means multiple downloads. How can I handle the mobile browsers (ios safari) (android chrome, fx and default one) if I need to display the pdf instead of download? thanks 'application/pdf' blob in safari iframe does not display, but the blob url works in a separate tab within safari 0 react iframe displays blank page with base64 pdf data with IE 15 windows 10 Look at the response headers for your document to see if it’s being served with a Content-Security-Policy HTTP header. activeElement becomes the iframe. Hot Network Questions Grounding a 50 AMP circuit for Induction Stove Top How do I make my lamp glow like the attached image On a light aircraft, should I turn off the anti-collision light (beacon/strobe light) when I stop the engine? No matter what I try I cannot get the iframe to scroll using the mouse scroll wheel. I iframe not displaying on mobile browser. pdf directly This works fine for desktop but for mobile, it is not working. How can I work around this limitation and force the <iframe> to scroll to a specific position on the page?. IOS, however, is a different animal. References: (1) Window. and the clicking. redufo uqisv leit towf lzuul orgrqn pzxeqo zygat mctf hmqsp