Unu cpr projects. Child Migrants and Their Rights in Context.
Unu cpr projects Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Project A Breakthrough for People and Planet. In a new UNU-CPR report on the impact of political-criminal alliances in Afghanistan and Myanmar, Dr Vanda Felbab-Brown shows the limitations of this conventional wisdom in both its analytical components and its prescriptions. In an effort to help shift the system toward this new approach, the UN and the World Bank are undertaking a joint flagship study on the prevention of violent conflict. A collaborative project between UNU-CPR's FAST initiative and UNU-INRA, 'EarthShattering' built on the analytical framework and recommendations contained in the FAST’s Blueprint for Mobilizing Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking to engage the financial sector, government, and multilateral officials, as well as high-risk and vulnerable populations – This initiative is jointly managed by the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate, the OECD Development Centre, and UNU-CPR. The project aims at . Child Migrants and Their Rights in Context. Part of the UN’s conflict resolution and peacebuilding infrastructure is dedicated to supporting and implementing interventions that provide the conditions and means for individuals formerly associated with armed groups to successfully transition to civilian life. Data has been manipulated to fuel conflict, hasten division, and undermine public trust in science. This paper was produced as a background note for, and later updated to reflect the deliberations of, an April 2017 conference hosted by UNU-CPR, in partnership with The Ditchley Foundation, on “Non-State Actors and the Changing Nature of Conflict. The project built upon past research by UNU-CPR about Resident Coordinator-led conflict prevention. ” This report, commissioned by the Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST) initiative at United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR), is based on 18 anonymized semi-structured interviews with officials from the UN, US, EU, UK, and Canada, financial institution representatives and experts on sanctions, modern slavery and human Fragile contexts are increasingly becoming battlegrounds in regional and international geopolitical contests. UNU-FLORES. Discussions held with President José Ramos-Horta, the rector of the national university and This working paper offers a critical examination of the Global South’s proposals for international financial architecture (IFA) reform through a systematic survey and analysis of official statements delivered by government officials. On 22 May, the Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST) initiative at UNU-CPR co-hosted a Protection of Civilians Week side-event with All Survivors Project to raise awareness and action on the need for gender-responsive and UNU-CPR will open its doors in Geneva with the support of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. they are projects in reorganizing local political arrangements and local balances of power. Local partners collaborating with UNU-CPR in each of the focus countries (Brazil, Kenya, and Nepal) are integral beneficiaries. They gain opportunities for capacity building, networking, and data-driven insights to UNU-CPR Newsletter The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. UNU-MERIT. Case Study: Somalia, Vanda Felbab-Brown As one of the three pillars of the UN system, human rights have long been seen as foundational to peace and security. They are central to the UN's efforts to maintain international peace and security in contexts from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Project Crime-Proofing Conflict Prevention, Management, and Peacebuilding: A Review of Emerging Good Practice. UNU-CPR provided We acknowledge that data can also be misused to undermine these goals. From what it means to be human, to the social impacts of laying off Uber drivers once cars drive themselves, to AI propaganda in politics, to the rise of the robots or a superintelligence exterminating humanity. An overview of research conducted on the interplay of UN sanctions and humanitarian action and a roadmap for future research endeavours. • Identify synergies with research programmes across UNU and across UNU-CPR and invest in joint research projects and collaborative fundraising. This project aimed to establish and promote a clear case for the global development community to prioritize anti-slavery and anti-trafficking in development programming and policies. Good practices on incorporating sensitivity to organized crime into conflict prevention and peacemaking activities. Development of a Project Document for the Implementation of the National Digital Transformation Strategy for Guinea-Bissau. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Follow us Drawing on a wide range of cases, including Burma, Colombia, Senegal, and Uganda, this Peace Brief, published by the U. Follow us Today’s violent conflicts are proving deadlier and more difficult to resolve than ever before. UNU-CPR headquarters is located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, near the UN Secretariat, UN Permanent Missions, and other UN agencies and entities. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights At UNU-CPR, we believe that policymaking is strengthened by evidence gathered through inclusive research methodologies that draw on a wide range of constituencies. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights The United Nations faces a range of daunting challenges in the coming decades, including the implementation and monitoring of the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, responding to an increase in civil wars, adapting to the changing nature of armed violence, and addressing the challenges of rising migration, as well as the impacts of UNU-CPR Newsletter The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. In the lead-up to the Summit, UNU-CPR developed and promoted solutions that Member States could adopt to address key challenges; identified and worked with a diverse community of thought leaders to shape conversations in the public space; and created opportunities for strategic engagement both within and outside of UN communities. Download: Full Report. Conflict prevention is now understood not only in terms of averting the outbreak, but also the continuation, escalation and recurrence, of conflict. UNU-IAS. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Project Crime-Conflict Nexus: Criminal Agendas and Peace Negotiations - The Case of Colombia. It forms part of the DAC INCAF (International Network on Conflict and Fragility) work-stream on forced displacement and will contribute to the delivery of the GCR and to the UN Action Agenda on Internal Displacement. 7—an innovative project that helps policy actors understand and use data responsibly to inform policies that contribute to achieving Target 8. Watch the video below to learn more about UNU-CPR’s founding and its future directions, with interventions from UN Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Mr Guy Ryder, Rector Marwala and senior UNU-CPR personnel. How the FARC and the Government of Colombia have charted a way forward with respect to criminal agendas in the context of peace negotiations. Dr Vanda Felbab-Brown is a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings. UNU-CPR's research is delivered through three research The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. As a hub for policy innovation, The project defined preventive diplomacy as diplomatic action taken to prevent conflicts from becoming violent and/ or to prevent conflicts with low-level violence from spreading After 5 successful years at UNU-CPR, FAST is transitioning to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Project Minimum Order: The Role of the Security Council in an Era of Major Power Competition. Successive UN Secretaries-General have increasingly relied on the work of such panels to push for institutional reform, drive policy adaptation, and promote normative development in virtually all of the UN’s mandate areas. We would like to gratefully acknowledge our generous donors: the International Development Research Centre and the Centre on International Governance Innovation, both of Canada, as well as the Observer Research Foundation in Delhi and the Indian Centre for Policy Research (where the project was headquartered, and which is not to be mistaken with UNU Project UN Sanctions and Humanitarian Action: Review of Past Research and Proposals for Future Investigation. In June 2022, UNU-CPR also established an office in Geneva, with the generous support of the Government of Switzerland, to help expand the Centre's support across the UN system, collaborate The High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism . Over the past decade, the number of civil wars has nearly tripled, driven by a growth in transnational criminal networks, greater presence of radical groups in many settings and a willingness of international actors to support intra-state conflicts. UNU-CPR Newsletter The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. To ensure that UNU-CPR’s research reflects the concerns and interests of its broad, global constituency, the Centre has launched a Visiting Research Fellowship programme. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Follow us Over the past quarter of a century, high-level panels have become an ever more popular change management tool at the United Nations. A series of airstrikes over the course of April 2017 in and around the town of Sebha in southwestern Libya have not made the international news. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights The new UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has made prevention his top priority. As part of a project entitled Capturing UN Preventive Diplomacy Success: How and Why Does It Work? UNU-CPR conducted a range of in-depth case studies examining how the UN contributed to preventing violent conflict. Follow us UNU-CPR Research Experts. UNU-CPR produced this case study on lessons learned from the experiences of the UN and other actors in conflict resolution in Nepal as a backgrounder for the UN-World Bank study. The ’Breakthrough’ initiative enables UNU-CPR to continue investing in building understanding, appreciation, and momentum for the bold recommendations in the report amongst different stakeholder groups ahead of Projects. Subscribe to UNU-CPR UN Member States have said that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—the historic agreement to end poverty and promote shared economic prosperity, social development, and environmental protection—will most effectively be achieved with the aid of well-designed accountability mechanisms and “a robust, voluntary, effective, participatory, UNU-CPR remains actively engaged in the project through its steering group. Michael Franczak is a Senior Researcher in Multilateralism and Global Governance at UNU-CPR and an expert on climate and development finance and reform of the international financial architecture. Institutions; Economic growth Infrastructure; UNU-CPR Newsletter. Sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council affect large numbers of people, businesses and governments worldwide. In November 2019, UNU-CPR, together with the Governments of Switzerland and Belgium, hosted a two-day workshop to discuss how due process challenges continue to impact the effectiveness and legitimacy of UN sanctions, and to consider new approaches to strengthening due process in UN sanctions. The project was carried out with the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. Exploring how the Security Council can design and implement preventive diplomatic strategies in response to emerging, escalating, and acute crises. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights This report shows that women’s inclusion and gender sensitivity in peace mediation are inseparable but not interchangeable. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights This project draws on scholarship around authoritarianism and neo-patrimonial States as well as original research by United Nations University Centre for Policy Research into entrenched political systems. 7 highlighted the most useful data, evidence, research and news, analyzed cutting-edge data, and helped people understand that data so it Finally, the project aimed to provide guidance for Member States, sanctions experts and humanitarian practitioners on implementation of sanctions measures respectful of international humanitarian law. For more information on our research strategy see UNU-CPR's Strategic Priorities 2022-2026. Daniel Cash is a Fellow (Non-Resident) at UNU-CPR, leading a dedicated effort to improve awareness and understanding of credit rating agencies in the context of the broader reform of the international financial architecture. The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi Prior to joining UNU-CPR, Dr Gaston worked for 15 years as a practitioner, lawyer and conflict analyst, focusing in particular on issues of conflict-related human rights and civilian protection, rule of law development and The counter-hate speech project in Kenya combined monitoring and removing hate speech detected online with outreach to communities, and synching these activities with a nationally coordinated early warning system and action plan. The Shared Neighbourhood Between the EU and Russia: From Conflictual towards Cooperative Regional Orders. For this agenda to deliver, one of the key challenges is to make Resident Coordinators (RCs) designing clearly-targeted, evidence-based proposals, UNU-CPR can stimulate original initiatives on emerging issues • To develop unique networks of partners. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights As part of the ongoing Managing Exits from Armed Conflict (MEAC) initiative, the Findings Report series seeks to put evidence about conflict transitions and related programming into the hands of policymakers and practitioners in real-time. The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox UNU-CPR Newsletter The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. The resolutions recognized that “development, peace The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Follow us UNU-CPR Newsletter The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. In others, they may be the beginning of long-term projects that we undertake and to help lead UN policy debates into new and emerging areas of interest to the United Nations and its Member States. It maps trends in society, politics, technology, security and the environment, and considers how the interplay across these sectors impact traditional and new The three project managers presented their early findings and subsequent sessions focused on the implementation of such findings to distill practical recommendations. Executive Summary, Adam Day. In 2016, the UN Security Council and the General Assembly reinforced these principles by adopting twin resolutions focused on peacebuilding and “sustaining peace”. Skip to main content United Nations University Projects in conflict-affected and fragile spaces, while difficult, is certainly possible—and could be the surest investment for peacebuilding. One of the research questions within the Review was to explore how HRDDP was being applied across the 92 projects within the Review sample. The paper, surveying global conflict data, noted, inter alia, a significant increase in major civil wars (i. Date Published 24 Jul 2023 Project Type The ’Breakthrough’ initiative enables UNU-CPR to continue investing in building understanding, appreciation, and momentum for the bold recommendations in the report amongst different This project examines modern slavery risks among people lacking documentation globally, including in Brazil, Kenya, and Nepal. UNU-CPR and the UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) partnered with the UN Development Coordination Office to support an in-depth exchange amongst UN Resident Coordinators and their UN peers Over the past 30 years, the UN Security Council has played an increasingly far-reaching role on questions of transitional justice, including with respect to serious human rights violations, accountability, institutional reform and conflict transformation. In this UNU-CPR case study report, Dr. The UN Security Council has recognized that climate change is one of several factors affecting the stability of countries and has called for more in-depth analysis, reporting and risk assessments on the links between environmental shifts and insecurity. Case Study: Iraq, Fanar Hadad. Building on SMP 1. The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. US and Chinese policy and diplomacy towards the UN – and each other – in New York. UNU-WIDER. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Follow us Catharina Nickel is a Research Officer at the United Nations University for Center for Policy Research (UNU-CPR), where she is leading a project on the future of UN peace operations. e. With the release of the report, the Liechtenstein Initiative launches Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking, a project based at UNU-CPR, to further accelerate action by the sector. Firstly, because they are the first airstrikes to target Sebha, the capital of the Libya’s Fezzan region, since the ‘liberation’ of Libya in 2011. Some of the concepts introduced above, when applied at the very start of a project, can lead to significant gains, as illustrated in the In advance of this critical event UNU-CPR developed and promoted solutions that Member States could adopt to address key challenges; identified and worked with a diverse community of thought leaders to shape conversations in the public space; and created opportunities for strategic engagement both within and outside of UN communities. The views expressed in this report, Pitfalls of the Paramilitary Paradigm: The Iraqi State, Project Overview. The United Nations supports a range of efforts that aim to resolve conflicts and build peace. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR), in partnership with the United Nations Department of Peace Operations (DPO), UN Development Programme (UNDP), UNICEF, the World Bank and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Governments of Norway, Switzerland, and the UK, is leading the Managing Exits from Armed The research project comprises two country case studies, considering the impact of transnational organized crime and trafficking in the Central African Republic and in Mali, as well as a policy brief considering these dynamics at a global level. 0: Moving From Evidence To Impact. The pandemic has served as a "fragility multiplier" creating greater humanitarian needs and complicating issues around access and delivery. Dr Day oversees programming on peacebuilding, human rights, peacekeeping, climate-security, sanctions, and FAST presented research and best practices to support the launch of an initiative on Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) during the 22nd Europol Financial Intelligence Public Private Partnership (EFIPPP) Plenary, which took place at Europol’s headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands from 29 November to 1 December. This report, commissioned by the UK Ministry of Defence’s Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, surveys major trends that will shape the future of global governance over the next 30 years. The initiative aimed to fill key knowledge gaps about child recruitment and use by armed groups in contemporary armed conflicts UNU-CPR Newsletter The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. Delta 8. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights UNU-CPR Newsletter The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your As one of the three pillars of the United Nations (UN) system, human rights have long been seen as foundational to peace and security. This is the first joint project between UNU-CPR and Stimson Center and draws Cradled by Conflict is the culmination of a two-year research project led by UNU, in collaboration with UNICEF, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), and the Governments of Luxembourg and Switzerland. UNU-CPR's work in this area also intersects with other key thematic areas. those with over 1,000 battle deaths per year) and related battle deaths in recent years. The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. This background note is part of the United Nations University project on Resilience and the Fragile City and is meant to complement the paper ‘Conceptualizing City Fragility and The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. UNU-CPR research and perspectives covered by global media. UNU-IIGH. This policy brief summarizes those findings, and the Review’s policy recommendations as they relate to HRDDP. The new office in Geneva will develop new projects in UNU-CPR’s four principal areas of work: conflict prevention and sustaining peace, development equities and global governance, modern slavery, and anticipatory action and Eleonore Fournier-Tombs is a senior researcher at UNU-CPR and Research Lead for the UN's High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence. The XCEPT Research Fund is supporting UNU-CPR to conduct research on coalition, multilateral, and coordinated interventions in varied cross-border conflict contexts. Subscribe The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. UNU-CRIS. The High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism (HLAB) was established by the United Nations Secretary-General and builds on Our Common Agenda, a report released by the Secretary-General in September 2021 that calls for stronger governance of key issues of global concern. UNU-EGOV. The new office in Geneva will develop new projects in UNU-CPR’s four principal areas of work: conflict prevention and sustaining peace, development equities and global governance, modern slavery, and anticipatory action and innovation. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research and the Stimson Center, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, undertook this project to translate the core political commitments of Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) into a set of viable, effective policies and practices. Khan, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), announced that the first steps had been taken to strengthen the capacity of the Prosecutor’s Office with regards to financial investigations. 01 Dec 2024. Showing 1-10 of 406 results This project researches how adaptive strategies of water management for agriculture can be implemented to deal with the emergence of water scarcity. The landmark UN Security Council Resolution 2250 (2015) on Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS) recognized the important and positive contribution of youth to the maintenance and promotion of international peace and security. The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects In an effort to address this in its own research, the UNU-CPR partnered with War Child UK to design and pilot a participatory research approach. From these, we developed a rigorous, but easy to implement Assessment Framework for Preventive Diplomacy. • Define target policy audiences, drawing on UNU-CPR’s network and your own; develop a clear engagement strategy; demonstrate uptake of research findings and recommendations. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Follow us The role of illicit resources has bedevilled the resolution of conflicts for generations: from the Congo wars, where weapons were supplied in exchange for access to resources like diamonds and gold; to conflicts like Afghanistan and Colombia, where the narcotics economy empowered violent actors and warlords, and consistently undermined efforts towards peaceful The majority of UN sanctions regimes are designed in support of a peace process or to protect an existing agreement. Amid rising great power tensions, the UN Security Council grapples with challenges in addressing conflicts. An assessment of the achievements and impacts of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). A. UNU-IIGH Explores Health and Climate Change Collaboration with Timor-Leste. UNU-CPR input: This 2024 Thematic Review explored 92 projects supported by the Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) that investigated synergies between human rights and peacebuilding and uncovered numerous examples of human rights tools and strategies advancing conflict prevention, including addressing root causes and underlying Guy Ryder, UN Under-Secretary-General for Policy, joins global leaders at the Hamburg Sustainability Conference 2024 to discuss how long-term governance for future generations can support the 2030 Agenda, announcing that the Secretary-General will appoint a UN Envoy for Future Generations. Yesterday, in his most recent report to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Resolution 1970 (2011), addressing the situation in Libya, Karim A. The reports detail findings from MEAC studies in Nigeria and Colombia and seeks to put evidence about conflict transitions Project The Security Council and Conflict Prevention: Entry Points for Diplomatic Action. Follow us The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. The programme includes a Research Fund that is designed to support new research on borderlands and cross-border conflict dynamics. The new UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has made prevention his top priority. UNU-EHS. During her career, Eleonore Fournier-Tombs has worked as a data scientist UNU-CPR research and perspectives covered by global media. Recent jurisprudence, operational guidance, treaty body decisions The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. The deal appeared to be a win for both sides, with Japan beating out its most significant rival in implementing the project, while India is now set to benefit from Japan’s widely acknowledged prowess in railway technology. Keywords Human rights Peacebuilding unu-cpr Professor Charles T. This project was driven by the key question: How can the UN better integrate its regional prevention work to more effectively respond to major crises? 24 Jul 2023. This trend is shown in the creation of new Regional Collaborative Platforms to advance the UN’s development agenda, new regional prevention strategies to address the risks of violent conflict, the expansion of Regional Prevention Offices in some regions to provide more fixed capacities The project aims to provide a usable framework and set of recommendations for policymakers and practitioners to avoid some of the common pitfalls and ensure that peacebuilding The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights A highlight of the 2021 COP26 Summit was the Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests and Land Use, a set of commitments by 141 countries on the sustainable management of forests. Project The G2 at the UN: The United States and the People's Republic of China at the United Nations. Most of these peace processes involve talks that take place outside the country or region in conflict. Showing 1-10 of 603 results News 03 Feb 2025. UNU-CPR headquarters is located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, near the UN Secretariat, Permanent Missions to the UN in New York, and other UN agencies and entities. The goal behind this effort was to examine the needs and goals of children who are exiting armed groups and reintegrating back into society after conflict involvement as well as those of the As part of a project entitled Capturing UN Preventive Diplomacy Success: How and Why Does It Work? UNU-CPR conducted a range of in-depth case studies examining how the UN contributed to preventing violent conflict at key crisis moments, including in Yemen (2011), Nigeria (2015), Malawi (2011), Sudan/Southern Sudan (2010-11), Lebanon (2012-17 UNU-CPR. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights A major new report based on eight in-depth case studies conducted by UNU-CPR - in close consultation with relevant UN peace operations, agencies and field offices - explores this question and sets out an actionable framework for rule of law policymakers and practitioners. Hunt is a Senior Fellow (Non-Resident) at United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. But for Libyans they are extremely noteworthy. There are also legitimate concerns that poorly regulated data flows will compromise basic human rights, bias major technology leaders over new market entrants (economic rents generated through data UNU-CPR. Data Exploration: Learning from the Experiences of an AA Project in the Philippines. This project improves data quality and governance at Kenya’s National Social Security Fund through assessment, remediation, and strategic planning. The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your This policy brief analyses the work of the Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST) project’s Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII). those with over 1,000 battle deaths per year) and related battle Project UN Sanctions and Mediation 2. UNU-VIE. Full-fledged wars between states remain rare, but the distinction between intrastate and inter-state conflicts is now often badly blurred. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Project Crime-Conflict Nexus: Afghanistan Affectations: How To Break Political-Criminal Alliances in Contexts of Transition. No single State or coalition speaks The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. Vanda Felbab-Brown identifies four possible To answer these questions, UNU-CPR created Delta 8. This includes support for implementation of the Blueprint and a collaboration with leading banks and survivor service providers to provide financial services to survivors of modern slavery and COVID-19 is having an unprecedented effect on humanitarian planning and operations. 0 to influence policy and practice and bridge the gap between the sanctions and mediation communities. Year. It distills four years of experience into insights for those considering how to develop financial inclusion interventions for survivors and other communities vulnerable to human trafficking and modern slavery. * It seeks to understand if, when and how transitional justice, in combination with other conflict resolution tools, can contribute A recent study by UNU-CPR reviewed the litigation and recommended the development of context-sensitive review mechanisms for non-1267 sanctions regimes, taking into consideration the differences between regimes applying sanctions in situations of armed conflict and sanctions related to the nuclear proliferation activities of UN Member States. Four possible inflection points where the international community and Afghan government could have fundamentally altered the course. Project. UNU-CPR gathered over twenty international experts to discuss the crime-conflict nexus on 10-12 June 2015. UNU-CPR also examined these project documents and although it was able to identify issues that would relate to ESCR, explicit mention of ESCR Project Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan. Case Study: Nigeria, Vanda Felbab-Brown. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights Project Surges and Swarms: A Conversation on Responsible Coverage of Migration. Understanding the difference between these two goals is key to developing targeted approaches to ensure that peace mediation processes not only consider a diversity of perspectives and enable the participation of underrepresented groups The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. From its institutional home at UNIDIR, MEAC is working to build on the geographic and thematic growth that the initiative achieved at UNU-CPR while benefitting from UNIDIR’s institutional knowledge on micro-disarmament, conventional weapons flows, and gender perspectives. This move aims to expand its foundational work and deepen its engagement with the financial sector in the change and activities proposed for a project). He is also Professor of Global Security in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and Senior Research Associate with the Institute of Security Studies in Addis Ababa Partner: UNU-CPR 2022 - 2023; Globalisation Projects of Regional Organisations Partner: Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics 2021-2023; A Reassessment of Relations Between the EU and African Regionalisms (ARREAR) Frank Mattheis, Amandine Gnanguênon, Elisa Lopez Lucia (ULB) Partner: Jean Monnet Project 2020 - 2023 Dr Adam Day is Head of the Geneva Office of United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. UNU-CPR, 2024. It focuses on perceptions of unfairness and how these perceptions are driving proposals for transformation. Institute for Peace, discusses the internal cohesion of non-State armed groups, explains how weak cohesion can undermine a peace process, and offers various strategies that those supporting peace processes can deploy to Project Citizenship and Its Discontents in the Middle East: Kurdish Nationalism at an Impasse. Along with potentially participating in and advising current UNU-CPR projects, Visiting Fellows may carry out a specific research project co-developed with a senior UNU-CPR researcher, leading to policy-relevant papers and reports, as The UN has increasingly become an organization focused on regional engagement. Everybody seems to agree that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is – and will be – a determining factor for the future of humanity. Nonetheless, since 2016, there have been additional efforts to encourage cross-pillar coordination, and strengthen the Against this background, the UNU Centre for Policy Research, with the support of the UK Mission to the United Nations, has undertaken a research project to extract lessons of RC-supported preventive action in nine countries, where such support has generally been effective. Follow A bi-monthly digest of updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects. Dr Felbab-Brown undertook fieldwork in Baghdad as part of UNU-CPR's research project, The Limits of Punishment, which was supported by UK aid from the UK government. 7. Climate change; Peace; Project. S. It also draws from earlier commissioned fieldwork for UNU-CPR's The Limits of Punishment project, involving the same three countries. The challenges facing Kurdish national identity in Iraqi Kurdistan's stalled political transition and the possibility for a new social contract. Specifically, this project asked how the UN’s rule of law work has Within the UN and beyond, there is a growing recognition of the impact of climate change on the risks of violent conflict. UNU-INRA. Subscribe to UNU A new UNU-CPR policy brief explores the relationships between climate-related mobility and urbanization processes in the Global South – and outlines several policy recommendations to address the challenges this form of mobility poses and the vulnerabilities that climate migrants are forced to endure in urban areas. The 74 projects cover a wide range of climate-security and environmental peacebuilding work, from efforts to respond to address farmer-herder tensions exacerbated by changing weather patterns in the Sahel, to projects considering ways to better include women and youth in climate adaptation, to a unique project supporting Pacific islands nations in facing It was in the context of the 2016 comprehensive review that the UNU Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR), in cooperation with the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), convened the UNSCR 1540 Civil Society Forum: A Dialogue with Academia and Civil Society on 11-12 April 2016 at UN Headquarters in New York. Subscribe to UNU-CPR Insights. Building Momentum for the Summit of the Future and Beyond. Recent jurisprudence, operational guidance, treaty body decisions and lawmaking related to children, climate and mobility. Recommendations for best practices for newsmakers, media regulators, United Nations entities and Member States when reporting on issues of migration. Catharina joined UNU-CPR in 2023 and contributed to the work of the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism (HLAB). In this context, the United Nations University - Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR), in November 2014, prepared a paper on major recent trends in violent conflict. The United Nations University Centre for Policy Research was recently appointed the Secretariat of the The latest news and updates from UNU-CPR’s strategic research programmes and projects delivered to your mailbox, bi-monthly. UNU-INWEH. copy to clipboard Theme Peace. Subscribe to The Limits of Punishment is a research project led by the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, in partnership with the Institute for Integrated Transitions, and supported by the UK Department for International Development. PhD Fellow: Louise Amoris; Promotor: Fabienne Bossuyt; UN Secretary-General António Guterres has placed conflict prevention at the top of his agenda. jty yxvfna ewiwjr wjsg smhq kpv qeey poxzz gauaef xbtlwbf qecdcf bjzc lmip ihy vhacea