Crontab shutdown not working. sh >> /log/path/log.

Crontab shutdown not working log file every minute to check whether the cron is working. Cron logs just show, that the script is processed, but computers won't As additional evidence there was this thread that someone was attempting the very same thing and getting frustrated that it didn't work. I got the output message: "No MTA installed, discarding output" Postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) in Ubuntu 在Ubuntu中,只有root用户或者具有sudo权限的用户才能编辑和管理crontab。如果您希望允许其他用户编辑和管理crontab,可以将其添加到sudo组中。现在,用户将能够使 The output from vi is normal, crontab will copy it to the correct location . Joined Jan 8, 2016 Messages 739. I tried using find , but I got the same behavior. I, too, was bit by this. N. In your case /usr/sbin/shutdown, not /sbin/shutdown. Hi I'm running Ubuntu server 8. But using that command as a cron job just never I wanted Crontab shut down the system daily but it didn't do so, did I misspelled something? This is my Crontab file: /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab Unlike any other crontab you don't have What I tried is: sudo -i, crontab -e and 00 01 * * * shutdown -h now in the terminal. It If your system is not configured to send email, any cron output will be lost. 0 3 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r now At the given time the Raspberry Pi actually shuts down but does not boot up again. no Don't suspend. local depending on your system) for Same can be done adding the below line /etc/crontab. In crontab -l 2. local (or /etc/rc. (this used to work fine in the past). Thanks. Not officially supported by ACPI, but usually working. Login to console with SSH. Should be the following as root: crontab -e Then add: 0 0 * Edit: Working through the list provided here; CronJob not running I’m stopped at “Test cron is working”. log 2>&1 After that log. This question is similar, but the conclusion of the answers seems to be that adding shutdown to root's crontab (via crontab -e as I do) should be fine. Modified 8 years, 7 months ago. I've written a script that works fine when I run it manually. When you issue the command manually, your environment variables connect the dots, you must give cron the same benefit. If the /etc/cron. I My command "shutdown -P now" works fine from within a new terminal. NasKar Guru. Is run when the system restarts after the commands “reboot”, “shutdown In this section, we will learn about working with crontab. I want to power off my box automatically every night, so as root I added a crontab entry "05 1 * * sudo crontab -e → 0 0 * * WED,SUN shutdown -r now → no reboot; You might actually try the redirection on some of the jobs you tried that did not work to see what it has to I have the following crontab for the root user on Debian 10. As per @Cyrus's suggestion in the comments, it was a permission issue. 3 with eBox on a Dell GX280. debian. * 0 0 * * * rm /var/log/rinetd. I'll show you all these in this tutorial. txt); use env to test and Since cron passes the command line portion of the crontab entry to /bin/sh (which may be a link to /bin/dash), which is a simpler shell, one should 1) Wrap your command in a Why is my crontab not working, and how can I troubleshoot it? - among the many debug options and common issues the missing new line after the last entry in a cron tab file And finally I modified the crontab using crontab -e: # some comments * * * * * /home/myfile. I made a change to the crontab file Even after this change the script wasn't properly working (the screen session was constantly closing after the execution of the server. You can list all crons jobs for a specific user like : crontab -u "user" -l sudo crontab -l # for root Hello dear community, I have a GL. According to the man page you should use shutdown -P +60. The above command will turn off the Linux system at 15:30 next. Re: I've put the command */5 * * * * root /sbin/shutdown -r now Inside "sudo crontab -e" on a Raspberry Pi, which should reboot the raspberry pi every 5 minutes. 0. service, as asked and answered in This StackExchange post. log 1 0 * * * reboot now I confirmed that the rest of the You need to add yourself to the crontab group. 0 0 * * * rm /var/log/*log. Alternatively, you could put the stuff in root's crontab instead of user "pi"'s crontab. Check that cron is running; Check that there is a newline at the end of your command (crontab -e and press It works so well that upon restart linux mint does a file system check. You should therefore use the full path for shutdown The command “shutdown -P now” at the commandline does exactly what I want — immediately shut down the computer. In Linux as everywhere else, it's better to stick to the This entry in the root user crontabfile is for 5PM: 0 17 * * Sat shutdown -h now. # # Each task to run has to be defined through a single line # indicating with different fields when the task will be run # and The statements work when entered on the command-line, but not from root's cron. You can also schedule the shutdown at a predefined time: shutdown 15:30. Add a comment | 2 . usermod -a -G crontab (username) Once you have done this, you also need to make sure that cron is running. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago. But not necessarily required for safe shutdowns - In my case Cron jobs run in a limited environment, so it's important to set the necessary environment variables in the crontab file. – Dennis Williamson. 3 Crontab isn't running. In crontab I had: 0 */2 * * * service motion restart But it Both scripts look alike except for the part "wake" and "net rpc shutdown". Viewing the Crontab. If you edited the /etc/crontab file the user is often specified This way, the system will be shut down after N minutes. You have to start the cron service The only problem with this answer is that it's not always true. On a Debian and Ubuntu Linux cron logs its action logged to the syslog facility i. 5 Per section 6. Bios can turn it In my case, the solution was to log the output of the crontab script: * * * * * /script/path/script. Follow answered Jan 30, 2017 at 9:05. use /var/log/messages file: # In fact, you can also set up a recurring shutdown schedule using crontab. 6, an /etc/cron. It allows you to automate tasks and scripts so that you do not the PC still does not complete its shutdown. I had all my expected log Things working in a looged in shell but not under cron is a known and common problem. 1 I have a crontab ,does Have you tried not redirecting the output of shutdown? Review your favorite Linux distribution. 8. To delete the root's crontab. Changed Well, if running /sbin/reboot manually as root works, it is very strange that cron hangs. If what you're really after is truly a single execution, you can use cron (covered by parlor tricks like I have been trying to schedule a shutdown, but it has not been working. See sections 3. I've just seen similar hangs on reboot when mounting external filesystems via NFS or SMB etc. I added a line "qm start 900" by editing crontab but it ) I added it to my user crontab with the following line: 0 21 * * * /home/pi/shutdown. it should work if run from the root crontab - accessed via sudo crontab -e. Edit the So, you are saying midclt isn't working in a cron job? I vaguely recall a big discussion about midclt system. While we can directly manipulate the crontab files from the location that is specified before, it’s /etc/crontab is the system wide crontab. There are more ways to The shutdown command has already an embedded scheduler so you don't need a cron job for it to run at the specified time. Run crontab -e on the command line. log. WSL is a virtualized environment without direct control over the hardware. 🚧. See geotheory's comment underneath the question. If you can't - or don't want to - configure mail on the box just for troubleshooting, probably make sure you write Hey thijsvanloef, thanks so much for this great container! Made it very easy to set up a server for my friends and I :) I did a docker compose pull, and it did pull some changes, Shutdown consist out of two fields: Shutdown Cron and Shutdown Cmd. The reason that That depends on which crontab you edited. d/rc. I've never 100% understood why in cron it needs root privileges when it can be run as a user command You are trying to shutdown WSL via a Linux shutdown command. root) before the command. 4-1) ) #1 SMP Debian 3. I shutdown -h 22:00 will work fine, no need to run it in the background. Depending on your security policy, you might not want to use root's crontabfor this, but rather Debian 10 has now fully switched to Systemd which means that the traditional commands to halt or reboot a system like 'shutdown -h now' or 'reboot' will not work anymore. MM: minute HH: hour Then I created a reboot cron job that (I think) was configured to run every morning at 0300 I've attempted two different crontab entries to do this (I only ever have one in the For some reason, my root crontab does not seem to be running. If you edit the crontab of a user the entries are executed as that user. The first is a cron job that turns it off at 9:30PM and back on at 5:00AM. For example, if you want to shut down If your Cron Jobs are not running, there could be several reasons why they are failing. log below) Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site I have a script that's supposed to stop my minecraft server, and then restart the server. 4. I've let the processes run over a @l'L'l This seems to work. If what you're really after is truly a single execution, you can use cron (covered by parlor tricks like Sometimes, you are using AWS EC2 instances/GCP Compute Engines/Azure Virtual Machines to run complex operations on cloud. log file showed me that I didn't Fair enough. System shutdown on given time but it A note about Debian / Ubuntu Linux (older version) Cron service. Trying to reboot the device every night at midnight. Check I'm having an issue with a scheduled shutdown command in crontab. I want it to run at 8:30pm, 9:30pm, and 10:30pm, Knowing the path to the shutdown command, you can add the below line (with tweaks) to the end of /etc/crontab: 30 23 * * * root /usr/sbin/shutdown -h now At 23:30 (11:30 Cron generally requires that commands are terminated with a new line. crontab crontab not working properly. Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 11:40. Shutdown command is the shell command which is triggered by cron which is ran inside the container (if The cron/crontab system is a powerful tool for the Rocky Linux systems administrator or desktop user. I enter the command * * * * * /bin/echo "cron works" >> /tmp/file It only works in the root crontab. org) (gcc version 4. I don't have any problem to use Am having this command in crontab, added using Ansible cron module. sh >> /log/path/log. or I suppose you will be using crontab -e to edit the cron cron is for repeatedly executing a command at some period or schedule. The Linux /usr/sbin/shutdown Join Date Jan 2007 Location Spain Beans Hidden! Distro Ubuntu 10. 10 Maverick Meerkat I don’t think you need that when run under cron. Member [SOLVED] Shutdown in Crontab not executed: RagingRaven: But instruction reboot it is NOT understand by crontab. A script with which reboot in crontab has no output (indicating not found), while which /sbin/reboot has the output /sbin/reboot, as expected. Unfortunately have had to This problem can be solved by editing, or removing then "reentering" the cronjobs again after Reboot using crontab -e. Tried command line - no impact. crontab -r 3. 0-4-686-pae (debian-kernel@lists. This config will show you a simple trick how to use Cron time-based However, cron jobs are not sending efitol; Thread; Jan 12, 2024; cron crontab email notification notifications postfix smtp Replies: 4; Forum: Proxmox VE: Installation and I’m using a dual approach to turn my monitor off when it is not in use. I recently installed my new server with mandriva 2011 and just as with my previous linux box I want it to If in /etc/crontab, you would need to specify a user (e. If it is in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/pi (the location if you edited it as the pi user via crontab -e ), Your problem is probably that the PATH in your crontab file is limited and does not include /sbin where shutdown is most likely located. Hi- Using Zorin on a couple public access computers, and am having trouble getting a cron job to run, purpose is to shut the computer down after hours. It does not power off. Once I have one of those, no matter what the scheduler will get `crontab` runs as root (!?) and, as such is not authenticated for `gcloud` There are probably better options but by way of outline of a solution: Create a service account with the If I use the user crontab of root (sudo crontab -e) 30 2 * * 3 shutdown -h now the shutdown will not be performed. But using that command as a cron job just never happens. However, if I place the same . I was testing it by adding to the crontab: 00 * * * * /sbin/shutdown -h -P. However, if I place the same command for the root in the system-wide crontab Oh, I resloved! If you can do it manually, from a log in session, but not automatically from startup or from cron, I'm 99% sure it's because environment variables like JAVA_HOME Crontab is executing script. Hi, need to schedule my nano to shutdown and reboot after specific time. The problem is that raspi doesn't seem to obey what's in the crontab. crontab -e opens a file in /tmp instead of the actual crontab so that it can check your new When I include this exact same command as a cron job in /etc/crontab (and run as root) the system reboots at the cron nominated time. sh. If the cron daemon is not started in the Linux system, the cron job will not execute. If To manipulate scheduled cron jobs, you can edit the crontab file (for system-wide tasks) or create files inside the user's cron. 36 Script not working in crontab. sudo crontab -e will allow you to add that entry in the root crontab. I also don't think reboot=pci is Using crontab -e edits the user-specific file under /var/spool/cron/crontabs, so you need to leave out the user field ("root"), it's only needed when editing the system-wide files under /etc/cron. have pasted in 0 and 10 minutes if for some The only problem with this answer is that it's not always true. Edit your crontab; go to the end of the line which contains the last command and insert a new line (press enter). I tried editing cron jobs with crontab -e but this does not work because of the reason mentioned in # Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron. sh is what I named the script) When I observed the When your computer is shut down (or the cron daemon is otherwise not running), cron jobs will not be started. but this does not seem to help and I don't see anything on the ip 10. jar) and, for the same reason for the path of On CentOS 5. Home: Forums: Tutorials: Articles: Register: Search : LinuxQuestions. Crontab for non-root How to shutdown Ubuntu Linux; After reading the post above, you should know how Cron works and how to shut down Ubuntu Linux. It's titled: Thread: Cron - @reboot jobs not working. Usually this is started with start crontab shutdown not working . *. I know the script is First point, in crontab, you need to check the user that execute the command. Tried troubleshooter - see above. 4 and 3. to root's crontab. 1 you need to redirect at least stderr to a file, Instead of running a script at shutdown, why not just run a script which does what you need it to do before calling the shutdown command. I am using "sudo crontab -e" and the file looks like below. I have set the following under Power Management: (to shutdown The statements work when entered on the command-line, but not from root's cron. iNet MUDI router and would like to use cron jobs on it. . Improve this answer. I wrote cron job to shutdown the system using rtc command. Here are some common issues and solutions that you can try: 🔭 Want to get alerted when your Cron doesn’t run correctly? Go to Better I know the question is asked in many variants and I have read them, but still cannot find an answer to my problem. 4 (Debian 4. You use SSH to connect to the That wont work if devices are associated with the connection at the time of shutdown you are using the wrong command. shutdown_vms() <crontab: 30 6 * * * (m/h/d/dM/MY)> But it never sends it. All LEDs go off (except the As we can see from the last line of the above code snippet, we did setup a system auto-reboot on every sunday at 00:00 AM (midnight) using the /sbin/shutdown command, Cron can be run in Amazon-based linux server just like in any other linux server. Add the command at the end of /etc/rc. That said, You can check like this: first run service cron status to check the status. sh (shutdown. the time is still 9:51 when the cron daemon comes up again, so the job is triggered. 16. Cron was not able to write to my log as I created it with sudo. One way to work around this would be to delay the actual The Linux Cron time-based scheduler by default does not execute jobs with shorter intervals than 1 minute. When I do a crontab -l I see the 00 01 * * * Handling errors of jobs. How to start cron job. 0 Cron job is not running on Linux. The format of /etc/crontab is like this: # m h dom mon dow user command * * * * * someuser echo 'foo' while crontab -e is per user, it's worth Shift + Shutdown didn't make a difference in the shut down process. 7. Skip to main content . Both scripts work perfectly when runned manually (via shell). d directory (for specific tasks) with the necessary So far, I found out I can force reboot with sudo shutdown -r, and I can force hibernate with sudo shutdown -hP now. 1. Thread starter NasKar; Start date Aug 6, 2017; Status Not open for further replies. Is this normal? 06-28-2017, 12:50 PM #4: dejank. It looks like it’s not being interpreted as you intended in the log. Setting it as a cron job doesn't do anything though. Vinod Raj P Vinod Turn Down script Changes 5Ghz AP from AC to N or Legacy also because it's is set to legacy width is not changes from 20Mhz to 80 # AutoTurnDownWifi-20Mhz10db,Disable I'm assuming it is due to a too fast reboot, i. Share. run Hi all! I want to make the Raspi I use for Pihole to shutdown at a scheduled time. Hi, I'm trying to autostart a VM every 5 min in case my users accidentally shut down it. Restart the I'd like to shutdown my Pi3/Libreelec everyday at 23:00. 0. and on And the reason it will never work from your user crontab is because the shutdown/reboot/etc. I've added logging (see *. I was confused because I routinely run /sbin/shutdown from my user account and it works, so I supposed that cron jobs initiated from crontab in my user account Crontab issues can be solved by: test the script outside of crontab (you did this) add a test script to ensure it's enabled (like * * * * * /bin/echo test > /test. Cronie disables mail output if crontab -e Then if I want to shut down pi every day at 2 am I type: # * 2 * * * sudo shutdown Is it correct? First that line would not run in cron because you have the line starting Also, crontab -e would work for the user (or root) crontab, but not the system crontab (e. Is the `reboot` command safe to use? 0. sudo crontab -e (and I have a desktop that I want to schedule to shut down at midnight, every night, and wake up at 6 am. cron registers the output from stdout and stderr and attempts to send it as email to the user's spools via the sendmail command. allow file exists, then you must be listed (one user per line) therein in order to be allowed to use this command. I tried using find, but I got the same behavior. I have a jar file which I want to run at startup as root. root@debian:~# crontab -l # crontab comments curtailed for serverfault # # m h dom mon dow command 30 3 * Finally, note that the problem is probably just that you need "sudo" in front of those commands. From man 1 crontab: If the /etc/cron. 5. Vinod Raj P Vinod @wi_brewer Hi I have a dual approach. I am also using MMM-Remote Hi all! I want to make the Raspi I use for Pihole to shutdown at a scheduled time. g. curl is Shutting down now THIS SHOULD NOT DISPLAY ? At EOF sudo crontab -e; 59 23 * * * root /usr/sbin/shutdown -h now; MM HH DD 00 WW Command. I tried a lot of similar commands like 00 01 * * * poweroff , but these commands never work. tasks. Only WOL script runs with crontab, In this quick tutorial, I'll share how to stop, start or restart cron services in Linux. That . Delete the crontab complete for all users using the following. Yo have to put: */10 * * * * /sbin/reboot And very important you have to do it in the root crontab as pointed by Here is my crontab file for root, which is I can see with 'sudo crontab -e' operation. /etc/cron*). - Edit with If I use the user crontab of root (sudo crontab -e) 30 2 * * 3 shutdown -h now the shutdown will not be performed. allow file does not exist but [SOLVED] Crontab does not work. shutdown (or something like that) not working from a cron. But working fine while I am trying to use crontab -e to schedule a daily reboot of my rasberry pi but it doesnt look like the command is working. I made a change to the crontab file 00 01 * * * shutdown -P then I did a crontab cron. First I tried restarting the service directly in cron. 04 LTS to shutdown the system from Mon-Fri at a certain time and Sat-Sun other time since the system is powered on This is done by calling '/sbin/shutdown'. sh The problem: here there are some pre-defined crontab lines that seems they have been sudo crontab -e and added the only line. Unfortunately, however, The power schedule can shutdown normally but cannot power on, I tried on below 1) delete all schedule, then shut down, then power on, then setup new schedule > but Look, it seems that the Cpanel folder is missing, the problem is when it runs in the PANEL oCron still doesn't work, now if I run the Cron in the CWP Root it works, that is, the <ScheduleEntry: dashboard. write a test string to the mycommand. The single line python statement is preferable Although shutdown -P 60 works it is not the way how the command should be invoked. txt (which I believe enables it) However, at 1am the computer did not shutdown. Restart the cron daemon: If none of the above Same can be done adding the below line /etc/crontab. Following the suggestions in a prevoius thread I added the line 15 0 * * * shutdown -h now. sudo crontab -r To delete your crontab. org > Note: you might have to run crontab -e as root, because shutdown needs root. Sudden shutdown when watching videos. If you are doing this on a remote server accessed via SSH, So I tried to set up a cron job to restart the service every 2 hours. Also, reference this FreeDesktop article addressing this issue. Hi, I was wondering if there's a way to make like a Cron job in Ubuntu 22. I also edited /etc/crontab This assumes the version of cron on your system offers the @reboot facility; see man 5 crontab to verify the "special" strings are allowed (@reboot, @yearly, etc). The important thing is that you have to set/export the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable for the I've been through here crontabs-reboot-only-works-for-root and the linked suggestions as well but still haven't identified the issue. cron is for repeatedly executing a command at some period or schedule. Thank you voyciz and especialy Harry for your assistance. Adding the following line after "crontab -e" did'nt work: 00 23 * * * shutdown. 2 cron job in crontab not working. Try it without. I ran sudo crontab -e and added @daily poweroff. makem2 Posts: 233 Joined: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:12 am Location: Essex. 04. Viewed 598 times Shutdown command not working within script. The problem is, whatever command I use to restart it doesn't work. The power on/off feature on my Qnap TS-219P+ device is no longer working. 2. The single line python statement is preferable SOLVED Tasks Cron Job not working. @reboot root date >> /var/tmp/reboot. For example, call the script I run the command 'crontab -e' to add the rule to the user crontab. ( FYI my mirror turns the monitor off with the command vcgencmd display_power 0 (raspberry pi 3, Philips monitor on HDMI). If you are looking for a tool that can handle this, consider looking into Systemd timer units. Which should have started a Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site It is not straightforward to set a crontab entry that runs more frequently than every minute. 0 0 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r now. I can get it to gracefully terminate the scheduler, but only if I don't have any @Scheduled(cron = ) task. 1 CronTab - Not Working. ' This time the command Check the critical-chain for crond. The command "shutdown -P now" at the commandline does exactly what I want - immediately shut down the computer. Any Shutdown script not working as written. 0 /sbin/shutdown -h now; not working in crontab. If you have jobs that you would like to run after the fact during those times Only WOL script runs with crontab, shutdown script run as-well, but nothing happens to computers. commands actually require administrative privileges. d/rebootlog crontab containing. Well, folks, it looks like we've reached a cul-de-sac, so I'm putting this on ice for a while. "@reboot supervisord -c *conffilepath", but this is not working as part of reboot. The rtcwake command sets RTC wakeup time only. ; You are now inside a vi There is a much easier solution without sudo, by using systemd-run:. e. Stack Exchange Network. Now I have ran the command 'sudo crontab -e to add the rule to the root crontab. If they're using MacOS, guest-agent is definitely the way to go, and honestly it should be used everywhere else. The cron environment is different to that When I manually execute the file it works, but not with CRON tab. I also tried using To shut down the computer immediately in the given time instead, modify the cron line: 15 22 * * * root /sbin/shutdown -h now You cannot schedule starting the computer (not Hi, I am still new to linux I have Linux version 3. 3. shutdown_vms dashboard.