Hqs inspection checklist. Please look your unit over carefully before the .
Hqs inspection checklist ” Please use this Housing Inspection Inspections The Thurston County Housing Authority currently conducts Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections. S This checklist is not inclusive of everything that could fail an HQS Inspection, however the use of it will result in fewer failed inspections and give the owners a better understanding of what the inspectors look for during their inspections. The items listed in the document does not contain all possible failures, however, it does HQS Inspection Checklist This checklist will help you prepare for your Housing Quality Standards inspection. If this is an HQS INSPECTION CHECKLIST- CLIENT *Rental subsidy can only begin when the dwelling unit passes Housing Quality Standards Inspection* CEILINGS, WALLS, OR FLOORS- Large cracks or holes, severe bulging or leaning or have loose or falling material. Need to contact us? Call us at (215) 684-3860 or e-mail us at hcvinspections@pha. Check HUD and local codes for other requirements. Please note If the unit fails HQS inspection (see list of most common HQS inspected items on page two) there will be no re-inspection at this point. If there are any Rev-11/10 Page 1 of 2 HCVP HQS Annual Inspection Checklist for Landlords Each unit in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection each year. Please look your unit over carefully before the inspector comes Twitter Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections must be performed on the HUD-52580 or the 52580-A inspection form. phila. The checklist below is a tool for owners/landlords to Inspection Checklist U . Access checklists and information. All Owners should carefully review the checklist before their scheduled inspection date. Kitchen 3. If this unit was just inspected 2 months ago, will Use this inspection form to streamline the HQS process from the living room, kitchen, bathroom, other room used for living and halls, all secondary rooms, heating and plumbing, and general health and safety For each standard, select any of the three decisions: “pass”, “fail”, or inconclusive. org chicagonsp. How to Fill Out This Checklist Complete the checklist on the unit to be occupied (or currently occupied) by the tenant. Do all fixtures and receptacle work (at least 2 3. If the unit does not pass inspection, there will be a delay in the new contract In contrast to HQS inspections, the habitability standards do not require a certified inspector. 564. Is the electric service connected for the inspection? 2. The inspection of bedrooms is evaluated using the criteria shown in Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 8 form HUD-52580 (4/2023) OMB Approval No. This checklist highlights some of the common violations found during unit inspections. O. 4/30/2014) Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public and Indian Housing Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to Commonly Requested Forms HQS Inspection Checklist The list includes the most common reasons found for a unit to fail Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Self Certification of HQS Inspection Certify that HQS deficiencies have been corrected Den Assessment Is Resident HQS Commonly Failed Items Inspection Checklist Please use the below checklist to ensure your unit passes the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection conducted by Opportunity Home San Antonio. All utilities must be connected before an inspection can be conducted. By applying these strategies, you can effectively address challenges and improve housing quality. The All windows easily accessible from the outside (i. 7. Department of Housing OMB A pr oval N . org accessible from outside), at least one window able to close or stay open BATHROOM CHECKLIST: If a unit fails INSPECTION CHECKLIST It is necessary for the unit where you plan to receive rental assistance PASS a housing quality standards (HQS) inspection before payments will be made. All Other Rooms Used for Living 5. Heating and Plumbing. This checklist is specifically designed for a Housing Sample Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection Checklist The following items are a sampling of the items typically found on a housing inspector’s check list. Instructions: HQS INSPECTION CHECKLIST ACCESS TO RENTAL UNIT: o Are there four or more steps to the unit? If so, is there a steady handrail? o Is the walkway free of all tripping hazards? o Is there adequate security to rental unit? o Are there Double Key Entry Locks? If a unit fails an HQS inspection, the owner will be notified of what specific violations were found, and whether the violations are the responsibility of the owner or the tenant. Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection Checklist This checklist is provided as a courtesy and is not all-inclusive. Bathroom 4. , basement, first floor, fire escape, or deck) and must have locks that work. Listed below you will find a list of the most common reasons found for a unit to fail Housing Quality Standards (HQS). WMHA will not enter into a contract with you unitl the 450115 jg 8/05 Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection Checklist This checklist is provided as a courtesy and is not all-inclusive. They include the Access HQS INSPECTION CHECKLIST ACCESS TO RENTAL UNIT: o Are there four or more steps to the unit? If so, is there a steady handrail? o Is the walkway free of all tripping hazards? o Is there adequate security to rental unit? o Are there Double Key Entry Locks? Self-Inspection Checklist Major Areas of Unit Questions to Ask Yes Or No Repairs Needed al tems Electricity 1. Please make sure to review this checklist and to correct any deficiencies prior to the scheduled HQS inspection. Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 8 form HUD-52580 (7/2019) Inspection Checklist U. For additional information regarding the HQS Inspection, see the U. INSPECTION CHECKLIST It is necessary for a unit which will be occupied by a recipient of rental assistance to pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection before payments begin. The checklist below is a tool for owners to HQS Inspection Checklist Listed below is a list of the most common reasons that units fail Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections. The unit must pass the initial inspection before the execution of the assisted lease and HQS Self-Inspection Checklist Major Area of Property Questions to Ask Yes or No Repairs Needed B E l e c t ri c a l / M e c han i c a l Electricity 1. The owner must only call NYCHA to schedule a new Rental/Transfer Inspection when the unit is ready. Doors Inspection Checklist U . Proceed through the inspection as follows: room by 4. Please look your unit over carefully before the inspector comes out. BEDROOM For each item numbered, check one box only. HUD creates and maintains the comprehensive HUD Home Inspection Checklist for inspectors to HQS Inspection Checklist - HUD SHOW MORE SHOW LESS ePAPER READ DOWNLOAD ePAPER TAGS surfaces deteriorated hazards housing exceed ceiling previous checklist chicagonsp. 04/30/2018) Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public Want to learn more about HQS inspections? Click here to view a self-inspection checklist or here to view the HUD HQS Booklet. This checklist highlights some of the COMMON violations found during HQS Inspectors will use the following checklist to determine if the unit will pass basic HQS inspection guidelines. • Move-Out Inspection – For the Moderate Rehabilitation Program, the Los Angeles County HQS INSPECTION CHECKLIST ACCESS TO RENTAL UNIT: o Are there four or more steps to the unit? If so, is there a steady handrail? o Is the walkway free of all tripping hazards? o Is there adequate security to rental unit? o Are there Double Key Entry Locks? Community Services 3602 Pacific Avenue Suite, 200 Tacoma, WA 98418 253-798-4500 PierceCountyWA. This checklist does not cover all possible situations incurred during an inspection. To contact the Inspections Department directly, email hcvpinspections@thecha. The unit PHA conducts initial HQS inspection Landlord and tenant receive date for unit inspection3 PHA determines that the unit meets rent reasonableness2 standards for the area that the rental is located Landlord and tenant complete RFTA1 and submit to HUD Revised January 2017 HQS Pre-Inspection Checklist This checklist is provided as a courtesy and is not all-inclusive. Main navigation Toggle Section Fill Hqs Inspection Checklist, Edit online. PRE-INSPECTION CHECKLIST To ensure that the unit passes inspection, the items listed below must be in working order prior to the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection. 25 7-0169 and Urban Development (Exp. HQS inspections are conducted by using a checklist. The information is used to determine if a unit meets the housing quality standards of the Section 8 rental assistance program. All exterior doors and windows must be weather-tight. The current effective date of the inspection form is 4/2023. Try Now! The acronym "HQS" stands for "Housing Quality Standards," and the HQS inspection form refers to the document that is used to HCV HQS RVI Guide (04-07-2021) - 3 - • Building exterior (paint*, structural integrity, porch and/or balcony). Keep in mind, items may fail inspection that do not appear on this list. stablished in 17, the San Diego Housing Commission provides a variety of award-winning affordable housing programs and services that stimulate the local economy, revitalize 7 Roles Of HUD In Home Inspections HUD sets the standards for home inspections, ensuring properties meet Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Is there lighting You can use our Sample HQS Inspection Checklist to identify failed items. L andlord HQS Commonly Failed Items Inspection Checklist Please use the below checklist to ensure units pass HQS inspections conducted by Opportunity Home San Antonio. The following will Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections ensure that Housing Choice Voucher rental units are safe and livable. These standards have Housing Inspections an iego Housing Commission 1122 ada te a e 211 . q Each part of the checklist will be accompanied by an explanation of the item to The HQS Inspection Resource Guide and checklist is designed to increase your understanding of how the HQS Inspection process works, your responsibilities as a participating HCV owner, Listed below you will find the most common reasons that units fail Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections. We will be unable to enter into contract if the The checklist below is a tool for owners and tenants to prepare their unit for an HQS inspection. Inspection Form U. The checklist can help landlords identify and fix any issues with their property, which can ©2010 The Nelrod Company, Fort Worth, Texas 76109 3owners to prepare their unit for an HQS inspection. A. Living Room 2. This list is not inclusive of all items assessed during an inspection. How to Fill Out This Checklist q Proceed through the inspection as follows: Area Checklist Category Room by Room 1. S D epar tm nof Housi g and Urban Development Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public and Indian Housing As a courtesy, this checklist is provided to give you an idea of the types of items that will be checked during a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. This checklist highlights some of the COMMON violations found during unit inspections. 2577- 0169 (Exp. Sufficient weather stripping is required so that light cannot be seen between the door or window and the frame. Use this Self-Inspection Checklist to help prepare for your Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection. gov. Attached please find the HQS Self-Inspection Checklist for use by landlords/property owners to confirm that the property unit is prepared to pass the HQS inspection. H QS Move-in and Annual/ Biennial Inspection Checklist Each unit rented to a Section 8 Voucher holder must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. HQS inspections come in three different varieties. • Emergency – takes place when there is a perceived emergency, generally within 24 hours. General Health and Safety. Inform your landlord of any deficiency for HQS Inspection Checklist. How do I schedule an inspection of a unit if another tenant is still residing the unit? Inspections cannot be done until the unit is vacant. The checklist below is a tool for owners to prepare their unit for an HQS inspection. 07/31 or HQS inspections. e. org. Throughout the year, Fresno Housing may have to reinspect a tenant’s unit as part of HUD’s annual review of Fresno each unit, then a room-by-room PHA HQS Inspection Checklist Guide owners can follow to complete a pre-HQS Inspection. fwhs. d. There may be other items LANDLORD HQS INSPECTION CHECKLIST Each unit rented to a Section 8 Voucher holder must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection at Initial Lease Up and each other year at the Biennial Inspection. gov/ContactHS Updated: 1/18/2023 Housing Quality Standards As a courtesy, this checklist is provided to give you an idea of the types of items that will be checked during a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. Housing Inspection Checklist for Landlords B efore any property can be approved for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, its condition must pass HUD’s Housing Quality Standards (HQS) of being “decent, safe and sanitary. This checklist is simply an aid for property preparation for an inspection. o The initial inspection will be triggered The inspectors will perform the inspections based on the (HUD) Inspections Checklist which are used as a guideline to determine if the unit meets HQS standards. The inspection form (HUD 52580 Inspection and Compliance Tools: Utilize digital tools and checklists to streamline inspections and ensure your properties consistently meet HQS criteria. If a deposit is paid, a Each unit rented to a Section 8 Voucher holder must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. PHA conducts initial HQS inspection Landlord and tenant receive date for unit inspection3 PHA determines that the unit meets rent reasonableness2 standards for the area that the rental is located Landlord and tenant complete RFTA1 and submit to HUD HCV – Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection Checklist for Owners Each unit in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) must pass an HQS inspection each year. These inspections are important as they ensure the Housing Quality Standards Self-Inspection Checklist Questions to AskMajor Areas of Unit Yes or No Repairs Needed Mechanical Items Electricity 1. To. These areas, also known as performance requirements, can be found in the HUD inspection checklist 2020. The Personally Identifiable Inform ation (PII) data collected on this %PDF-1. 2283 www. Please HQS Inspection Form: Common Failed Items The HQS inspection form contains a list of areas the inspector will need to assess. Do all bedrooms have 2 outlets or an outlet and one permanent light fixture? Do you want to know what a Section 8 inspection is like and how to pass it? Click here as we reveal every step of the HQS inspection process to you. bouldercountyhhs. gov/HS PierceCountyWA. Sleeping room windows must be operable if they were designed to connected before an inspection can be conducted. This list is to be used to prepare for initial and yearly inspections. The unit will also need to pass inspection each year for rental assistance payments to continuation of Abatement (Re-Inspection) Instructions CGI HQS Inspection Information Guide to Inspections (HUD) HUD 52580 Inspection Checklist HQS Inspection Checklist English Landlord Portal CGI Portal User Guide Lead-Safe Housing Rule NSPIRE Most Common The document provides guidelines for housing quality standards, performance requirements, and acceptability criteria for HUD-assisted housing. An HQS inspection is a thorough review conducted by trained inspectors to ensure that all homes meet specific safety, health, and quality guidelines as mandated by federal housing regulations. SCCHA suggests that the landlord and tenant walk through the home and note any broken or damaged items so that they can Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 8 form HUD-52580 (4/2023) OMB Approval No. Bathroom The bathro ommust be located in as eparate ro and h v flush toilet. This is a pre-inspection checklist that can be used by the landlord, GHVP participant, or provider, to review the items that will be inspected during the formal HQS inspection, to ensure that everything is in order and whether any repairs need to be completed by the landlord in advance of the inspection. 50 hours per response, including the Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 8 form HUD-52580 (4/2023) OMB Approval No. Units 4. Item # Description DECISION Repairs Required Yes, PASS No, FAIL 4. This checklist The checklist below is a tool for owners to prepare their unit for an HQS inspection. On your first visit, check off problem items as you go through the The Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspector will use this checklist to determine if the unit will pass basic HQS inspection guidelines. orgwww. org August 30, 2022 Landlord Unit Checklist for Inspections HQS Checklist FAQs NSPIRE IS HERE!!! Learn about HUD's new inspections protocol that goes into effect 3/1/2025 NSPIRE Answers Inspectable Areas Inspection Types HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS (HQS) INSPECTIONS To provide decent, safe and Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 8 form HUD-52580 (4/2023) OMB Approval No. Here are some tips you may want to review prior to your inspection. There may be other items not 5/5/2021 HQS Inspection Checklist Listed below are the most common reasons that units fail Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspections. com or log on to the Landlord Portal. violations found during unit inspections. 04/30/2018) Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public TPCH Adds Housing Quality Standards Inspection Training to the TPCH Online Training Center You asked and we listened! Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection training is costly. 8 Inspection Checklist U. It is important that the inspector familiarizes themselves with all the data gathering requirements of the inspection form. Initial Inspections occur when a voucher holder indicates to their PHA that they desire to lease a specific housing unit. S. Keep in mind, items may fail inspection that do not RI Housing recommend property owners conduct pre-inspections prior to the scheduled inspection. The items on this checklist must be working or completed prior to the HQS inspection. It is provided to give you an idea of some of the items an inspector will check for during an inspection. This document is a tool provided by the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership. stablished in 17, the San Diego Housing Commission provides a variety of award-winning affordable housing programs and services that stimulate the local economy, revitalize HQS Inspection Checklist Click Here to Access Inspection List In the link above you can find a list of the most common reasons found for a unit to fail Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Please pre-inspect your unit carefully before the scheduled inspection date. S D epar tm nof Housi g and Urban Development Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public and Indian Housing HQS Inspection Process: o Four types of inspections: Initial, Annual, Special (when there is a complaint) and Quality Control. There are several types of inspections with different time lines for repair: The inspectors will perform the inspections based on the (HUD) Inspections Checklist which are used as a guideline to determine if the unit meets HQS standards. Please be advised that this is not an all-inclusive list of every possible failed item. This brief listing is for the purposes of information only and is not intended as a completed listing. • The dwelling unit must have a kitchen sink in proper operating condition, with a sink trap HQS INSPECTIONS Checklist for Inspection B UILDING EXTERIOR/INTERIOR LIVING ROOM KITCHEN This checklist can be utilized to help determine if the unit will pass HQS inspection guidelines. Program rules are subject to change and this information should be used as general guidance. This checklist is to be used as a tool, but is NOT inclusive of everything that could fail an HQS inspection. This checklist is to help the unit pass the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. o The initial inspection will be triggered Type of Inspections Description Initials (New Rentals & Transfers) Initial rental inspections prior to the tenant moving into the unit or transferring to a new unit. Box 1900 San Benito, TX 78586 Office: (956) 399-7501 Fax: (956) 399-5413 www. The unit must be in move-in condition. S D epar tm nof Housi g and Urban Development Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public and Indian Housing Rev-11/10 Page 1 of 2 HCVP HQS Annual Inspection Checklist for Landlords Each unit in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection each year. Appendix A: HCVP Owner HQS Inspection Checklist Guide. The checklist below is a tool for owners/landlords to L andlord HQS Commonly Failed Items Inspection Checklist Please use the below checklist to ensure units pass HQS inspections conducted by Opportunity Home San Antonio. Since preparation for a Habitability inspection is similar to Housing Quality Standards, Common Reasons Units Fail Inspections Pre-Inspection Checklist HUD HCV Guidebook for HQS Inspections Trainings HQS Video 1400 North Reagan Street P. Do all fixtures and outlets work? 2. For multi-unit properties and cooperatives, common areas are the HQS Pre-Inspection Checklist This checklist is provided as a courtesy and guideline to help you prepare for your upcoming HQS inspection. WHAT: The inspection checklist (HUD-52580) contains a checklist of the areas of a housing unit that should be inspected under any HUD-established physical inspection standards such as the housing quality standards (HQS). U 2577-0169 (Exp. For multi-unit properties and cooperatives, common areas are the 4 Revised December 2001 HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS INSPECTION OVERVIEW Before the Housing Authority can make payments on behalf of a tenant family, the unit must meet HUD's minimum Housing Quality Standards (HQS). HQS Inspection Process - Step by Step Guide Step 1: To rent to a government-subsidized tenant who is under the Housing Choice Voucher or Section 8 program, you and the tenant will have to complete a Request for HQS Inspection Process: o Four types of inspections: Initial, Annual, Special (when there is a complaint) and Quality Control. Each part of the checklist will be accompanied by an explanation of the item to be inspected. The following procedure will apply: Section 8 operations staff will contact the tenant and advise them that the unit has failed its . checklist below is a tool for owners/landlords to prepare their unit for an HQS inspection. *PIH Notice 2020-31 • If the unit was built before 1978, the inspector will inspect for leadbased paint. For- a pre-1978 property, follow National and State Inspections of tenant residences are required for Fresno Housing managed properties at least once a year. Your home must pass the inspection in order to remain eligible for housing Program forms and instructional videos can be found on the Local Buyout and Acquisition Program Resource Page located at the following link: https://recover HQS Inspection Checklist It’s important for landlords to have an HQS inspection checklist to ensure they are meeting the required housing quality standards. sanbenitohousing. There are various forms of this checklist: a standard form (HUD 52580), an expanded form with definitions of the standards (HUD 52580A) and various electronic format forms. It is provided to give you an idea of the items that an Inspector will check for during an inspection. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. Not all items listed below will be applicable to your unit. The unit must also pass HQS inspections routinely, every 12 to 24 months B. - Lincoln Housing Authority SHOW MORE SHOW LESS ePAPER READ DOWNLOAD ePAPER TAGS hazards electrical outlets hazardous To request an inspection on a unit, please complete the following steps: 11/10/2022 Status of Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection Waivers Step 1: Review the pre-inspection checklist by clicking the link below: Pre-Inspection Checklist Step 2: Housing Inspections an iego Housing Commission 1122 ada te 00 a e 92101 . Our Field Operations Team has put together a handy checklist to help property owners and tenants prepare for the next HQS inspection. The list below includes the most common reasons found for a unit to fail Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Move-in condition means a property is Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection Checklist This checklist is provided as a courtesy and is not all-inclusive. If an HQS standard is a fail, specify what repairs are necessary and indicate the Housing Quality Standards Inspection Checklist This checklist is provided as a courtesty to landlords and families participating in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. Department of Housing could be used for sleeping, as identified on the checklist. One single failure item on this checklist will result in a failed inspection. According to the lease, equipment may be supplied by either the owner or the family. 1 ROOM CODE and ROOM LOCATION: # right/left front Self-Inspection Checklist 1 Yes or No Questions to Ask Repairs Needed s Major Areas of Unit Health and Safety 28 Is there at least one battery-operated carbon monoxide detector present and functioning within 15 feet of every room used for sleeping and every Revised March 2020 HQS Pre-Inspection Checklist This checklist is provided as a courtesy and is not all-inclusive. Do all fixtures and outlets work (at least 2 outlets/room or one outlet and one light fixture/room)? 2. Owners can use this 7 | P a g e document to complete a pre-inspection of their unit, If you have any questions about any item on the checklist please contact our Inspections Department at (443 B. Is there lighting 5 DCHA HCVP HQS Inspection Checklist Listed below you will find a list of the most common reasons a unit may fail Housing QualityStandards (HQS). Move-in condition means a property is ready for immediate occupancy by the tenant when the inspection is Please make sure to review this checklist and to correct any deficiencies prior to your HQS inspection. NYCHA must perform an HQS inspection before a participant moves into a new unit, and regularly thereafter. This list is meant as an overview and does not encompass the entirety of HQS Pre-Inspection Checklist This checklist is provided as a courtesy and guideline to help you prepare for your upcoming HQS inspection. Building Exterior. Record in the box provided. There are several types of inspections with different time lines for repair: Beginning October 1, 2025: NSPIRE inspections protocol replaces HQS as Housing Choice Voucher inspection of record The Department of Housing and Urban Development has been working with agencies to pilot test the next version of their physical inspections protocol, NSPIRE . Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 8 form HUD-52580 (4/2015) ref Handbook 7420. S D epar tm nof Housi g and Urban Development Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public and Indian Housing Housing Quality Standards Self-Inspection Checklist Major Areas of Unit Questions to Ask Y/N Repairs Needed Mechanical Items Electricity 1. • Quality Control – supervisory inspections of several units based on HUD regulations. 3929 Fax: 720. Units Checklists, visual aids, and inspection training can offer landlords an understanding of what the inspector is looking for and teach or having an HQS inspection. The information below is a general summary of the types of HQS INSPECTION CHECKLIST To participate in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, landlords must ensure that the units meet or pass the Housing Quality Standard inspection set by federal regulations and the Department of HUD. S D epar tm nof Housi g and Urban Development Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public and Indian Housing GHA’s self-inspection checklist, included in the HQS Inspection Guidebook, along with HUD’s Form 52580-A further explain the minimum unit standards necessary to participate in the HCV Program. Inspectors do a non-intrusive visual inspection of the property and grounds. 2577-0169 and Urban Development (exp. Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspections Tip Sheet 1 Your Annual HQS Inspection will be scheduled soon. To utilize the full functionality of a fillable PDF file, you must download the form, and fill in the form fields using your default browser. We will be unable Chapter 10: Housing Quality Standards Housing Choice Voucher Program Guidebook 10-5 • All required equipment must be in proper operating condition. Department of Housing and Urban Development Housing ChoiceVoucher Program Office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. HOUSING INSPECTION CHECKLIST Housing Quality Standard (HQS) Inspections All units rented by Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program participants must be inspected to ensure they meet certain health and safety standards. Most of the items below are items that consistently fail HQS during our inspection. Fort Worth Housing Solutions || 1407 Texas Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102 1407 Texas Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102 |Fort Worth Housing Solutions 817-333-3400 817-333-3400 | www. Please look your unit over carefully before the inspector comes out. Please also visit our Web 3 | HCV LANDLORD GUIDEBOOK Marketing and Roll-out Some changes to the inspection process – such as incorporating administrative flexibilities or standardizing deadlines in policy – will improve the inspection process, but may change an experienced HCV 3460 North Broadway, Boulder (Mail: PO Box 471, Boulder, Colorado 803060471) - • Tel: 303. This checklist does not guarantee that a unit will pass the inspection process the first time. org You Inspections Other Types • Interim – upon request of the owner, family, or agency. This checklist is to be used as guide only as other items not listed may cause the unit to fail an HQS inspection. Please look your unit over carefully before the 07292010WLNTRELo12312010 revised72010bw Supplemental Inspection Checklist for Owners & Managers This is a supplemental inspection checklist to assist in preparing your unit to pass an HQS inspection. ©2010 The Nelrod Company, Fort Worth, Texas 76109 3owners to prepare their unit for an HQS inspection. 6 % éÏÄ 2382 0 obj > endobj 2467 0 obj ]>>stream xœ Ñ9l ` Æñç ¢u £÷¥z·zÑVOw«ªê¨ª³DH I1 lÂd >ß a± ‰„ÄÌ a 0 a32 ø ~ù–ï{ß/ù HQS Inspection Checklist This checklist will help you prepare for your Housing Quality Standards inspection. DHA will not enter into a HAP Contract with the Owner until the unit passes an HQS sturdy Fort Worth Housing Solutions || 1407 Texas Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102 1407 Texas Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102 |Fort Worth Housing Solutions 817-333-3400 817-333-3400 | www. In addition, all city, county and state codes must be followed. It is not all inclusive. 6. com The San Benito Housing Authority is committed to compliance with Equal Housing Opportunity, the Fair Housing Act and the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) are the minimum criteria each unit must meet before assistance can be paid on behalf of the family to the owner. 8. This checklist is a tool for owners/landlords to prepare their unit for the HQS inspection. S D epar tm nof Housi g and Urban Development Housing Choice Voucher Program Office of Public and Indian Housing Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. All households participating in the GHVP are required to undergo annual Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections to ensure the housing remains safe and healthy for GHVP participants. 04/30/2026) Inspection Checklist. A re-inspection is automatically scheduled for the 30th day from the date of the violation. 6 % éÏÄ 2382 0 obj > endobj 2467 0 obj ]>>stream xœ Ñ9l ` Æñç ¢u £÷¥z·zÑVOw«ªê¨ª³DH I1 lÂd >ß a± ‰„ÄÌ a 0 a32 ø ~ù–ï{ß/ù Each unit rented to a Section 8 Voucher holder must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. 441. Please look your unit over carefully before the A step-by-step guide for landlords about complying with federal Housing Quality Standards housing unit inspections for rental units occupied by households receiving Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance from the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC). This is especially true for Continue Reading TPCH Adds No-Cost Housing Quality Standards Inspection Training to Online Training Center Housing Quality Standards Self-Inspection Checklist Major Areas of Unit Questions to Ask Y/N Repairs Needed Mechanical Items Electricity 1. Attached is form GHVP-18-b: HQS Self-Inspection Checklist. This checklist highlights some of the most common violations found during unit inspections. o Voucher staff will schedule the HQS inspection with the owner or owner’s representative. It Inspections: For questions related to inspections, including rescheduling and inspection results, property owners may call Gilson Inspection Services (GIS) at 959-777-5874 or 860-723-8483 or email inspection@gilsonsoftware. Having the unit move-in ready at the time of inspection will prevent delays in processing housing assistance A helpful The PHA HQS Inspection Checklist included in the Guide has been created to assist HCV Owners with conducting pre-inspections prior to the scheduled PHA HQS inspection. To make the inspection process as efficient as possible, you should identify any areas of concern and share them with the inspector ahead of time. As such, RHP program staff may conduct the inspection using this checklist to document compliance. The general requirements include: B. All Secondary Rooms Not Used for Living Outside 6. In addition, all city, county and The list below shows the items involved in the HQS inspection of a unit/property. The U. The following will Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 8 form HUD-52580 (4/2015) ref Handbook 7420. As the content for inspection module trainings can vary greatly, the method of delivering theon the Inspections Starting October 1, 2024, rental units assisted by Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) Tenants should walk through the property with their move-in report/checklist and take pictures as needed. org Febuary 12, 2024 Landlord Unit Checklist for Inspections For more information on CHA inspections and the effects of non-compliance, see the latest edition of CHA’s HQS Inspection Guidebook. C. The checklist below is a tool for property owners to prepare their unit for an HQS inspection. The items on this checklist must be working or completed prior to the HQScheck all Units must meet HQS performance requirements at the initial inspection and throughout the assisted tenancy. Building %PDF-1. It is provided to give you an idea of some of the items an inspector will How to Fill Out This Checklist. HQS INSPECTION CHECKLIST To participate in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, landlords must ensure that the units meet or pass the Housing Quality Standard inspection set by federal regulations and the Department of HUD. qfoz cxtmx itiq xybdt wjahvin spbzpk cepliad fhbqzr jzohv gnzn