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Angular 7 styleurls not working. html and refresh the page.

Angular 7 styleurls not working styleUrls: ['style. general. I got around it by requiring the stylesheet I had defined in styleUrls in the style property instead. Angular should update DOM when I type a name in the input field. Please help. You have to move it to the tag component. It will definitley work that way and both folder structure and component settings will be perfectly set. Mar 28, 2016 · Angular adds all kinds of CSS classes to the HTML it adds to the DOM to emulate shadow DOM CSS encapsulation to prevent styles of bleeding in and out of components. 7 styleUrls not being loaded in angular2 ChildComponent (RC5) Related Sep 8, 2021 · What you want can be achieved but not like this. Description. I've tried using ngHide, ng-hide, ngShow, ng-show, and [hidden] — none of them works. Apr 25, 2019 · Everything seems to be right but i think you miss something little - try to add empty path and redirect it to any path like this. While you can specify the files and change them at run time, using the Reflect Metada Api, this is something quite more advance and would possible lead to other issues with Angular down the line. something { display: block; }', require('. dataSource. Oct 30, 2017 · This is for TypeScript module system; It seems Angular does not take that into account (though it would make sense if they did). I have copied the component. ts import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute} Mar 17, 2016 · I just pushed an upgrade to tns-core-modules@2. css')] May 12, 2016 · The beta release of Angular (since vesion 2-alpha. dataSource = new MatTableDataSource(this. I want to add these styles globaly and not for every component separately. Angular 2, StyleUrls + Styles. If duplicated, the bundling doesn't work properly. – pesoklp13 Jul 28, 2017 · Basically, you cannot use an expression directly in your styleUrls, this is what this log is telling you. – Ayman Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 17:51 The stylesheets in angular. So, take it off, use divs and rows instead. scss but are working fine from global style sheet. I have tried comparing this component with the other components within the project but they are identical. Mar 4, 2020 · Angular/Webpack not binding styleUrls to component. /. Modified 1 year, 8 months ago. x, however if it's not working, you could try to change this line (it's the way i'm doing it with Angular material 7. If you're working on a custom theming project, and you added a file to your "angular. Of course, I have done that. templateUrl is singular for each component we can add only one component. This will be the output of the above code. css file is not present in the final project. I tried to reboot th Aug 29, 2018 · This doesn't work: styleUrls: ['. If it is not working correctly, Feb 11, 2020 · After trying the other answers in SO, and none of them working, i'm thinking it a problem in the latest version of Angular This will work: @Component({ selector: 'app-some-thing', templateUrl: '. Running Angular 4 + Core 2. Mar 22, 2022 · I am using Angular 13, upgraded from Angular 11 but after upgrading to Angular 12, the absolute paths stopped working for templateUrl and styleUrls. Jul 15, 2018 · I have written a simple angular application to learn @input to communicate between components but the value is not being passed. Jul 23, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 30, 2023 · I am trying to make routing through simple components through button click in Angular app I can see the url path is changing but the contents within the component's view is not rendered. I have also read some forums who have faced similar problems but non Oct 24, 2020 · I have installed Angular Material to one of my Angular apps and the styles of the components are not working although I have added the styles link in my angular. html file so . But the problem is even if Jul 28, 2017 · I'm building a simple angular app with bootstrap. Nov 23, 2016 · We can change the way Angular calculates the full URL be setting the component metadata's moduleId property to module. But the problem I'm facing here is the CSS styles are not getting applied to the page. Angular metadata is meant to be statically analyzed. image}} in the class tag or anywhere in the template it works. css. /etc . 5. I tried the following and working. js:13493:4 To fix it, you may use interpolation in a string inside styleUrls, like this. 29. When looking at the Elements tab in the inspector I can see the component is rendered in the HTML and even contains Sep 25, 2018 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. scss file and use styleUrls it doesn't work with the :host. styleUrls not working in Angular 2. ts but I am getting errors every time. For information on loading CSS in this manner, refer to the module bundler's documentation. Apr 12, 2019 · Using variables in styleUrls array or setting styleUrls to an array variable isn't working. Jan 10, 2018 · I have created a horizontal stepper with some forms in each step. json is not respected for style files imports since the cli 1. However, this seems to not work. For example, for v5 I have used styleUrls for my component's and next CSS for cust UI for material components::host /deep/ mat-table { background: transparent !important; } Oct 18, 2016 · Here's what the Angular documentation has to say about urls in the styleUrls array: The URL is relative to the application root, which is usually the location of the index. 51) supports relative assets for components, like templateUrl and styleUrls in the @Component decorator. ts file are not working. I started from the universal-starter and thus have angular2-template-loader in place, but didn't want to be stuck leveraging the router-deprecated, so I updated to the latest and made the relevant modifications to the route configuration. Jun 26, 2018 · This is the reason why your styles are not working on the component from component's style. html', styleUrls: ['product-list. Jan 29, 2023 · styleUrls: ['. Modified 4 years ago. Feb 4, 2018 · The default change detection strategy is to be conservative and check all its bindings for something that might have changed. json should not be duplicated in your component's styleUrls []. 👍 2 tjvantoll and yemiOdetola reacted with thumbs up emoji 😄 2 tjvantoll and allensebastian97 reacted with laugh emoji 🎉 1 tjvantoll reacted with hooray emoji ️ 2 tjvantoll and yemiOdetola reacted Mar 9, 2016 · Another option is to use styles instead of styleUrls and require SCSS with bundlers like webpack: styles: [require('style. I tried to reboot th May 5, 2016 · The bad part is that it worked in beta 16 but since I upgrade to RC1 it doesn't. Angular set component styleUrls dynamically. 0 on IIS failing to start up. I do not see the X or O in my web app. Apr 18, 2019 · Style. Dynamic styleUrls in angular 2? 7. Problem repeating a style is common while coding , for example: - container , font-style buttons Jul 14, 2020 · If you have to define a lot of CSS styles, then it is always better to put them in separate files and use the styleUrls property to point to them. When I was with Angular 11, I had the AOT complier on and it was working. So please read my question thoroughly. styles: ['. Is this a regression? Yes. sccs o Mar 23, 2022 · Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? compiler. You should use this as a last resort only! Apr 5, 2018 · I am trying to make my Angular 5 app hide elements (or show hidden). May 8, 2017 · @user1731770 it certainly does not only work with absolute paths. Nov 18, 2018 · I have an angular 5 app and couple a days ago I have updated it to the latest v7. You don't need to worry about how it works. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Sep 26, 2017 · For me, I needed to set ViewEncapsulation. extra. This is what the styles a Feb 17, 2018 · First import MatDialogModule in AppModule. By default, the CLI doesn't add it so you have to choose how it will be provided throughout your application. Not sure why its not working when I move the css property to the app. What am I doing Jul 8, 2018 · Forget about encapsulation in your case, it can't help you with your requirement. html web page that hosts the application. Commented Aug 5, 2017 at 19:25. styleUrls is not applied in angular. background] doesn't work either. has-divider & my nested . I tried to encapsulate bootstra Oct 30, 2017 · This is for TypeScript module system; It seems Angular does not take that into account (though it would make sense if they did). styleUrls not being loaded in angular2 ChildComponent (RC5) 3. The module bundler loads the CSS strings, not Angular. Component styles are combined and built with the component templates and code itself. I have problem making sticky header when scrolling down, in an Angular 4 application. I'm realizing now that I might be looking at the problem wrong if the resolution is as simple as that. I followed all the procedures to implement from github. /stylesheet. x and Angular 7 routes. I am using Angular 13, upgraded from Angular 11 but after upgrading to Angular 12, the absolute paths stopped working for templateUrl and styleUrls. – Aug 27, 2020 · For anyone having this problem in future - instead of using setTimeout just move the Swiper initialization from OnInit to AfterViewInit, then it works like a charm. Jul 14, 2020 · Run the following command in the command prompt to start Angular Development Server in watch mode: ng serve; If prompted to share Angular CLI usage data, press the N key to not share it. Please share your ideas. – Ayman Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 17:51 Nov 9, 2021 · I upgraded an Angular v11 project to Angular v12 by following the Angular Upgrade guide. None the same in child TS file but it not working – Nik Varma. json file. Feb 15, 2019 · Angular 4 application does not work once deployed to IIS 8. I am having trouble including my styles in the components using the 'styleURLs' property The following is not working, @Component({ selector: 'pm-products', templateUrl: 'product-list. I've imported everything in app. – Aug 27, 2018 · I have an Angular project that I am working on and for some reason interpolation is not working in one particular component. Search Dec 28, 2023 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Oct 26, 2018 · As per angular component option name . 4. html file Mar 29, 2022 · I selected the scss option on a new Ionic Angular app. css', 'style2. scss')] Above should work, but the notation is not that nice. Is this expected or a possibly Bug. When you use input property binding, you simply need to pass your value with quotes if it isn't a class property. All reactions Aug 9, 2018 · If you are working with Angular 9+ read this. scss" to load. Open a browser and type the following URL in the address bar to launch the application: https://localhost:4200. async), I'm with importing inside Aug 5, 2017 · Also tried ViewEncapsulation. Its not populating the data from the webserver. Angular2 styleUrls not Can anyone tell me why my . import {MatDialogModule} from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import Feb 5, 2020 · Thank you for your reply. There are two ways to update the model value: Aug 7, 2018 · I'm trying to create a simple modal popup in Angular. const routes: Routes = [ { path: 'courses', component: CoursesComponent }, { path: 'courses/:id', component: ReviewsComponent }, { path: '' component: HomeComponent } ]; May 23, 2017 · The --extract-css option applies to only global styles. css$/, loader: 'raw-loader' } How can we have this working with styleUrls? The reason is that we are using a third party angular module in node_modules which is using styleUrls. Hope this helps, best regards. css file. The global. Angular also rewrites the CSS you add to match these added classes. But if I output {{config. But still its not working. ts and component. Feb 8, 2017 · In my angular 2 (RC5) project, I have a number of components which all work fine, however, I have added a submodule which works fine except for the styleUrl property of its childComponent. ts and I can't seem to find errors in my code. id works when using CommonJS. However, in the meantime, I've actually stopped using Angular for the most part in favor of React, so I have little motivation to correct this issue. /component2. Going with @import in your scss is another solution indeed, and you can just use: Apr 10, 2016 · This definitely does not work with the require one step removed. The External styles define CSS in a separate file and refer to this file in styleUrl. x routes are using old bootstrap 3, while the Angular 7 should use bootstrap 4. scss', '. My setup is that I have a module inside of my project, aliased in tsconfig. – Dileepa Jayakody Dec 28, 2017 · So the issue is that the paths setting from the tsconfig. componenet. Jul 28, 2017 · I'm building a simple angular app with bootstrap. bundle. Aug 6, 2016 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. May 1, 2019 · Which way is better for dynamic load style in angular 7 i use for example of this way but not working in version 7 angular in addition this code working in version lower angular 7 help me , thanks function theme(): string[] { // return ['. Can anyone help? Thank you. html', styleUrls: ['style1. Try creating the project with the angular-cli. It works when i present some static data into it. I am trying to make a simple Angular4 web app that will show and X or O depending on what the rating is. In my project I need to redirect from a nested url to a simple static terms&amp;conditions site (which has a navigation sidebar to na The stylesheets in angular. Scroll event can't be detected. 0. When I was with Angular 11, I had the AOT compl Feb 5, 2024 · Angular 17 has introduced styleUrl as a convenience for cases where there's only one stylesheet. You can still use relative path though : . Jul 23, 2023 · I created 2 standalone components and am attempting to use one inside the other. Below is my app. From Angular docs, it does make sense to use setValue({key: value}) instead of patchValue({key: value}) because setValue does not swallow errors. scss'] ngOnInit(): void { so if the style we need is existing in a different component we can add the path of CSS , better than copying the style code. Related questions. My login. Oct 13, 2020 · This error occurs when you’re declaring the styleUrls attribute on the parent component and due to encapsulation they are not available in the child component. The documentation says - Apr 24, 2018 · I'm not an expert but I don't think that what you're asking to do is possible given the way Angular works. Let me know if you have any further discussion on this Mar 14, 2017 · I am using angular-cli where styleUrls is not working as you described. Nov 21, 2023 · It was one of these cases, I had the same problem and found that in angular 17 if you use tables in the template (, ) the (click) event does not work. Hope this helps, best regards Dec 30, 2017 · I am learning Angular 5 with TypeScript. Html Code: Apr 24, 2018 · To instruct the AOT compiler to use your translation configuration, set the three "i18n" build configuration options in your angular. Additionally and I tried related questions and try to solve it but no success. You will be thrown off if your object is nested/complex. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. 2) Moved the div to the testapp component. without any errors. styleUrls is plural and one or more URLs for files containing CSS stylesheets to use in this component. css works on 'dashboard' html, but not 'trans-msg-his-dialog' html. All I see is a blank screen on localhost. I have noticed it for two reason: First clearly the style of my app is different from the one that I have when I use 'ng serve' command and second because with the browser inspector element I don't find trace of my css. I'm wondering why, if it has something to do with the module. Fun times. dynamic styleUrls in angular 7. scss`] }) Where as, this will not Nov 12, 2018 · Absolute path in styleUrls is not trivial, as documented here. Angular/Webpack not binding styleUrls to component. I would Ideally like to be able to still use the nested scss from and external scss file Oct 17, 2019 · Following SCSS style not getting applied in Angular: app. But, The default app doesn’t have enough samples for SCSS and could not solve it. I generated an Angular 4 application using the Angular CLI v1. But it is not working properly. scss) pointed to in styleUrls in the components are not being loaded and the compiler fails to process [undefined] but does not abort the process because length is > 0. As a workaround try Apr 24, 2018 · To instruct the AOT compiler to use your translation configuration, set the three "i18n" build configuration options in your angular. /app. 7 angular2 component styleUrls not working correctly. So I made two changes: 1) Moved the styleUrls to the testapp component. 🔬 Minimal Reproduction Run ng ser 🐞 Bug report Command (mark with an x) - [x] serve Description A clear and concise description of the problem Oct 28, 2015 · It is a bit unfortunate because absolute paths work with templateUrls. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. component. less'] } @Component({ selector: 'app-root Oct 17, 2019 · Following SCSS style not getting applied in Angular: app. The Angular 1. Below is my code. Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'pipes' does not exist in type 'Component'. However, it is not working. It will work if i set it in the styles. css'] }) As of my knowledge, The HTML template Url or the Url for the style-sheet needs to be given in absolute path. 6, changed the content of app. . Set the styles property, not the styleUrls property. If you need to use multiple stylesheets and prefer the styleUrls property, as of now, there is no built-in command option in Angular CLI to automatically set styleUrls instead of styleUrl during component generation. - it's less cli-dependent and more general. import { Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; @Component Oct 13, 2020 · I have created a component in angular 7, but when I define CSS style but it not accept & working with that CSS style. May 8, 2018 · if that's helpful i used to declare an NGmodel for that matter and set it's value intially in my ts file according to my needs , just like this : Jun 27, 2018 · I suggest you using the angular service or @Output and emit events in the root and listen them in the header. – Jonathan Commented Jun 25, 2018 at 1:48 Nov 23, 2016 · We can change the way Angular calculates the full URL be setting the component metadata's moduleId property to module. The CSS classes in my rating. Feb 18, 2019 · Firstly, I tried all the questions &amp; answers related to this topic. g. When using the styleUrls property, the styles are local to the one component, not to its children. With template: Feb 7, 2019 · I am having an issue with viewportScroller named in the title. [s]css has the following advantages in my opinion: - it feels more natural and canonical way of doing it. If I put the css code right into html tags it works like a charm. I believe the CSS pointed to by styleUrls, or the literal CSS provided in styles, is passed to the template compiler (called Ivy, in modern Angular) along with the component HTML. The OnChanges listener is for listening to changes done outside angular (like a library). The scss stylesheet in the container component controls the styles for all pages. id. 3. I've found this bug is only a problem when I navigate away from index. Unless all the fields are filled stepper wont proceed. Jan 12, 2022 · After some investigation, I find out that the problem has to do with styleUrls somehow not reading the stylesheet link. Step 1 includes a user form with some input fields. Aug 31, 2016 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Apr 5, 2018 · I am trying to make my Angular 5 app hide elements (or show hidden). Basically, you can refer to the CSS files (order is important if you will be overriding them) in the config and angular-cli will take care of the rest. search-link doesn't work and also why when I place the contents inside a . i18nFormat: the format of the translation file. scss', `. /appel. 1. Please assist me to fix this issue. 38 to the Groceries app that fixes the problem. 3. css'] }) export class MyTagComponent { } Update#1. It seems that the base index. the selector is not relevant. 2. import {MatDialogModule} from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import Sep 25, 2017 · Codepen Link. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. /some-thing. Apr 14, 2017 · angular2 component styleUrls not working correctly. I am now trying to construct a form and validating it. In this guide, you will learn to use those two properties to style your component's HTML template. data = new MatTableDataSource(this. Instead, use a shared service, let us call it style-service, which will add/remove the style nodes in the document head. This is my component: @Component({ sel Mar 23, 2022 · Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? compiler. So here is a way to import various CSS files using the angular-cli which I find the most convenient. json?Importing inside styles. Feb 19, 2019 · It works, but it has a bug on mobile landscape resolution (rotate the screen), the sidenav menu button appears and when I click this menu button I can see only backdrop of the sidenav. means In this, we will find a separate CSS file instead of finding a CSS within the TypeScript file. Without these [] brackets it does not work either. I have an Angular calendar application that is running fine. But components that have direct html template and reference them via templateUrl do not prerender (only by url. Oct 28, 2015 · Sorry everyone -- I dropped the ball on this fix. No errors/warnings. 0. But the problem is even if Feb 4, 2018 · The default change detection strategy is to be conservative and check all its bindings for something that might have changed. app. json" file, make sure you stop the ng serve and restart it for the new "theme. Dec 8, 2019 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. To Angular, it's as if you wrote the styles array by hand. 0 Angular 2 styles not showing as I want in dev-tools. I am completely new to it. messagesData); Full code (no tested) Feb 19, 2018 · I am trying to use multiple CSS files in home. After that, I see a lot of UI issues. As a workaround try Feb 13, 2019 · Am trying to implement Select 2 into my Angular 7 project. One way of doing it is to use :host pseudo selector as per this documentation which allows to add styles on the container in which component is placed. less'] >> not find return ['/app. It's html container holds three tab pages. html won't load the styles. for webpack: Jan 15, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Aug 9, 2017 · @yelhouti styleUrls will likely not be used in v3 projects, but we're adopting the Angular tooling completely in v4, so this issue will automatically be resolved. Angular Material styles not applied. The project makes use of Angular Material and Bootstrap libraries. Oct 24, 2020 · I have installed Angular Material to one of my Angular apps and the styles of the components are not working although I have added the styles link in my angular. Finally, I would probably go with . and for that matter [style. Typically, a change detection cycle is triggered whenever an [input] changes, or an (event) occurs from any component. Cannot deploy Angular application on IIS. messagesData); to. Teams dynamic styleUrls in angular 7. 0-angular-0 and nativescript-angular@0. ts import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute} Dec 31, 2015 · I believe I'm having the same issue as OP in my Ng2 app, and external css files declared in styleUrls (and being served from a CDN in my case) are still not being loaded and applied to the component. angular-cli. - it doesn't require you to restart ng serve So unless you want to use extra options of styles[], (e. module. html and refresh the page. File structure : UPDATE Following StepUp's comment, I checked Chrome Inspector and found following: 'dashboard' which works: 'trans-msg-his-dialog' which is not working: Argument of type '{ selector: string; templateUrl: string; pipes: typeof MattDamon[]; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Component'. I couldn't find the root cause of the scss file being inserted as "undefined" in the array "styles". scss body{ background-color:red; } app. This makes a "component factory" which is used to make Jan 11, 2019 · Try accessing the param in the following way instead by accessing this param from the resolved value of the paramMap observable stream rather than the snapshot: Jan 11, 2019 · Try accessing the param in the following way instead by accessing this param from the resolved value of the paramMap observable stream rather than the snapshot: May 19, 2018 · It's only necessary if it's not provided in some kind of shared module OR if the providedIn: 'root' is not added to the Injectable decorator of the guard. Nov 9, 2016 · the login. html files below. Please have a look at basic types of reactivity provided by angular. Header is placed in the layout component, and the content I want to be scrolli May 27, 2017 · Simplest example ever not working. Oct 23, 2017 · styleUrls not working in Angular 2. – Jonathan Commented Jun 25, 2018 at 1:48 Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand child: LoaderComponent @Input() parentData:string; parent: HomeComponent childMessage ='Data from parent'; @Input in child component should receive the 'message' from the parent component, not the reverse. i tried to use two approaches but with both approaches , i am g Mar 19, 2017 · Angular 7 + Angular Material, styleUrls doesn't work as one would expect. Mar 13, 2019 · I have a hybrid environment with both Angular 1. Of course, I have updated Angular Material + RxJS. This is about my version project: Can you tell me why the padding is not getting applied here even though i have the padding-top set to 20px in my app. json using: "paths": { "@c Feb 28, 2016 · Thanks for the response @gdi2290. Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression vendor. module. Same calls work just fine with Angular1/jQuery so its not a CORS issue. Feb 17, 2017 · styleUrls not working in Angular 2. css'] Jul 10, 2017 · Here’s an example of how we write a component that has outputs: @Component({ selector: 'single-component', template: `<button (click)="liked()">Like it?</button I'm using Webpack and had the same problem when trying to use both the styles and styleUrls properties. – Dec 28, 2018 · Please note that you are using 3 different variables by mistake!Your variable in TaskComponent is priortiy & you are printing priority and passing prioirty in HTML. All reactions Aug 7, 2018 · I'm trying to create a simple modal popup in Angular. ts file: I am following the Angular tutorial on their website and I created some components, templates and styles. For HTML added using [innerHTML] these classes are not added and the rewritten CSS doesn't match. i18nFile: the path to the translation file. Angular sees the CSS strings only after the bundler loads them. That's my angular-cli's configuration file Mar 23, 2022 · Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? compiler. If I use the same url path in the tutorial (submodule's root component) then the styles are applied. None for my styleURLs to take effect:. app. However when I use these brackets [] like [(ngModel)] not only does it not work, but the input field disappears from the DOM. @Component({ selector: 'my-tag', moduleId: module. Apr 19, 2017 · The problem is declaring the styleUrls on the parent component and due to encapsulation they are not available in the child component. There's not a good way to load the style because it imports relative to the current url. May 27, 2016 · @WillyC why do you recommend to include third-party styles in . this. /component1. html to: Dec 11, 2019 · I never work with Angular material 8. styleUrls type is array and templateUrl is normal string. Aug 27, 2021 · Apparently the files (. The styles are breaking when I make a build using --configuration production flag Aug 6, 2016 · I have been using Angular 2 Universal for server-side pre-rendering. html', styleUrls: ['. Just need to make the view encapsulation none on the parent component. Closing for now. I found this post and this one , and more like them providing some workaround, not solutions and specifics on why that's happening. External Styles. ts of trans-msg. css'] In webpack we have following rule: { test: /\. 6 Jun 27, 2018 · I'm just starting with Angular and trying a simple thing. x) this. id, templateUrl: 'my-tag. Aug 29, 2018 · This doesn't work: styleUrls: ['. nrc usfd qhyad mdsyjp znjtjy xhrl lee mkgwhqht xryyl pddf